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NFL 2014 CC |OT| Holy Grail


Here is the statement

@tomecurran: For NFL statement:"the evidence thus far supports the conclusion that footballs that were under-inflated were used by the Patriots in (cont)

@tomecurran: the first half, the footballs were properly inflated for the second half and confirmed at the conclusion of the game to have remained (cont)

@tomecurran: properly inflated. The goals of the investigation will be to determine the explanation for why footballs used in the game(cont)

@tomecurran: were not in compliance with the playing rules and specifically whether any noncompliance was the result of deliberate action.(cont)

@tomecurran: We have not made any judgments on these points and will not do so until we have concluded our investigation. (done)

Balls in the first half were deflated. 2nd half the balls were legal. Investigating now to see how that happened.
Adam Schefter said:
Key points on NFL statement on DeflateGate:
--NFL says its investigation into Deflategate is ongoing
--league has hired Ted Wells as part of its investigation. Wells, an attorney, conducted the league's investigation into the Dolphins' bullying scandal.
--league also has hired an investigative firm to look at electronic and video evidence.
--investigation will continue "in the coming days," including more interviews.
--Patriots have cooperated with the investigation.
--And this: "While the evidence thus far supports the conclusion that footballs that were under-inflated were used by the Patriots in the first half, the footballs were properly inflated for the second half and confirmed at the conclusion of the game to have remained properly inflated."


Uh oh, Gronk might be motivated to play in the biggest game of his life now!

Lane is semi right though.

He is wrong for saying Gronk isn't good, he is really good. Best in the game at his position

But when you play him physical and hold him to negate his infamous push offs, he's not nearly as threatening.


If you actually read my posts, you would have seen that I said Mort gets his sources from Schefter, and Twitter. Schefter shares his info with Mort so it doesn't look like Schefter is overpowering as an "insider."

This video continues to prove to not listen to anyone at ESPN NFL besides Schefter.

This was my whole problem with your view:

If Mort stole information from someone else, and it's vouched for by someone reliable, the report is just as reliable as if that reliable person made that report himself. It doesn't matter who first reported it to me - if someone reliable (like Schefter) vouches for it, I'm going to believe it.

That's all.

I think it's pretty stupid for Lane to talk shit. What do you think?

I don't give a single shit, honestly. Like I said when Lane first said that, if you're not as motivated as you can be for the Super Bowl without people talking about you, you've got issues.


"With Goodell On Our Side"

Oh the game it is nothin'
The plays they means less
The team I cheer for
Is called the Patriots
I's taught and brought up there
The laws to abide
And the land that I live in
Has Goodell on its side.

Oh the history books tell it
They tell it so well
The Patriots charged
The Raiders fell
The Patriots charged
The Rams died
Oh the league was young
With Goodell on its side.

The AFC Championship had its day
And the Super Bowl too
Was soon laid away
And the names of the heroes
I's made to memorize
With deflated balls in their hands
And Goodell on their side.

The dynasty days, boys
They came and they went
The reason for winning
I never did get
But I learned to accept it
Accept it with pride
For you don't count the taping
When Goodell’s on your side.

When the 2014 Super Bowl
Came to an end
We forgave the media
And then we were friends
Though they skewered poor Tommy
In the conference he cried
The Media now too
Have Goodell on their side.

I've learned to hate refs
All through my whole life
If another scandal comes
It's them we must bribe
To hate them and fear them
To run and to hide
And accept it all bravely
With Goodell on my side.

But now we got drugs
Of the chemical dust
If use them we're forced to
Then use them we must
One push of the syringe
and a shot the world wide
And you never ask questions
When Goodell’s on your side.

In a many dark hour
I've been thinkin' about this
That Tim Tebow
Was betrayed by Belichick
But I can't think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Bill Belichick
Had Goodell on his side.

So now as I'm leavin'
I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
Ain't no tongue can tell
The words fill my head
And fall to the floor
If Goodell’s on our side
He'll restore the roar.




Lane is semi right though.

He is wrong for saying Gronk isn't good, he is really good. Best in the game at his position

But when you play him physical and hold him to negate his infamous push offs, he's not nearly as threatening.

Is there a player in the NFL that that statement doesn't apply to?



Here is the statement

Balls in the first half were deflated. 2nd half the balls were legal. Investigating now to see how that happened.
So the planned checking of the balls at halftime before the game even started occured, and the Pats/refs/Jesus refilled the balls back to the right levels.

