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NFL 2014 Week 13 |OT| California Gurls

RG3 will go the price of Marcus Mariotta.

Honestly I'd rather take RG3 over Mariotta. So he'll go for at the very least a 1st rounder and probably a 5th, Redskins fucked up financing their future on RG3 but hey, that's the draft.

LMAO brah nobody is giving up a 1st for Robert.


Honestly I'd rather take RG3 over Mariotta.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Not gonna lie; i am drunk.

But the Redskins won't go down for RG3; maybe a 2nd at the lowest.

Then they'll cut him or pay him a bunch of money. If they don't trade him by May of next year his salary goes from his rookie deal to the average of the ten highest paid players in his position, as per his deal.

The Redskins have no leverage at all and the guy can barely play right now.


Guess it really all depends. I'd say right now he is probably worth a 4th-6th round pick at the moment, maybe more if some team is desperate.
What were people's reactions during the Washington playoff game here? I wasn't here at the time, but I'm wondering if anybody else thought he'd never be the same the second that leg buckled.

That was just a horrifying game in every aspect. I'm convinced Shanahan and Snyder were the only people who thought he was okay at any point there.
If an offense runs a dozen illegal pick plays, and the refs call them on 2, that's probably about 8 big plays you've gotten away with.

Amazes me that refs let the Broncos run as many picks as they do. Half their offense is illegal.

This is a Broncos WR making a cut block on Brent Grimes on a quick hitch, which I BELIEVE is illegal.

The more you look at the film the more you realize Dolphins-Broncos was a poorly officiated game.

On the 2 point conversion Wes Welker provides another illegal pick that gets Emmanuel Sanders WIDE OPEN.

Again, BRILLIANT stuff by the Broncos. But also illegal. If Jimmy Wilson hadn't pointed it out I really wouldn't be looking for it.
The Broncos getting away with so many picks has baffled me the past couple seasons. I'm not sure how many other teams do it, I have to watch a lot of Broncos games rooting for the Chargers.


Hoping for a really good game Sunday , and by that I mean a 40-10 score at half and Rodgers smiling on the sidelines at the start of the 4th qtr.


The fact that the Broncos... or rather, Peyton Manning is getting away with illegal tactics doesn't surprise me, and it shouldn't surprise any of you. I mean, they changed the emphasis on illegal contact penalties this year SPECIFICALLY because Peyton tried to throw some wet noodles at the LOB and got his ass handed to him in the SB last year.

Remember, this is the same league that went out of its way to implement a new, more lenient drug policy only because Wes Welker got suspended and Peyton complained.

The NFL will bend over backwards to see Manning win another SB, no matter what. At the expense of everyone else...
RG3 will go the price of Marcus Mariotta.

Honestly I'd rather take RG3 over Mariotta. So he'll go for at the very least a 1st rounder and probably a 5th, Redskins fucked up financing their future on RG3 but hey, that's the draft.
Neither will be a starting QB in the NFL in 4 years.

RG3 is done and I can't say I'm mad. He's a supreme dumbass who put the hype ahead of everything and had nothing to stand on once things fell apart. He takes idiotic sacks, constantly takes unnessicary hits, has bad foot work, and just doesn't seem like he studies his play book. Your offseason can't just be physical work outs, there is more to being a QB.

And I'm tired of the subliminal race bullshit that analysts used to trot out concerning him. Being from a two parent house hold does not make him a good or safe "black QB," or a good person. He's already been exposed as a cheating loser and better hope he doesn't have a kid because lord knows he'll be paying for 18 years.


The fact that the Broncos... or rather, Peyton Manning is getting away with illegal tactics doesn't surprise me, and it shouldn't surprise any of you. I mean, they changed the emphasis on illegal contact penalties this year SPECIFICALLY because Peyton tried to throw some wet noodles at the LOB and got his ass handed to him in the SB last year.

Remember, this is the same league that went out of its way to implement a new, more lenient drug policy only because Wes Welker got suspended and Peyton complained.

The NFL will bend over backwards to see Manning win another SB, no matter what. At the expense of everyone else...

I wonder if us beating Favre and Manning put us somehow on their shitlist too. It caused the OT changes I know that much.


Cunts being cunts, right Slay?

You are aware that your offense calls pick plays? Or is this news to you in the same way cutting the legs out of Gronk is a standard tactic to tackling bigger players by smaller dbs? I'd even wager NE cut blocks as well. It's easy to identify another cunt when they run the same tactics.

The Broncos getting away with so many picks has baffled me the past couple seasons. I'm not sure how many other teams do it, I have to watch a lot of Broncos games rooting for the Chargers.

Are all pick plays illegal? Are cut blocks illegal? Seems like nobody in here knows the answer.

The answer is both have legal and illegal states. Pick plays are legal when done 1 yard from the line of scrimmage.

Much like the buffer dbs get, refs don't always enforce the 1 yard to the t. So you'll see them 2 or 3 yards out at times. No different then what dbs get away with.

Why are pick plays ran? To combat man coverage close to the line. Contrary to what some may think in here in regards to pick plays, receivers can pick, fight for position with dbs in that buffer. So its always interesting when people scream in here about pick/rub plays. Not every pick play is illegal, and that 1 yard buffer is subject to ref interpretation, just like most calls.

As far as the cut blocks, illegal cut blocks are called chop blocks. Cut blocks are taking out a players legs via the thigh, knee area. A chop block is a a cut block that happens when the player being cut blocked is engaged by another player above the waist. A receiver is allowed to block down field as soon as another player has received the ball as far as I recall. They can cut block down the field if necessary.



Fail to see a pick here, 64 is the Center. Legal block. The play up by Welker, I can't tell what is going on here without seeing the tape. Very well could be a pick, but I don't know where the line of scrimmage is, and I don't know what unfolded. I'd have to see it to render a judgment.


Cut blocks are legal, receiver has the ball, other receiver is free to block down field. Nothing to see here.


Looks like a hold by the rules. How many of these get missed or not called against linemen per game? Hell if I know, but they do get missed in every game.


Within the 1 yard buffer, look at the line of scrimmage. Legal red zone pick play. Redzone pick plays are considerably more common for one reason. Space is at a premium. Any separation increases the changes you score a TD. Makes sense to remove a guy from the equation to make separation in such a tight space. It's sound logic and legal football. What should be illegal about this play is the LB frozen on that play. He's in no position to make any play on the ball. Rendered useless away from the play by nobody but himself.



Persecution Complex
Kobe Bryant has a bad game here and there, especially when he has to carry the offense on his back.

Stafford has broad, strong shoulders but one man can only take so much burden.
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