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NFL 2013 Week 10 |OT| - [expletive] this [expletive] [expletive]



See this beautiful pocket? Wish we had more like it.

A bunch of Wilson's big plays the past few weeks were also from the pocket.



Amazingly enough we're about to see a guy wearing a Lions jersey win a world championship on national television for the first time...

Sorry, the "cultural" argument never holds up anywhere, and certainly not in a court of law. Racist behavior, hazing, verbal and physical abuse are always wrong, regardless of setting. This is college fraternity 101 bullshit and it doesn't fly with the same public that pays the paychecks.

I work in a profession where I help identify bad men and authorize large explosives to be dropped on their heads. You know, actual war as opposed to grown men being paid large sums of money to entertain us. That behavior would never be tolerated under my command and I'd have any violators earning their BTZ to mister status in a New York minute.

The military, like the NFL, deals with all sorts of behavioral problems. The good men and women expose them, take appropriate actions to end them and punish the perpetrators, and then continue to uphold a civilized code of conduct in the work place.

The cavemen say it's a cultural thing and do nothing.

Congrats on being a caveman.

lol wut? What the hell does dropping explosives or 'actual war' have to do with what is being discussed here. That is so damn random. The military command structure shares little with that of multi-billion dollar professional sports teams. Or did you just want everyone to know you are in the military as if it somehow strengthens your argument, because it doesn't. It makes you look silly.

As for what i bolded... Did you not go through bootcamp? That is an accepted form of hazing... or did you intentionally gloss over that fact in your race to call someone a cave man? Bootcamp is a form of hazing meant to break you down - through physical/mental exhaustion, fear, intimidation, ridicule, yelling, screaming, threatening, you name it - so you can be built back up in a way that better serves the military's mission. It's something every single military member can relate to cause we've all been there, We've all done it... and none of us enjoyed it.

As a veteran, I will be damned if a civilian with no military service tries to lecture me about anything concerning military life. So I find it strange that you, a military man, is surpised that NFL players are being defensive about this... about people trying to lecture them about something they know nothing about.



See this beautiful pocket? Wish we had more like it.

A bunch of Wilson's big plays the past few weeks were also from the pocket.

This is a PA shot play. The question on Russell is can he sit in the pocket and go through his reads. Right now, b/c of the OL, there's really no way to know. But that hurts him, b/c when he does have time, he's a little jittery. He got lucky on that Rams TD and his INT would have cost them vs TB if Schiano didn't go turtle

fwiw I would take him over Kap any day.
lol wut? What the hell does dropping explosives or 'actual war' have to do with what is being discussed here. That is so damn random. The military command structure shares little with that of multi-billion dollar professional sports teams. Or did you just want everyone to know you are in the military as if it somehow strengthens your argument, because it doesn't. It makes you look silly.

As for what i bolded... Did you not go through bootcamp? That is an accepted form of hazing... or did you intentionally gloss over that fact in your race to call someone a cave man? Bootcamp is a form of hazing meant to break you down - through physical/mental exhaustion, fear, intimidation, ridicule, yelling, screaming, threatening, you name it - so you can be built back up in a way that better serves the military's mission. It's something every single military member can relate to cause we've all been there, We've all done it... and none of us enjoyed it.

As a veteran, I will be damned if a civilian with no military service trys to lecture me about anything concerning military life. So I find it strange that you, a military man, is surpised that NFL players are being defensive about this... about people trying to lecture them about something they know nothing about.

Get em ms!
lol wut? What the hell does dropping explosives or 'actual war' have to do with what is being discussed here. That is so damn random. The military command structure shares little with that of multi-billion dollar professional sports teams. Or did you just want everyone to know you are in the military as if it somehow strengthens your argument, because it doesn't. It makes you look silly.

As for what i bolded... Did you not go through bootcamp? That is an accepted form of hazing... or did you intentionally gloss over that fact in your race to call someone a cave man? Bootcamp is a form of hazing meant to break you down - through physical/mental exhaustion, fear, intimidation, ridicule, yelling, screaming, threatening, you name it - so you can be built back up in a way that better serves the military's mission. It's something every single military member can relate to cause we've all been there, We've all done it... and none of us enjoyed it.

As a veteran, I will be damned if a civilian with no military service tries to lecture me about anything concerning military life. So I find it strange that you, a military man, is surpised that NFL players are being defensive about this... about people trying to lecture them about something they know nothing about.
We're still allowed to pick on Gata in here, though, right?