Explain to me again how a deflated ball lets a team rush the ball all over a defense again?


I don't give a single shit, honestly. Like I said when Lane first said that, if you're not as motivated as you can be for the Super Bowl without people talking about you, you've got issues.

Uh... you realize the Seahawks are the all time unnecessary chip on their shoulder team in sports history? Somehow the defending Super Bowl champions think no one believes in them when they were favored in the NFC championship game.


This was my whole problem with your view:

If Mort stole information from someone else, and it's vouched for by someone reliable, the report is just as reliable as if that reliable person made that report himself. It doesn't matter who first reported it to me - if someone reliable (like Schefter) vouches for it, I'm going to believe it.

That's all.

I don't give a single shit, honestly. Like I said when Lane first said that, if you're not as motivated as you can be for the Super Bowl without people talking about you, you've got issues.
So you're one of those guys who goes to gaming side and thinks "well, its on neogaf! It must be true! Someone vouched for it!" Never mind that the guy saying it has had to apologize for fabricating a bunch of times before.

Or maybe you can just join espn and stake out Lebron's house while he is eating breakfast

Still waiting for the nintendo vr headset...


So the planned checking of the balls at halftime before the game even started occured, and the Pats/refs/Jesus refilled the balls back to the right levels.

Explain to me again how a deflated ball lets a team rush the ball all over a defense again?

It doesn't. You'd have to be foolish to argue that it had any effect on the outcome of the Colts game.

It would have an effect on their suspiciously low fumbling rate over the last few years, though.

Uh... you realize the Seahawks are the all time unnecessary chip on their shoulder team in sports history? Somehow the defending Super Bowl champions think no one believes in them when they were favored in the NFC championship game.

So? You don't see me getting all hyped up about no one believing in my team, do you?

So you're one of those guys who goes to gaming side and thinks "well, its on neogaf! It must be true! Someone vouched for it!" Never mind that the guy saying it has had to apologize for fabricating a bunch of times before.

Or maybe you can just join espn and stake out Lebron's house while he is eating breakfast

Still waiting for the nintendo vr headset...

Nah, CBOAT ain't on TV and putting his name on things. He has even less incentive to be correct than a talking head on ESPN.

Besides, as soon as Schefter vouched for it, Mort's previous mistakes were meaningless to me.


Why do you say that?

He let Sergio Brown of all people piss him off. Sergio Brown is like half his size and no one knew who he was before the Ric Flair thing.

I'd imagine that this Lane guy is giving no fucks and starting his trash talk game early. Unlike our soft defense, he won't get away with that stuff against Hawks D. They probably talk a lot more than Brown and back it up.


He let Sergio Brown of all people piss him off. Sergio Brown is like half his size and no one knew who he was before the Ric Flair thing.

I'd imagine that this Lane guy is giving no fucks and starting his trash talk game early. Unlike our soft defense, he won't get away with that stuff against Hawks D. They probably talk a lot more than Brown and back it up.


I guess you're right. Sergio Brown was so good at shutting down Gronk.


Why is no one talking about the Colts responsibility in all this? Does anyone else think it is no coincidence that this came out only after the Colts lost? It was clearly their backup plan in case they couldn't win on the field, they would win in the public eye. No other team in NFL history has ever gotten this much sympathy and support after a 38-point loss.

It is literally impossible that Brady or Belichick had anything to do with this. They both said they didn't. Has anyone on the Colts yet to deny deflating the balls? Occam's Razor.


Is there a player in the NFL that that statement doesn't apply to?

Sure, but when you rely on push off's and size as much as Gronk does then it makes a huge difference.

I don't think he has the quickness or size to just slide past guys, so he uses his 40lbs arm to toss them side.

It is a shame Davis is on such a shit D, I actually enjoyed watching him handle Gronk in short yardage situations.


Sure, but when you rely on push off's and size as much as Gronk does then it makes a huge difference.

I don't think he has the quickness or size to just slide past guys, so he uses his 40lbs arm to toss them side.

It is a shame Davis is on such a shit D, I actually enjoyed watching him handle Gronk in short yardage situations.

I don't know what you're trying to say. Gronk's size and strength is somehow a negative?


Good news for Jabee
@cgasper: The involvement of NFL EVP Jeff Pash in the investigation isn't great news for the Pats. When the Broncos got caught taping a walkthrough...

