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NFL 2013 Week 4 IOTI - For a good time call Sweet Pea

The Falcons are breaking my heart but I'm not sure how to say what the Giants are doing to its fans.

Soul crushing?
You'd think but no. It's a horror show to watch of course but there are elements of this team that have needed retooling for awhile and that's going to have to happen now if this season progresses in the same way. I genuinely thought they could get another year or two out of this group though. I was wrong!

After 10+ years of being in playoff contention, winning several division titles, three Super Bowl appearances and two Lombardi's in the trophy case - there are fan bases that have had it far far worse than we have.


come in my shame circle
Not sure how much longer this'll last but for the time being...




He got 13 carries and the running game didn't look too terrible yesterday to be honest but you say that as though the team hasn't tried to run the ball. They have. They simply can't. The offensive line is an unmitigated disaster right now. They can't pass block, they can't run block and the QB is pressing more than ever to make a play which is why the ball is getting turned over. That's not to excuse Eli either but it's the same symptoms as 2010 when he had the 25 interceptions. He's taking big risks when he shouldn't to try and spark the offense. It's what you get with Eli for better or worse and while he deserves a portion of the blame, there were at least 3 deep balls yesterday that should have been completed by receivers who simply dropped the ball. One of those at least should have been a touchdown.

Once McCluster ran back the TD, I posted and said it would end up being a blow out because the defense had very little reason to keep playing. They were left out to dry and for as bad as the defense supposedly is - they have continually been left out to dry over three games. We held a prolific Broncos offense to 10 points in a half of football! 10 points! The offense did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The Cowboys game? 6 turnovers and the defense is asked to stop an offense with a short field over and over again.

Oh well 13 isn't too bad in a loss like that. I just wasn't sure if Coughlin was still Carolina-ing it up and swapping them in and out constantly to kill any momentum he might have.

But anyways moral is that whole offense is a disaster. Still think you have a shot next week though.


Oh well 13 isn't too bad in a loss like that. I just wasn't sure if Coughlin was still Carolina-ing it up and swapping them in and out constantly to kill any momentum he might have.

But anyways moral is that whole offense is a disaster. Still think you have a shot next week though.
One game or one month is not the season. The Giants are not going to the playoffs but it doesn't mean that they might not turn their season around and be decent by December.

Same applies for teams that start out hot.

This happens every year and yet everyone is surprised by it. Everyone is going to pick the Broncos to win the Superbowl by the strength of their early successes. And lets be honest they might win it all, but being dominant in September and peaking in October isn't going to do shit for you in January. Peyton knows that better than anyone. How many times has he won 12+ games and then lost in his first playoff game?


The System was pretty good in parts, dry re-reporting of old news in other parts, and Nick Saban hero worship for most of the second half.


I wonder if the evil demon that lived in Ron Rivera has moved over to Greg Schiano? The Bucs have now lost 3 games this year where they had over a 95% win probability

Hunter S.

Would you have put Peyton at the top had he stayed a Colt for life?

Yes, I was always a fan of Peyton and the Colts as the teams are both represented by horses. I saw a lot more of Peyton's games compared to Brady. It annoyed me the Colts always wooped the Broncos, but I had to respect his numbers, and MVP awards. I rooted for Peyton in both of his Super Bowl games. I was actually pretty excited for him.


Jeff Garcia called Flacco a Game Manager QB... said you can't ask him to throw 50 times.

Terrell Davis said, you don't pay 100+ million for someone to be a Game Manager.

Garcia answered....Flacco is a Game Manager QB and needs a running game and a defense....can't be compared to Best Manning, Brady, or Breesus.

just paraphrasing there.
Lets trade coordinators.
Sure, right after we trade O-lineman that played yesterday.
Once McCluster ran back the TD, I posted and said it would end up being a blow out because the defense had very little reason to keep playing. They were left out to dry and for as bad as the defense supposedly is - they have continually been left out to dry over three games. We held a prolific Broncos offense to 10 points in a half of football! 10 points! The offense did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The Cowboys game? 6 turnovers and the defense is asked to stop an offense with a short field over and over again.

ESPN.com said:
It is the Giants' current world, as is their 0-4 record. But what's most alarming, as you assess the long-shot chances for a comeback in a division whose lead is only 2-2, is that they're really not in their games. I mean, they're in their games at halftime, but in the second halves, when real NFL teams make adjustments and put games away, they've been outscored 73-14 in their last three games. They and their opponents spend the first half feeling each other out, then the opponent goes into the locker room and says, "OK, well, they can't do anything, so here's how we win by 25." The Giants are barely even participants in the second halves of their games.


Jeff Garcia called Flacco a Game Manager QB... said you can't ask him to throw 50 times.

Terrell Davis said, you pay a Game Manager 100+ million.

Garcia answered....Flacco is a Game Manager QB and needs a running game and a defense....can't be compared to Best Manning, Brady, or Breesus.

just paraphrasing there.
Garcia is a dumb motherfucker.

