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NFL 2013 Week 4 IOTI - For a good time call Sweet Pea


Aren't steroids bad for your penis? Could Clay even get it up on such short notice?

Erin probably did ask Rodgers for a friendly bang but his penis was probably defective too or broken from roids from his friends and to save face he spread the rumor that she was a filthy slut.

I thought it was your nuts get smaller and gave you brain cancer..ect. Idk I never felt the need to know the effects of steroids as there will never be a time in my life where I need to look like Scott Steiner


She gave Rodgers an open lane and he didn't take it? Oddly i'm not surprised.

He was with his fiance. Also, Beadle is trash. Also, she denies it happened for what it's worth. Rodgers nor Matthews has ever commented to my knowledge.

Plus, who would want to share parking with Cowherd? Rats carry tons of diseases.
Well, the story that came out (and led to lots more whispers about her proclivity for getting down with anyone, obvious since she was banging Coward) was that she told Aaron Rodgers "I just wanna get fucked" at the ESPY's after party. He was disgusted but Clay stepped up and plowed her in the bathroom. She was gone like a week after that story came out.

Rodgers only fucks if the BMI is above a 30.

You know what they say: "Once you go Sconi, you can't go back"



They have developed a decent passrush and are holding teams to below 17 points as well as forcing turnovers. None of the above applied last year and the defense is still getting healthier and more effective. Its not world beating but its getting the job done. It complements the offense well.
Yeah, like I said I don't doubt for a second that they're improved. Regardless of whether they're great or just average it really won't matter much with how good that offense is. The Saints are a scary team. Really I was just curious about how difficult it'll be for the Dolphins to move the ball against them and put up some points. I think it'll primarily come down to how well the o-line/RB's/TE's handle the blitz and also how quickly Tannehill gets rid of the ball against the blitz.


During basketball season Rachel Nichols actually was all over tv covering the games for TNT.

I guess she got paid more and covering the NBA is high profile enough to be remain unseen during the off season.

CNN covers sports?


Fear of a GAF Planet
I'll put a vote in for Mrs. Ponder. Rachel Nichols and Michelle Tafoya are my favorites because they can actually conduct an interview.
Damn it I hate Monday games...I hate having to sit out a full extra day full of football before we get to see them play :( On the upside Tannehill is undefeated on Monday Night....lol
It scares me that everyone will be watching. If Tannehill has a mediocre/bad game it will be what this thread remembers him for and we'll have to hear about how much he sucks constantly.

On the other hand it's exciting to see them finally get a couple of prime time games.
It scares me that everyone will be watching. If Tannehill has a mediocre/bad game it will be what this thread remembers him for and we'll have to hear about how much he sucks constantly.

On the other hand it's exciting to see them finally get a couple of prime time games.

Yeah that's the worse part, we've had some awful prime time games recently, I really hope they give one of their best games, even if we lose, that would make the loss hurt a little less.


come in my shame circle
It scares me that everyone will be watching. If Tannehill has a mediocre/bad game it will be what this thread remembers him for and we'll have to hear about how much he sucks constantly.

On the other hand it's exciting to see them finally get a couple of prime time games.

You get over it pretty quick. :(
Giants update:

Ralph Vacchiano @RVacchianoNYDN 21s

No sign at all of G Chris Snee and C David Baas at practice. Not a good sign for either of them.
Yeah they aren't playing this week.

One of our back-up guards Brandon Mosely is also having back issues. David Diehl retuned to practice though!

The line will likely be Beatty - Diehl - Boothe - Brewer - Pugh.

Good game, Justin Houston and Tamba Hali. Good game.

EDIT: No we're not.

Ralph Vacchiano @RVacchianoNYDN 2m

Also not practicing: LB Jacquian Williams, CB Corey Webster, and CB Terrell. Thomas. #NYG


Giants update:

Yeah they aren't playing this week.

One of our back-up guards Brandon Mosely is also having back issues. David Diehl retuned to practice though!

The line will likely be Beatty - Diehl - Boothe - Brewer - Pugh.

Good game, Justin Houston and Tamba Hali. Good game.

EDIT: No we're not.

[qoute]Ralph Vacchiano @RVacchianoNYDN 2m

Also not practicing: LB Jacquian Williams, CB Corey Webster, and CB Terrell. Thomas. #NYG

Justin Houston to be at 10 sacks after 4 games


Giants update:

Yeah they aren't playing this week.

One of our back-up guards Brandon Mosely is also having back issues. David Diehl retuned to practice though!

The line will likely be Beatty - Diehl - Boothe - Brewer - Pugh.

Good game, Justin Houston and Tamba Hali. Good game.

EDIT: No we're not.
I hate your team with every fiber in my being I hope you knock Alex Smith dick in the dirt and give Reid a run for his money
I always liked Michelle Beadle. She's probably the most famous UTSA alum :p
must be why I can't stand her


Going to miss a good chuck of the game tonight because I'll be at the airport picking up my Mom.

Hopefully it's still a close game when I get back, and I hope the Rams kick the crap out of the Niners and keep them on their downslide.

edit: Also, I don't mind Suzy at all, but she's no Rachel! :(


Basically that. It was only 400 bucks and it looked fun. Its already entertaining enough to be worth it.
I have a gaming pc now so I can play whatever whizbang game comes out. But Id rather play Shatter or Yosumin.

I got my Wiiu on a crackhead deal. So everything from here on out is icing on the cake for me. It is pretty entertaining and Lego City is keeping my son occupied as he now has like 400 gold bricks to collect. "Dad, can we get a new game?" "A shucks son, maybe you should get the other 385 gold bricks first before we get you a new one".
JK I'm not that evil.
But It's worth the money I paid for it just in W101 and Windwaker Alone so far.

Funny, I feel like Nintendo is like "meh" towards the console themselves. They have the worst third party support and they themselves haven't released many good games for it either. Combine that with a shitacular launch OS and there's really no wonder why it got the reputation it did.

I totally feel that same way. It's like they just put out a home console just to have one out there. Didn't really plan or foresee what would happen. The 3ds seems to be their baby, and I love the 3ds. Why can't they just make the titles crossover like the Vita?

Wii u is prefect for poors. Cheap next Gen console and only have to buy like 1 game a year.

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