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NFL 2013 Week 13 |OT| Guns of the Patriots


Am I the only one here who has never been banned here?

Damn, we lost are most infamous Peyton cheerleader.

Probably. I usually stay away from controversial topics and I've eaten three bans in my GAF career. Last one was several years ago. I'm more careful about what I post now.
I have no idea why he was banned, he doesn't seem to be trolling. He''s explaining his thoughts, I mean you can obviously argue the point and disagree but there's nothing offensive there.
I have no idea why he was banned, he doesn't seem to be trolling. He explaining his thoughts, I mean you can obviously argue the point and disagree but there's nothing offensive there.
If your opinion isn't what the overall opinion is on gaming side then you will be beaten upon until you submit to their ways.
If your opinion isn't what the overall opinion is on gaming side then you will be beaten upon until you submit to their ways.
Also I see another potential flag:
Also Nintendo's success and Sony's failure last generation caused the collapse of third party console japanese development industry. So for any chance for it to return back to form, I need Nintendo to fail and Sony to succeed. I want high production console jRPGs!
Instant death. You can never say anything like that ever in Gaming.


You need to be toughened up..... Boy!


Hunter S.

Also I see another potential flag:

Instant death. You can never say anything like that ever in Gaming.

Wow, if you cannot say who you want to fail and succeed without getting a ban especially after explaining yourself than people seriously have video game obssesion problems


Whatever. Turned out the Rams won that deal pretty handily. They still need a QB, though.

I gave a flippant response to a flippant response.

My longer answer is the same as it was in 2012. The Rams need to improve their team. I would have taken Luck no matter what anyone offered in 2012. Obviously the whole league would have taken Russell in the 2nd round. But I didn't like RG3, and the picks were such a haul that it would have been nuts, imo, to not do the deal

So it's the same now. The Rams need to get better. QB is an area of upgrade, and injury and salary play a part. But who is the upgrade? Is that player going to be ready week 1? Will he hold back the team? Whatever else, when he was healthy, Bradford didn't limit the Rams. It was always the "fails to elevate" criticism. A guy who limits his team is Andy Dalton, for instance. Or John Skelton last year for AZ

So I'll get QB thirsty when the Rams have the offensive personnel that is being held back by their QB. Honestly, I'm not sure that the personnel is being held back by Clemens. They are but not by a lot. You're a SF fan I think. That's a team that needs "weapons". Who would start for your team amongst the Rams WRs, TEs and RBs?


Who would start for your team amongst the Rams WRs, TEs and RBs?

Tavon Austin, of course. Also, the Rams need a quarterback this year. Waiting until every other piece of the offense is set is just delaying the inevitable. The Rams need to draft a legit talent at quarterback and let him grow and develop. Lucky for St. Louis, they have two picks in the top 12.


Setec Astronomer

Seahawks corner Brandon Browner, a potential unrestricted free agent, is facing a one-year suspension for violating the NFL's substance-abuse policy, and the result of his appeal could pave the way for more widespread litigation against the league.

Browner was advanced to Stage 3 of the program for “failure to cooperate,” according to a source with knowledge of the situation, for missing a series of drug tests back in 2006 and 2007, when he was in fact out of the league. Sources say Browner claimed he never received any letters notifying him of the missed tests, and, was unaware that he was responsible to continue taking drug tests long after being released by the Broncos and through his time in CFL.

Browner was unaware of the requests for further tests, but it was those missed tests that advanced him deep into the program to the point where he was facing more lengthy suspensions. Browner faced a four-game suspension back in 2007 (he was released by Denver in July of 2006) but many of the letters and other communication were sent to an old address of a former girlfriend.

Browner ended up back in the NFL in January of 2011, unaware he was in an advance stage of the drug program, and, according to his official NFL player transaction page, there are no suspensions recorded from his time in Denver. The Seahawks did not know of his status in the program either, upon signing him, sources said, nor did any of the handful of teams who brought Browner in for tryouts prior to him signing in Seattle. Only in August of 2011 did Browner receive a letter from the league notifying him that he was in fact in Stage 3.

Browner was tested roughly 200 times while back in the league, but did not have a positive result until very recently, when he had a small amount of marijuana in his system, according to a source. However, had he not been escalated to Stage 3 for his missed tests when out of the NFL -- if he was in Stage 2, for instance -- two years of clean tests would have be enough to get him out of the program entirely.


There’s yet another strange wrinkle to one of the strangest NFL stories of the year.

Per a league source, when Seahawks cornerback Brandon Browner signed with the team in 2011, he had been suspended indefinitely and not reinstated by the NFL.

The suspension, triggered by a failure to show up for a drug test after being sent to Stage Three of the program while unemployed by the NFL, remained in effect as of 2011. Under the substance-abuse policy, a violation while Browner was in Stage Three (also due to failing to show up for drug tests while unemployed) resulted in a banishment with the ability to reapply after one calendar year.

In this specific case, Browner somehow slipped through the NFL’s cracks, joining the Seahawks despite being on suspended status. When the NFL realized its error, the league decided to park Browner in Stage Three and move ahead.
Leave the NFL for five years, go to Canada, and you're automatically considered a drug addict!
You always come up with weird replies to my posts. It could be if you are always writing about it and thinking about it. You missed my main point as usual too.


Wow, if you cannot say who you want to fail and succeed without getting a ban especially after explaining yourself than people seriously have video game obssesion problems

Don't think I did.

Tabris got banned because as usual he goes on begging for the death of Nintendo. It's crazy when he does it, it was crazy when SNESfreak did it with Sony and it's crazy whenever anyone decides that they can't rest when a company that employs thousands continues to conduct business daily. GAF doesn't need idiots like that.

Hunter S.


Don't think I did.

Tabris got banned because as usual he goes on begging for the death of Nintendo. It's crazy when he does it, it was crazy when SNESfreak did it with Sony and it's crazy whenever anyone decides that they can't rest when a company that employs thousands continues to conduct business daily. GAF doesn't need idiots like that.

Dude just please never respond to me. You are my Tabris.


I would like to start this page off by saying:

Go Hawks
and while normally SaintsGAF is alright,
Fuck off Brees you no-tipping shit



In addition to all of that, the NFL got real libelous with their initial reporting of the story on their own network, calling it a PED suspension instead of a substance abuse suspension. So, not only does the NFL apparently have the right to piss-test players that aren't even employed by the NFL at any given time, but they also have the right to break their own rules on confidentiality as they see fit, and report false information so long as it benefits them.

What a joke...


Haha, those Tabris posts. I mean, I'm not even a big Nintendo fan, but "I'm older now, so Nintendo doesn't have a reason to exist anymore" is pretty funny.


Oh my god.

Antonio Smith might've had the best post game locker room interview ever. Holy fuck that was funny. LOL,

He referenced spygate. But he did it in the weirdest and most awkward way.



Every game went the Rams way except their own and Houston. Don't care about Rams wins and losses but they do need to get better. Some guys are and some aren't. Inability to develop offensive players is huge. Getting nothing from the 2012 draft on that side of the ball

Little late but I've been impressed by some of the catches Quick has made in the last few weeks. Givens has regressed bad he can't catch shit. Really would like to see what we have in Pead these last few games. Though I understand Stacy and Benny need the reps.
JAG accuses team of cheating with no proof. Why are we entertaining this?

I would love it if this were true but the Pats have owned the Texans repeatedly - their games have been laughers way before the D had any chance to make a difference, and the Texans are the worst team in the league this year.
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