Setec Astronomer
This is a PA shot play. The question on Russell is can he sit in the pocket and go through his reads. Right now, b/c of the OL, there's really no way to know.
That's pretty much it. It's hard to say what's really going on because you have something that would generally hurt most QBs regardless.

But that hurts him, b/c when he does have time, he's a little jittery.

Another part is scheme. Seahawks like to throw it deep, but teams caught on and started sitting safeties 5 miles deep. I once posted a GIF of a play where Sidney Rice was supposedly open over the deep middle but what wasn't on camera was the single high safety ready to cover. They've started to adjust for this and not having the offensive line to actually let deep passes develop.

Oh, and the whole "let's not use Lynch against the Rams" was straight-up bad playcalling.
I must be the only one who doesn't think gaf will mostly be down for the next 2-3 weeks. Outside of the launch event for PS4 (and if there's one for Xbox One too) there won't be everyone watching and commenting on something like there is during E3. Gaf will definitely be busier but I don't think it'll reach E3 levels.


lol wut? What the hell does dropping explosives or 'actual war' have to do with what is being discussed here. That is so damn random. The military command structure shares little with that of multi-billion dollar professional sports teams. Or did you just want everyone to know you are in the military as if it somehow strengthens your argument, because it doesn't. It makes you look silly.

As for what i bolded... Did you not go through bootcamp? That is an accepted form of hazing... or did you intentionally gloss over that fact in your race to call someone a cave man? Bootcamp is a form of hazing meant to break you down - through physical/mental exhaustion, fear, intimidation, ridicule, yelling, screaming, threatening, you name it - so you can be built back up in a way that better serves the military's mission. It's something every single military member can relate to cause we've all been there, We've all done it... and none of us enjoyed it.

As a veteran, I will be damned if a civilian with no military service tries to lecture me about anything concerning military life. So I find it strange that you, a military man, is surpised that NFL players are being defensive about this... about people trying to lecture them about something they know nothing about.

Even the military doesn't condone hazing though:


In the Marine Corps, hazing is a crime punishable by at least seven different articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, according to Marine Corps Order 1700.28, first issued in 1997 and regularly updated since then. The Marines define hazing as "any conduct whereby one military member ... causes another military member ... to suffer or be exposed to an activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, or oppressive."

The Commandant of the Marine Corps who issued the order, Gen. Charles Krulak, set about changing the culture of a 170,000-person organization where pinning and "blood striping" (kneeing a newly promoted corporal in the thigh until he couldn't walk) were common at promotion ceremonies. His order, in part, reads:

This is a leadership issue. This is a warfighting issue. Marines do not go into harm’s way, make the sacrifices they always have, or give up their precious lives because they have been hazed or initiated into some self-defined, "elite" sub-culture. They perform these heroic acts of selflessness because they are United States Marines and because they refuse to let their fellow Marines down.

Marines are also our most precious asset. We will protect them through fair, scrupulous, and unbiased treatment as individuals — caring for them, teaching them, leading them. It is the obligation of each member of the chain of command, from top to bottom, to ensure that this sense of fairness is constant and genuine. Every Marine will treat every other Marine with dignity and respect.

This was written 16 years ago, and the Marine Corps still struggles with occasional hazing incidents; there are still echoes from older Marines about how the Corps has gotten "soft," how it "babies" young Marines by not allowing NCOs the freedom to abuse and debase their brothers and sisters in arms. People who went through the hazing rituals prop them up as traditions worth keeping for the sole reason that they're tradition.


The Ravens fanbase really wants to nail Ray Rice's ass to the wall and give Flacco a pass.

I don't get it.

Would think though they would at least acknowledge that Road Flacco sucks. I'm also pretty sure Rice is done. Tomlinson talked about the fact that when a RB starts falling down when making cuts, it's b/c his balance is going. No way to get that back. OL is of course an issue, but it is for 90% of the league.

Backs have to break tackles, though. STL had nothing in the run game until they started Stacy. Just has great patience and is hard to tackle. Not a Pro Bowler but a good chain mover. Better than Trent Richardson (who will rush for 100+ versus shit Rams run defense so enjoy his one good week in FF)
it's the raiders so most of them are criminals or soon to be criminals.

classy organization like the colts do no such things.

