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NFL 2014 Week 11 |OT| - The Quarterback Duel of the Decade Out of the Shadows


Dolphins do actually match up well with the Broncos on defense. Not just pash rush, but the secondary too. Grimes and Jones are playing lights out and Jamar has stepped up. Assuming Finnegan is also healthy enough to go, Peyton won't have an easy day next Sunday.

I'm much more worried about Miami's O-line against the defense. Dallas Thomas (assuming he's still at RT) against Von Miller is gonna be rough. Tannehill will have to channel his inner Marino if they want any chance next Sunday.

Everyone wants to give credit to LOB for beating up the Broncos in the SB. Fact is the DL consumed the teams soul in that game. I saw it rear it's ugly head in the Colts and Pats game last year as well. It's worse after the shuffling of the line. Franklin is not doing well at LG, Clady seems to be human, Ramirez has no business playing RG when Vasquez is a probowl RG, and Vasquez is not a RT. It's a bit of a mess right now, especially when they can't run block either.

So in short, yeah the phins match up well especially if Sanders and Julius are a no go. That would give the phins a big boost to the secondary. OL getting it together is pretty much the key to success, as played out as that sounds. I think we'll see some changes this week.

Disagree if you like but a dolphins loss is especially brutal because there is no way Denver is making it to the superbowl playing 3 games on the road in the playoffs and that is a potential scenario if they keep losing and the Chiefs keep winning

No one can say for certain what will happen. Odds are we don't win the Superbowl. History has shown that to be the case more often then not. I'm not worried about it, either they solve it or they don't. If they have to win on the road then that's what they have to do. Nobodies fault but their own.

Bam Bam trying real hard like always. You should stick to shitty sweater threads to garner the attention you obviously want.


Glad I took Monday off. Nice to know I can sleep in another day.

edit: Won my Madden league game too, Season 2 is off to a great start!
I did throw 4 interceptions though.


edit: Won my Madden league game too, Season 2 is off to a great start!
I did throw 4 interceptions though.
I lost my first game of season 2 in overtime tonight :(

Jimmy threw a game tying TD with 1 second left and I let him down in ot.


Still celebrating your new team beating your old team? I didn't take you for an all day drinker.

Heh, nah, I did my drinking... last week was it? A night like that will keep me from drinking for a while, at least until I'm home for christmas.

I just hate my job, and I have some vacation days backlogged, so I'm just taking some long weekends here and there before the year is up I guess.

but yeah, the game today was a lot of fun to watch! So much focus on the running game. Loved it.

I lost my first game of season 2 in overtime tonight :(

Jimmy threw a game tying TD with 1 second left and I let him down in ot.

=( I would've streamed, but I knew I'd be rusty since I don't play much at all.

You'll play better next time!



Last night was weird, felt like we never had possession.


Heh, nah, I did my drinking... last week was it? A night like that will keep me from drinking for a while, at least until I'm home for christmas.

I just hate my job, and I have some vacation days backlogged, so I'm just taking some long weekends here and there before the year is up I guess.

but yeah, the game today was a lot of fun to watch! So much focus on the running game. Loved it.

=( I would've streamed, but I knew I'd be rusty since I don't play much at all.

You'll play better next time!

Why do you hate your job? No one should hate their job.
Everyone wants to give credit to LOB for beating up the Broncos in the SB. Fact is the DL consumed the teams soul in that game. I saw it rear it's ugly head in the Colts and Pats game last year as well. It's worse after the shuffling of the line. Franklin is not doing well at LG, Clady seems to be human, Ramirez has no business playing RG when Vasquez is a probowl RG, and Vasquez is not a RT. It's a bit of a mess right now, especially when they can't run block either.

So in short, yeah the phins match up well especially if Sanders and Julius are a no go. That would give the phins a big boost to the secondary. OL getting it together is pretty much the key to success, as played out as that sounds. I think we'll see some changes this week.

Yup. Hopefully the fins and broncos will make it a good game this Sunday.

