Calm down, kinky gator boots.Fuck pickles
Calm down, kinky gator boots.Fuck pickles
.Fuck pickles
@NFLFilmStudy 58m58 minutes ago
Excellent press coverage from Jamar Taylor. Any thoughts that he played poorly are misguided IMO. Kid played well
@NFLFilmStudy ready for the starting gig tomorrow?
I think so. Just keep Grimes on Sammy
you got this!
Why do I need to school you motherfuckers on how to be American.
like Gronk at the clinicI got this like the Miami D can hold off opposing QBs in the 4th Quarter.....oh wait lol
I don't trust people who eat pickles
I can't look at you the same anymoreWhy do I need to school you motherfuckers on how to be American.
like Gronk at the clinic
Well, glad to be wrong about Jamar!Shocked that dolphins are favorites for tomorrow, even went up a few points the last couple of days.
Also I don't generally like pickles, every now and then I'll leave them on a burger but for the most part no pickles is the way to go.
Lets hope Coyle is paying attention.
Mustard overpowers the flavor of the meat and cheese. Pickles add a zing and a crunch though. Caramelized onions are the bomb though.
Mustard overpowers the flavor of the meat and cheese. Pickles add a zing and a crunch though. Caramelized onions are the bomb though.
Pickles on a burger is the best.
Mustard overpowers the flavor of the meat and cheese. Pickles add a zing and a crunch though. Caramelized onions are the bomb though.
Better than cheese and bacon? I think not.
I recently learned about adding some honey and cayenne to your caramelized onions.
Also, if the pickle hate doesn't stop, I'm putting an end to this Shirtless experiment[IMG][/QUOTE]
Pls Jon
Don't do anything you'll regret later on!
[quote="Futurevoid, post: 138600007"]Surely this has a football related use we can come up with here, right?
With cheese it's even better. But I'll take pickles over cheese.
I don't eat bacon so no.
Don't worry Allard is doing great.
You know at least I can say I didn't pay full price for the game. Only paid 45 bucksSurely this has a football related use we can come up with here, right?
You need to watch your mouthA deli sandwich without a pickle spear on the side? Get the fuck out and come back when you're ready to put the effort in.
Pickles over cheese...Bruuuuuh
Don't worry Allard is doing great.
I knew milkjuan was not to be trusted
New guy tearing the community apart with his foolish CFA shenanigans.
I wish chris trejo came back to reunite us in peace. He was that kind of person.
A deli sandwich without a pickle spear on the side? Get the fuck out and come back when you're ready to put the effort in.