I do find it kind of funny that the Raiders of all organizations were ahead of the curve on this and banned all rookie hazing starting last year. Or guess I should say Dennis Allen banned it. Seems to have worked out pretty well, the vets and rooks are all kumbaya and shit.


I do find it kind of funny that the Raiders of all organizations were ahead of the curve on this and banned all rookie hazing starting last year. Or guess I should say Dennis Allen banned it. Seems to have worked out pretty well, the vets and rooks are all kumbaya and shit.

Dolphins might wanna think about doing this.

I'm sure the organization would've liked finally being in the national spotlight, but not like this!
Would think though they would at least acknowledge that Road Flacco sucks. I'm also pretty sure Rice is done. Tomlinson talked about the fact that when a RB starts falling down when making cuts, it's b/c his balance is going. No way to get that back. OL is of course an issue, but it is for 90% of the league.

Backs have to break tackles, though. STL had nothing in the run game until they started Stacy. Just has great patience and is hard to tackle. Not a Pro Bowler but a good chain mover. Better than Trent Richardson (who will rush for 100+ versus shit Rams run defense so enjoy his one good week in FF)

Flacco's Home/Road splits are crazy. I think he's thrown all 10 of his INTs on the road.

Rice might be done, but he still seems young for a RB. Could be his size too.

Just sucks there is so much money tied to those two. We must crush the draft, or it's going to be rough.


The Ravens fanbase really wants to nail Ray Rice's ass to the wall and give Flacco a pass.

I don't get it.

Juan Castillo deserves ALL the blame. Our line fucking sucks. Neither Joe nor Ray has had a chance to live up to their contracts. What could flacco have done better in your eyes??
Juan Castillo deserves ALL the blame. Our line fucking sucks. Neither Joe nor Ray has had a chance to live up to their contracts. What could flacco have done better in your eyes??

Better decision. Better throws.

I don't deny the line has been bad, but I've seen him look bad when he has time. Plenty of teams have line problems and their QBs play better. For less money.


Better decision. Better throws.

I don't deny the line has been bad, but I've seen him look bad when he has time. Plenty of teams have line problems and their QBs play better. For less money.

Line problems is a massive understatement. Flacco isn't a top 5 qb this year but he's not bottom 15 either like you make it seem. Everyone makes a bad throw here and there. And for the last fucking time his contract is not the reason for ANY of the ravens troubles this year


The Ravens fanbase really wants to nail Ray Rice's ass to the wall and give Flacco a pass.

I don't get it.
I do cause rice seems to lost what made him good.

Flacco was ouf leading rusher sunday

Juan Castillo deserves ALL the blame. Our line fucking sucks. Neither Joe nor Ray has had a chance to live up to their contracts. What could flacco have done better in your eyes??
I agree. But I also Blame Caldwell and Harbaugh(stop hiring your buddies cause we get fucked over constantly) . We dont have a running game si hey heres a good idea go 3 wide use the pass to set up the run. No more I formation. 4 wide with Leach in the back feild with Flacco on 3rd and long.

Unless we have a great draft this year we are going to be bad to avg till 2016.

Going in to the draft play makers are our top priority. WR TE and RB. Torrey can do it alone. Rice seems done. Perice is oft injured. Dickerson is horrible and wont be resigned. And Pitta might walk or wont ever be the same.
At least you're not one of those quasi-upstate new yorker fucks who gloms on to the pats and act like it's their region. Those assholes are the worst.


Just found some garbage college game on ESPN2. First play I watch the QB runs backwards 20 yards to avoid a sack and throws the ball from his own 4 to the sideline. It didn't even make it to the line of scrimmage. Then the refs called intentional grounding and a safety. A safety on a pass from the four yard line, lol. Refs got together and talked, ref went to the replay booth, then came back and said the spot of the foul could not be reviewed. Amazingly embarrassing, haha.

hey, that's my school. Refs fucked Ohio, UB still dominated so it doesn't really matter. Khalil Mack didn't really have much to do; couldn't really evaluate him. Talked about as a first rounder.


Just found some garbage college game on ESPN2. First play I watch the QB runs backwards 20 yards to avoid a sack and throws the ball from his own 4 to the sideline. It didn't even make it to the line of scrimmage. Then the refs called intentional grounding and a safety. A safety on a pass from the four yard line, lol. Refs got together and talked, ref went to the replay booth, then came back and said the spot of the foul could not be reviewed. Amazingly embarrassing, haha.

I didn't know Pac12 refs do MAC games too.
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