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NFL 2013 Week 3 |OT| - We're Up All Night To Get Gronky

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I'm glad we have you around just to remind everyone what real life Pats fans are like.


The team he'd fit best on, that is also in line for a top draft pick, is the Giants.

No. No. No. No. No. Noooooo. I want him in Oakland where he can turn that franchise around. Something about his domination in Silver and Black seems like the best option besides having him in New England. I don't want him in New Jersey, I don't want him in Jacksonville, I don't want him in Pittsburgh. The fucking Raiders need to start sucking harder.


Kubiak is such a fucking tool. Watching his Monday presser live and his comments are robotic and scripted. "Have to play better." "They're battling!" " Cant make mistakes" "its on me" Shows no emotion, no fire, nothing. Like a fucking robot.


Radio guy says Golden Tate is probably gonna get fined after he lit up the Jag's starting FS and knocked him out of the game.

Didn't get home until midway through the first quarter so I missed it.



No. No. No. No. No. Noooooo. I want him in Oakland where he can turn that franchise around. Something about his domination in Silver and Black seems like the best option besides having him in New England. I don't want him in New Jersey, I don't want him in Jacksonville, I don't want him in Pittsburgh. The fucking Raiders need to start sucking harder.

I was considering being your friend, but fuck you.


No. No. No. No. No. Noooooo. I want him in Oakland where he can turn that franchise around. Something about his domination in Silver and Black seems like the best option besides having him in New England. I don't want him in New Jersey, I don't want him in Jacksonville, I don't want him in Pittsburgh. The fucking Raiders need to start sucking harder.

The Raiders seem like the only team in the bottom of the barrel that might have a quarterback they could build around. Gabbert, Freeman, Ponder, and Weeden certainly aren't that. So I think QBs will come off the board early and Raiders may be able to squeak out 3 or 4 wins and still get Clowney, then maybe they can grab a QB in the early 2nd too.


Texans fans are so fickle. One loss and everybody is flying off the handle.

Ha! Im bitchy now and I despise Schaub and Kubiak to no end but they are still my team and I will support them to the bitter end. At least we bitch about things that are wrong. You cockroach fans have come so used to the abuse you get from your undead owner you just sit back and accept it.

Zero Hero

Harbaugh is going to have to pull a .....Harbaugh and get rid of the OC. The only adjustments made are moving away from what works. It's embarrassing.


What's so great about Bridgewater?

Guy seems about as vanilla as it gets.


Skill-Set Summary: Bridgewater has an excellent physical skill set and possesses the passing ability to be a starter in the NFL. He has a powerful arm with natural accuracy. From a size perspective, Bridgewater is solid. He isn't as tall as the ideal height,s but he is tall enough and plays at a good weight.

Bridgewater made some astounding throws downfield last year. He was able to fire the ball deep despite getting some pressure and not being able to step into the throw. Bridgewater generally has good ball placement in the intermediate and deep part of the field.

One of the most impressive attributes about Bridgewater as a young player was the improvement he made in ball security. The sophomore consistently made good decisions in 2012 and was not careless with the football. His passing attempts increased from 296 to 419, but he was able to cut his interceptions from 12 to eight. Bridgewater showed nice patience to take what defenses gave him, but didn't hesitate to go downfield.

There are a few areas in which Bridgewater could stand to improve. His footwork could get better for the NFL and it will help his accuracy. He could stand to improve on his anticipation, too, but he has a good starting point and should continue to get better as he gains more experience.

As an athlete, Bridgewater is more similar to Andrew Luck rather than Robert Griffin III or Cam Newton. Bridgewater has good mobility and can pick up yards on the ground, but he looks more natural as a pocket passer.

Bridgewater also seems to have the 'it' factor. He plays his best late in the season and in clutch time. Bridgewater has intelligence and toughness beyond his good passing ability. He even played well while hurt as a sophomore. Bridgewater has upside to develop and clearly his best football is in front of him. He could be an NFL franchise quarterback.