@cgasper: in London in 2010, when Josh McDaniels was their coach. The league fined Denver $50K. Pash explained the difference between that and Spygate

@cgasper: Pash in 2010: "Here you had, as best we can conclude, a single incident as opposed to, in New England, years of activity."

@cgasper: Pash: "You had an incident that, as best we could identify, was carried out by a single employee without direction from the coaching staff"

@cgasper: Pash: "That's obviously different from what we saw in New England where the head coach was actively supervising the activity."

@cgasper: The issue for the Pats is that Pash has already expressed a belief that they're capable of knowingly and systematically violating rules.

Caja 117

It doesn't. You'd have to be foolish to argue that it had any effect on the outcome of the Colts game.

It would have an effect on their suspiciously low fumbling rate over the last few years, though.

So? You don't see me getting all hyped up about no one believing in my team, do you?

Nah, CBOAT ain't on TV and putting his name on things. He has even less incentive to be correct than a talking head on ESPN.

Besides, as soon as Schefter vouched for it, Mort's previous mistakes were meaningless to me.

How so? Wasnt Pats second place in lowest Fumbles, so by that line of thinking the 1st place and 3rd place might as well be suspected. the notion they been doing this for years and no one noticing this, and all of the sudden they go to the SB, and someone noticed this is just comical.


Yeah, because that's what I said right? :lol

You said that Sergio Brown "got into Gronk's head," the implication being that Brown's trashtalk somehow diminished Gronk's effectiveness, which was obviously not the case. I honestly just don't understand the point you're trying to make. He destroyed the Colts with his run blocking, his yards after the catch ability, and his red zone dominance. But if you think otherwise, that's okay too, I guess.
He's still very salty, and according to him he will be "insufferable" if the Pats lose the super bowl. He's letting it all ride on the Seahawks so clearly he has a bit of bias in any Pats discussion.

Meh, even if we don't win, it's not the end of the world to me. Last year was pretty nice and the last game we played was amazing. Can't really complain after that.


Nah, CBOAT ain't on TV and putting his name on things. He has even less incentive to be correct than a talking head on ESPN.

Besides, as soon as Schefter vouched for it, Mort's previous mistakes were meaningless to me.
You must really like Fox News then. So many people vouch for the lies they tell. "Number 1 cable news network!" Journalistic integrity
I was always scurred of NFL GAF before because the Pats hate is so fierce on GAF

But I saw that there are some fellow Pats so this can be a safe place too
So you waited until now, a moment when the Pats hate is boiling from a fresh bout of controversy and success, to start posting? Eh, whatever. Just gives the appearance of a fairweather fan, that's all.

Most of us are fine with Pats-GAF, we just aren't fond of the team.


I was always scurred of NFL GAF before because the Pats hate is so fierce on GAF

But I saw that there are some fellow Pats so this can be a safe place too

And after they get their dick kicked in next weekend all the life longs will leave and only bread, Dutch, colsante, actstriker and j bug will remain.


I was always scurred of NFL GAF before because the Pats hate is so fierce on GAF

But I saw that there are some fellow Pats so this can be a safe place too

We don't hate Pats fans. Some of us just don't like the Pats. For most, cheering for the Pats isn't a choice.


You said that Sergio Brown "got into Gronk's head," the implication being that Brown's trashtalk somehow diminished Gronk's effectiveness, which was obviously not the case. I honestly just don't understand the point you're trying to make. He destroyed the Colts with his run blocking, his yards after the catch ability, and his red zone dominance. But if you think otherwise, that's okay too, I guess.

I never said getting into his head meant that Brown shut him down lol. I guess you guys are selectively ignoring when I've stated Gronk is one of the best I've seen.

It's just that he seemed to get very emotional towards Brown. It's a great thing when you're going against the Colts' defense (Brown's trash talk might've actually hurt us as he got destroyed), but the Hawk's has a defense that I think can back it up.

But hey, if you guys think that this so called bulletin board material is what Gronk needs to take SEA to the pits then believe in it. I'm sure having scrubs like Sergio Brown is what got them to the Superbowl!


Eh I don't have anything to prove. I like the Pats. I can't deny that as I've grown up I've seen Sox win, Pats win, Bruins win and Celtics win. It's been easy to be a fan, but that's how it is sometimes

Meh, even if we don't win, it's not the end of the world to me. Last year was pretty nice and the last game we played was amazing. Can't really complain after that.

Yup, it's been a great time to be a Pats fan. It's fun always being relevant and in the playoffs
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