Flacco is most definitely not a game manager. His skill set is not dinking and dunking and not turning the ball over.

Flacco can do a few things well. He can dump off game winning screens and handoffs to Ray Rice. And he can basically unleash the dragon and throws one of the best deep balls in the league. When he uncorks that dragon he has mastered either completing the pass or getting the PI. And his coaches are smart enough to only make these attempts when they approach midfield so that if he does throw the INT it is basically just a punt and doesn't give the other team great field position.

Flacco has never learned the intermediate or short game. If you expect him to throw those passes in high volume you get what happened last week.

Skoob is the classic game manager. You would rather have Flacco.


One game or one month is not the season. The Giants are not going to the playoffs but it doesn't mean that they might not turn their season around and be decent by December.

Same applies for teams that start out hot.

This happens every year and yet everyone is surprised by it. Everyone is going to pick the Broncos to win the Superbowl by the strength of their early successes. And lets be honest they might win it all, but being dominant in September and peaking in October isn't going to do shit for you in January. Peyton knows that better than anyone. How many times has he won 12+ games and then lost in his first playoff game?
100% agree. Whoever wins tonight's game and goes 4-0 will join Denver, Seattle and New England as the hot group, and guaranteed one of them is going to horribly disappoint in the second half of the season and/or playoffs.

I'm really not sure who at this point though.

As for the team that is clearly better than their current record... As much as I want to believe it's the Niners, I'm not sure with all our injuries. So I'll have to say the Packers. That race between them, the Bears and Lions could be exciting if those two keep up their play.


Classic game managers don't throw taints every game.
Schaub is that type of manager who doesn't actually know what he's doing, coasts on the excellent work of the employee's underneath him and is completely exposed for his uselessness when he can't ride tailcoats.

He is essentially the VP's son who got the job as a freebie.

He's Kubiak's son.
Skoob is the classic game manager. You would rather have Flacco.
Classic game manager except when he inevitably gets stupidly brave at some point in the game and throws a dagger pick six. He then remembers his limits and retreats back into his shell, only to emerge once again during the clutch moments of the next game.

The Shoob Cycle.


Schaub is that type of manager who doesn't actually know what he's doing, coasts on the excellent work of the employee's underneath him and is completely exposed for his uselessness when he can't ride tailcoats.

He is essentially the VP's son who got the job as a freebie.

He's Kubiak's son.

Watching the Sunday night game was something. That Mulligan guy scored a TD and everyone was "who????" Fucking Patriots can win with hobo's off the street.

But god damn, surround our dude with all sorts of pro bowlers and.. nothing.


Holding the Broncos to 10-14 points in the first half means nothing.

By that measure we also held them to 14 points because 1 TD was a special teams return.

Giants still have a better D than the Eagles though. Whereas the Eagles D can't get off the field no matter where the opposition starts, the Giants D is put in terrible spots by Eli and the offense.

And I was completely wrong about the Giants turning it around against the Chiefs, BUT we all know what's going to happen next. They are going to beat the Eagles, Cowboys will lose to the Broncos, and Giants will be well on their way to win the division.

I just know they will finally play a full good game against the Eagles.
Pete Damilatis @PFF_Pete 13m

For the 3rd time this season, Will Beatty allowed 5 QB pressures. He had 1 such game in his previous 3 seasons. #Giants
38.5 million dollar contract and nothing to show for it so far. Beatty apparently went on vacation when he got his money.


On FirstTake earlier, Ron and Stephen A both called out the Texans. While Jaws believes a lot of the blame falls on the predictable play calling and vanilla offense, Skip and Screamin A basically said Shaub stinks.

Jaws, always a QB, was a little hesitant to blame much on Shaub.

WOW didn't know 6 pick 6's in the last 6 games.


Holding the Broncos to 10-14 points in the first half means nothing.

By that measure we also held them to 14 points because 1 TD was a special teams return.

Giants still have a better D than the Eagles though. Whereas the Eagles D can't get off the field no matter where the opposition starts, the Giants D is put in terrible spots by Eli and the offense.

And I was completely wrong about the Giants turning it around against the Chiefs, BUT we all know what's going to happen next. They are going to beat the Eagles, Cowboys will lose to the Broncos, and Giants will be well on their way to win the division.

I just know they will finally play a full good game against the Eagles.

Thats how divisional rivalries should be really.
These teams are built to play each other twice a year. They know each other. Its always a fun chess match.


On FirstTake earlier, Ron and Stephen A both called out the Texans. While Jaws believes a lot of the blame falls on the predictable play calling and vanilla offense, Skip and Screamin A basically said Shaub stinks.

Jaws, always a QB, was a little hesitant to blame much on Shaub.

WOW didn't know 6 pick 6's in the last 6 games.

666...he is the got damn antichrist!!
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