Yeah I think they're basically out of it thanks to inconsistency, injuries, and the tough schedule. they always seem to play better the last third of the year though

That's true. Still a lot of football left to play. And it doesn't get any easier for a lot of teams still fighting for a wildcard in the AFC.

Hey as long as you didn't fail it's all good!

I probably fucked up like I called two timeouts in the 4th quarter with the other team driving.


Why do you hate your job? No one should hate their job.

Because it feels like a waste of my time. I don't make much money, and I have zero ambition or any interest to pursue any advancements, so it feels like a dead end. I only stick around because I'm more afraid of change than I am of facing another day and letting the time go by.

Because it feels like a waste of my time. I don't make much money, and I have zero ambition or any interest to pursue any advancements, so it feels like a dead end. I only stick around because I'm more afraid of change than I am of facing another day and letting the time go by.


That's most of us brother :(
Why do you hate your job? No one should hate their job.

I personally don't hate my job, which is surprising after being a waiter for the last 5 years. But if I thought I was gonna have that kind of job for the rest of my life instead of trying to do something with IT/Computer Science with my (hopefully) eventual degree, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

It sucks that people have to be stuck with jobs they extremely hate, but they need the money.
I don't particularity hate where I work but I hate the sector I'm in. Even if I'm pretty good at it. I've been in finance for almost 8 years now and if I wanted to I could turn it into a career but it's not for me. I have no interest in my company or it's financial well being even though I run an entire department and it's kinda my job to oversee and grow that part of the business, I just don't care and stressing out over reports or audits or whatever BS they have me working on just pisses me off because I couldn't care less about it and it takes up so much of my time. That's why I returned to school and it makes going to work a little easier too, since I I know that working there is just a means to eventually getting the job I really want. Anyways I'm off to bed, I have a long day tomorrow at work :(
I guess it doesn't help that I have no idea what I want to do with my life either.

I feel you on that Shane, I spent the last 12 years or so with absolutely zero direction or goals either dicking around or doing a crappy job with no prospects for advancement.

It wasn't until a year ago that I reached my limit, something clicked and I ended up going back to university. I'm still not sure that I've made the perfect degree choice but I'm definitely happier than I was and it's a hell of a lot better than miserably wasting away in an office.

Don't get too down over this stuff, there are very, very few people on this earth who know exactly what they wanna do with their life and even fewer people who achieve that goal. Don't feel like there's something wrong with you because you're lacking some direction, that makes you a perfectly normal human being.

And remember, whenever you feel at your lowest just go to the sink, splash some cold water over your face before staring closely at your reflection in the mirror and tell yourself:

"At least I'm not gata"


Come on guys! Where's that signature Pats win happiness gone?!

Let Saint Gronk shine a light in the darkness of your hearts!

Edit: Dunno Boban, compared to some in here Gata seems to have his shit together. Although that might just be the carefreeness of youth.


I feel you on that Shane, I spent the last 12 years or so with absolutely zero direction or goals either dicking around or doing a crappy job with no prospects for advancement.

It wasn't until a year ago that I reached my limit, something clicked and I ended up going back to university. I'm still not sure that I've made the perfect degree choice but I'm definitely happier than I was and it's a hell of a lot better than miserably wasting away in an office.

Don't get too down over this stuff, there are very, very few people on this earth who know exactly what they wanna do with their life and even fewer people who achieve that goal. Don't feel like there's something wrong with you because you're lacking some direction, that makes you a perfectly normal human being.

And remember, whenever you feel at your lowest just go to the sink, splash some cold water over your face before staring closely at your reflection in the mirror and tell yourself:

"At least I'm not gata"

Thanks for the post, I'm off to bed now otherwise I'd reply a bit more in depth.

Time to decide what to read next as well.
Of course you'd also feel better if you'd bought an Xbone


But anyway, night dude. It might be worth trying to find shit to do outside of work, joining a club of some sort, playing pick-up games of ping pong or whatever. It's something to look forward to when you're at work and getting out of the house and doing something reduces the amount of time you're sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself. Sports helped me a lot at times when it came to distracting me from my shitty life and it's a nice boost to your self confidence.

Anyway, time to go to class.
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