So business as usual.
If you blow someone up you're likely to get flagged, you'll get away with it once in a while but more often than not you're getting flagged.
Not much you can do on some of these plays. You hit someone in the chest with your shoulder and he's going to whip his head back, violent hit. You go too low and you'll blow a guys leg out, you're dirty. Basically you have to go above the knee and below the chest, and that's not factoring how guys curl up when they're about to get hit so you get even less room to make a "clean" hit.
My only problem last night was the media nimrods going ape shit about it being a "clean" hit, then they'll turn around next week and lament how little the NFL does for ex-players who are suffering from football related injuries. Meanwhile you see these types of flags almost every week.