Grover Cleveland
His parents are charging rent now? Sorry SNES that sucks.
I mean, the man's 78 years old by now.
They should have started charging his ass rent 50 years ago.
His parents are charging rent now? Sorry SNES that sucks.
Brb gotta go check twitter and irc to see snes's response to my post.I mean, the man's 78 years old by now.
They should have started charging his ass rent 50 years ago.
I mean the Arc De Triomphe is right there.
Paris is a really ugly city in the modern era. Too much clash between old and new.
There is also a French flag right on top of the Louvre in that picture.
Edit: I was actually there a year ago, almost to the day. Got there Dec 2 of last year.
Sargeant Stafford meets Field General Matthew Stafford
:jnclol at a size 48 jersey on stafford.
Caught up on some shows today.
Arrow and Flash was awesome
Sons was actually awesome.
Newsroom is getting awesome, too bad its over soon.
Bloodborn looks like a shitty last gen game.
literally everything about this post is wrong
I take it back. It looks like a "remastered" PS2 game. Like Devil May Cry bullshit.
I'm not even an old, and I loved those games.Just tuned in to this game awards, I have no idea who these ppl are or what's going on.
Every one is going crazy for this Roberta?
Sons was terrible until this last episode. You can literally watch episode 1 of this season, skip to this weeks episode and only miss one major thingHas Sons been good this season? When I found out that it was the final season and I saw the casting additions, I thought it'd be worse than last season and fled. Might have to check it out and finish the story if it's not bad.
Newsroom's been great. Wish there would have been more than 8 episodes in its last season, but oh well.
I've honestly never even heard of Kings quest. .I'm not even an old, and I loved those games.
Bears fan attacked outside Soldier Field says police have it all wrong: He and his buddy weren't attacked by Cowboys fans, they were stabbed by fellow Bears fans for saying something nice about the Packers.
"We were just idiots," said the 21-year-old man from Oak Lawn, still nursing a cut to his shoulder from Thursday night's post-game scuffle.
His friend fared worse, suffering eight or nine cuts to the back. "It was probably a knife because the cuts were so clean," said the man, who did not want to be identified.
The man said he and his friend were in the parking lot in the 400 block of East 18th Street around 10:45 p.m., rehashing the Bears loss, when they started talking about the Green Bay Packers. "I was saying the Packers are awesome this year, why can’t I be born a Packers fan?"
The comment caught the attention of another man in the lot who stormed up. “I went to go shake hands but as soon as I did, his buddy came up and threw beer at my head,’’ the man said. “Beer got in my eyes and blinded me.
"Then everything went downhill," the man said. "I was trying to defend myself and run away. I was running away, I remember."
The man believes he was cut as he stumbled around, trying to see.
Three friends of the man who got angry "shanked" his friend eight or nine times in the back, he said. "I guess they piled on him and I just ran around in circles ... I couldn't see. Three of his buddies attacked my one buddy."
Naw brah. The Bears fan was actually stabbed by another Bears fan for saying something nice about the Packers.
Link. It is like an article out of the Onion.
only in california. for shame west coasters!
Sons was terrible until this last episode. You can literally watch episode 1 of this season, skip to this weeks episode and only miss one major thing
cyd and the other Hawk fans say it's only a California thing even though they're part of the Best Coast.
Pack your bags and move to Boston if you're going to throw your fellow Best Coasters' under the bus.
i was being sarcastic in response to the conversation from a few nights ago that sports violence only happens in cali
I always laughed at the idea of a college team being able to play a pro team and it being competitive but the sixers made me question whether it is actually possible.
What total trash.
KD looks pretty rusty.
Not convinced OKC is a championship contender. He better get well soon if they want to make the playoffs in the west.
snes and mech just had a blowout in IRC
nothing sadder than seeing two olds bicker about shit no one cares about
snes and mech just had a blowout in IRC
nothing sadder than seeing two olds bicker about shit no one cares about
His parents are charging rent now? Sorry SNES that sucks.
Detailssnes and mech just had a blowout in IRC
nothing sadder than seeing two olds bicker about shit no one cares about
Probably something about who is the 2nd best defensive lineman in the league, Gerald McCoy or JJ Watt.
:jncthe guy there to witness it
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