Setec Astronomer
Mike Robinson on KJR Sports Radio said:
...when it comes to Russell, there are times in the offseason, training, where, you know, we're just warming up to run just, you know, the regular workouts for the offseason, and he's talking about a 3rd and 1 that we may have... could have got in Carolina the previous year. I mean, small things like that, but I think one time we were in the huddle, and I think he may have called the play a little wrong, and I'm always listening to the play and trying to help the quarterback out, and as we're walking to the line I'm like, "Russell, we can't do it out of this formation." And he looks at me, he smiles, he winks, and he says, "All right, let's just go with it." You know, and I'm like, "What?" "Let's just go with it"... He ends up dropping back, you know, scrambling around, and I think hitting Doug Baldwin on an over route for about 50 yards, and then when I looked at him again, he winked as if "I told you it would be all right." And I'm just like, "How did you even know that was gonna work out, so that we would get a 50 yard gain?" I mean, I'm sitting in the backfield like, "wow, this is gonna be disasterous." You know, "I dunno what's gonna happen." I think it was a pass play, but he just... he makes it work...


Don't think week 3 could have gone any worse for us. First and foremost, my greatest sympathies and condolences to our NT Dan Williams who lost his father in a car accident while he was on his way to NO to watch his son play :( His mother is still in the hospital...

As for the game, we lost two OLBs for the season and the better of our two safeties lost the upper portion of his middle finger (wtf?). Winston also was injured... We were struggling for a pass rush as is and now we have lost two bodies. Somehow Johnson is day to day despite his freak finger incident but if he misses time, I imagine honey badger will fully move to S.

Our offense started out smooth the first drive and looked crisp. It all went to shit after that. Our OL got us murdered and I expect them to lose us most of our games this season. Winston was trash and then got injured to boot. Brown blew as he always does...sigh Palmer was fine until he started get hit and then my fear was realized, that he lost composure after not being able to trust the line. Still better than last year, but we aren't going to win shit if the OL keeps playing like this. We also abandoned the run game far too early, it's frustrating.

Defense was doing fine until they were gassed from being on the field what must have been over 90 percent of the game. The offense just would not let them rest and then they started getting sloppy. Graham abused us as I knew he would without D Wash. Poor honey badger is a whole freakin foot shorter than Graham, no way he was going to contain him. Graham is a beast anyway that creates match up problems for every team. Just one more game without D Wash, just one more!

Only highlights are Ellington continuing to display that he's a viable weapon and honey badger continues to make plays. First pick in the NFL is on the books. Peterson also kept Colston very quiet. Oh, and the run defense continued to impress though NO doesn't have much of a rush attack anyway. We'll have a better test against Doug Martin. I should also give a shout out to the front line and Dockett finally showing up with 3 recorded sacks. It was against a rookie though so I'm not going to pat his back too much.

We now move on to a game we could potentially win even with this line, Bucs looking like bottom feeders.

GG Squall. Sorry about the player who lost family. And I cant believe the whole finger thing either. How common is that?
Palmer kind of ran into the buzzsaw of our new passrush which came almost out of nowhere but was actually starting to develop last year. Gallette was a UDFA and Hicks is actually from the CFL but those guys get after the QB and have fun doing it. Its like a race to see who can get to the QB first at times. I like that mentality after watching last years clusterfuck. Sorry you guys got in the way though. I wish you luck the rest of the season.


Ross cut, good. It wasn't even the fumbles that bothered me he was just too stupid to know when to bring the ball out and when to take a knee. Interested to see who the Packers put back there now. My vote is for Franklin!

Thank god!!

Just imagine if he didn't fumble in the 9ers game or the Bengals game, he gave them each a TD practically.

But whatever, as long as whoever is back there can make smart choices and not fumble the ball.


Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein 4h
@Son_of_Houston @gregkoch1 @HTXsmackgear There are at least two QBs I would take ahead of Bridgewater

Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein 4h
@Son_of_Houston Nah. I don't want to stir things up just yet. They are both underclassmen

Wonder who. I don't think one is Manziel

You did this to him.

Stop with that nonsense. We just a need a stop gap for a few years until Andrew comes home.
I keep wondering if it's a smart move to give guys who are trying to make a name for themselves kickoff duties with the new kickoff rules. So many dudes trying to get noticed that get planted at the 11 yard line, but can you blame them?
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