:jncGo fuck yourself!
Was it appropriate there?
:jncGo fuck yourself!
Was it appropriate there?
Actually have a few different squads and none of the squads are just best players available. The one I've been playing with is just of hodge podge of mid tier gold players.What does your team look like?
Added you on PSN just now btw
This has to be a new record for "time to Dutch cussing at you." I've only been up for a few hours! Still room for improvement, though.Go fuck yourself!
Was it appropriate there?
Actually have a few different squads and none of the squads are just best players available. The one I've been playing with is just of hodge podge of mid tier gold players.
Haven't been very lucky with my pack purchases.
This has to be a new record for "time to Dutch cussing at you." I've only been up for a few hours! Still room for improvement, though.
To answer your question, yes. If you need any other grammar tips just let me know. Can't rely on this mystical "library" for everything.
Wow, your team is loaded.
It's the internet people, if youre more than a week behind on a TV show you have to expect that spoilers are being posted in gif form.
"I don't know," Bears quarterback Jay Cutler said when asked how Dallas defended his team's ground attack. "I'll have to look at the film. It happens so fast in the run game, it's hard for me to pinpoint exactly. The score dictated a lot in the second half, but we've just got to do better on offense. To be honest, I'm not a run expert. It's hard for me to give you an answer on that."
Did you spend any real money? If not I might have to finally give this a shot...I have almost a million coins in trading profits, but I pissed away a lot of coins on packsSo it could have been a lot better.
Did you spend any real money? If not I might have to finally give this a shot...
They didnt really run the ball that much. Its a known issue and a big reason Chicago wants Trestman fired. Too many dink and dunk passes.The Bears don't run the football because Cutler has no idea what the Bears running attack is.
If he is uncomfortable talking about the run, how comfortable do you think he is audibling to one?
Im not in a walking dead thread currently. I guess i can spoil Interstellar and the last weeks episode of Sons of Anarchy too for no reason.It's the internet people, if youre more than a week behind on a TV show you have to expect that spoilers are being posted in gif form.
They didnt really run the ball that much. Its a known issue and a big reason Chicago wants Trestman fired. Too many dink and dunk passes.
This came up a few weeks ago, Trestman stopped Cutler from audibling to runs.
Hmm... I think you might have finally convinced me (on accident). Does it do a good job matching you against teams with similar skill levels?Not a single euro.
Who is this chick on NFL AM. Damn she fine
Who is this chick on NFL AM. Damn she fine
:jncThat's LaVarr Arrington
So the gauranteed money in cutlers contract does not become fully gauranteed unless he is still on the roster on March 2015. The Bears would save $16m by cutting him before then. I wonder if they do blow CFL coach and Jpout both out at the end of the season.
I would imagine so, but I hope not. Though, it would be amazing to see Marshall with a rookie QB.
Cutler's statement about not knowing what the fuck a running play is must have given you morning wood because you were just recently ready for the Bears to return to the carousel of no-name quarterbacks from division 3 schools and practice squads.
Hmm... I think you might have finally convinced me (on accident). Does it do a good job matching you against teams with similar skill levels?
McDaniels and Tebow to Chicago
Aaaaaaaaand I'm back out. That didn't take long!Uhm, yeah I think it does. The only problem is that it's actually less fun to play. For some reason there is an even bigger emphasis on pace in FUT and the overall feel is more Arcady. So it gets a lot more frustrating a lot quicker.
I... I´d actually start watching the Bears then. The entertainment value could actually be higher then my ´14 Bucs...
I... I´d actually start watching the Bears then. The entertainment value could actually be higher then my ´14 Bucs...
Aaaaaaaaand I'm back out. That didn't take long!
McDaniels and Tebow to Chicago
I'm still amazed Tebow doesn't have a job in the NFL. I would have thought someone would have been desperate by now.
Poking a dead squirrel with a stick has a higher entertainment value than the Bucs.
I knew it.
I don't even know what this means!
You Europeans, all a bunch of fair weather fans. Have a decade of utter failure as a team, franchise and city and suddenly you want to squicken. But from the Bucs to the Bears? That's not going to be a very productive move for you, hammer.
Shut up German
Shut up German
This bitch team will get pantsed on MNF by the Saints. Detroit is playing for something so they will kill us. Teddy Shitwater and company will win to close out the season. I cant imagine this group of quitters winning another game.I'm hoping the Bears still manage to win two more games so that they drop into the log jam of 7 win teams in draft position. Same with Minny.
Street Fighter 5! Happy as hell to see it coming but boy do I dislike third party exclusives like that. Just chops off a large portion of folks from enjoying the game. Curious if Sony is funding a portion of development.