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NFL 2014 Week 15 |OT| Drunk in Love

Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.


Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.

You need to stick with it for another 10-15 hours, then it clicks...or ends. Whichever comes first.



Look what Vrabel, Posey and Simon did to poor JJ. Of course they told Watt is was all Andrew Lucks idea.


Incredibly Naive
Can you clarify this part? I think you're trying to be sarcastic at the beginning but I can't tell where the sarcasm ends (I'm not being snarky here).

I never condoned PED use or Spygate, I'm not really sure where you're getting that notion. They both tainted the RedSox and Pats, and the Pats, respectively. Can you clarify what you're referring to?

Of course my team has had people get busted for stuff, but most of them are no longer with the team. That's my point - we're not going out looking for roiders to pay.

This was not you this was slay, didn't quote it properly.

The only part was the part about your team. It's just something I had to say, to say the pats are wrong for getting browner is fine that's your opinion. Agree to disagree here, but your team currently employs a guy that they drafted, and they know has used steroids (and cmon nobody just stops doing that), but your allowed to think what you want. I also pointed out in our argument that if you're going to criticize the pats or my team for it, go ahead and call out every other team for employing known users because it happens EVERYWHERE. Also the pats weren't the only team in on Browner, he was scheduled with multiple other teams, so there ya go. It's rampant in the league, if it really bothers you then I'm not sure how football is something you enjoy watching or sports in general for that matter.


It's an uphill battle that's for sure, poking holes in false logic. I think people would be surprised because I do this kind of thing against my own team, I try my best to be unbiased. If Tom is playing like shit he's playing like shit. I have been attempting to walk away from stuff like that, because it's something I end up spending a lot of time on, but again it's more of an OCD thing, and I know for sure it pisses some people off or rubs them the wrong way. As for the Godslay thing, I'm sure he's fine a lot of people like him, I know PERSONALLY I'm not the only one who shares that he takes it too seriously. It's obnoxious trying to either share an opinion or just start a light conversation and hearing a long list of facts on why his team is right yours is wrong. I do what I can to not get sucked in, but I'm an easy target for debating it's something I've always done. I do appreciate the sentiment though, I'm doing what I can to share my thoughts and let the trolling go.

edit- I'll take this shot 100% of the time. You are a master logician, at the level of Bertrand Russell. It's amazing to watch really. I'm still stuck on the paradox of admitting that PEDs tainted the Red Sox, but Spygate didn't taint the Pats. It doesn't make any sense. One is for personal performance which in some cases the team has no control over, and the other is systematic cheating on a franchise level. Do you condone both as a means to win? It certain appears that way.

Had to say it, but I never said the sox were tainted. I said I would be stupid to think players on that WS team weren't roiding, just like any other team to win a WS would be, somehow you got that I said they were tainted though......... You'd also be ignorant (IMO) if you didn't think your team hasn't cheated or juiced in some way. It is legitimately part of sports, and if you think otherwise again it's very oblivious and ignorant. It's like all those people who get upset hearing that a celebrity cheated on their spouse, or when people were mad brady was dropping F bombs... lol really, it's rampant.

This is the frustrating part of engaging you in any conversation. It's ad homs attached to you acting like you are just here for 'casual light' posting. Most of the time when you post in here, it jumps to shit like this.

Then you come at us like you are some master poking holes in the faulty logic of our posts. Like Greg said, you do a good job of playing the victim and at the same time acting like you are some conquering vanquisher of opinions and facts that NFLGAF brings against you. It's playing like you are above it all, while rolling in the shit like a pig.

If you try to shit on my team, I'll do the same to yours. It's only fair. We can present arguments against each other. It's a public forum, about a combative sport. This isn't some Pats forum where we give each other handjobs. If that's taking it too personally or too seriously, then that's your opinion. If you've got a problem with me, then the best way to resolve it is to either put me on ignore or say it directly to me.


Just stop it. Jimmy Johnson came out publicly and said teams have been doing it for years. Teams swap practice film with each other all the time. Just stop.

Grasp another straw. I hear Aaron Hernandez went to jail, you should try that one.

You know that Josh McDaniels was fired for this didn't you?


Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.
yeah, all the time


This is the frustrating part of engaging you in any conversation. It's ad homs attached to you acting like you are just here for 'casual light' posting. Most of the time when you post in here, it jumps to shit like this.

Then you come at us like you are some master poking holes in the faulty logic of our posts. Like Greg said, you do a good job of playing the victim and at the same time acting like you are some conquering vanquisher of opinions and facts that NFLGAF brings against you. It's playing like you are above it all, while rolling in the shit like a pig.

If you try to shit on my team, I'll do the same to yours. It's only fair. We can present arguments against each other. It's a public forum, about a combative sport. This isn't some Pats forum where we give each other handjobs. If that's taking it too personally or too seriously, then that's your opinion. If you've got a problem with me, then the best way to resolve it is to either put me on ignore or say it directly to me.

You know that Josh McDaniels was fired for this didn't you?

You mean filming the other team's practice which led to a 3-9 record in 2010 wasn't the reason? I thought when teams filmed other practices they always won? Filming other teams is the reason the Pats won all those Super Bowls according to NFL fans! Surely the Broncos know how to cheat too! Oh he went 11-17. Right. Broncos not only have the worst Super Bowl lose ever, they can't even cheat properly.


Incredibly Naive
Can you clarify this part? I think you're trying to be sarcastic at the beginning but I can't tell where the sarcasm ends (I'm not being snarky here).

I never condoned PED use or Spygate, I'm not really sure where you're getting that notion. They both tainted the RedSox and Pats, and the Pats, respectively. Can you clarify what you're referring to?

Of course my team has had people get busted for stuff, but most of them are no longer with the team. That's my point - we're not going out looking for roiders to pay.

This is the frustrating part of engaging you in any conversation. It's ad homs attached to you acting like you are just here for 'casual light' posting. Most of the time when you post in here, it jumps to shit like this.

Then you come at us like you are some master poking holes in the faulty logic of our posts. Like Greg said, you do a good job of playing the victim and at the same time acting like you are some conquering vanquisher of opinions and facts that NFLGAF brings against you. It's playing like you are above it all, while rolling in the shit like a pig.

If you try to shit on my team, I'll do the same to yours. It's only fair. We can present arguments against each other. It's a public forum, about a combative sport. This isn't some Pats forum where we give each other handjobs. If that's taking it too personally or too seriously, then that's your opinion. If you've got a problem with me, then the best way to resolve it is to either put me on ignore or say it directly to me.

When did I shit on your team? I posted gronk is losing his hair and you came at me about it. I'm not trying to come off that way, but when you go on your tirades your logic is ABSURD, not sure how you don't see that. Look at everyone of our confrontations. I almost NEVER call out teams, I just get into debates about my team since 1. I personally get to watch this team and follow it, and 2. the pats are hated so it comes with the territory. I haven't criticized your team at all. Peyton is one of the GOATs, I've said in the past I'd take Brady and that bothers the fuck out of you to the point where you listed every single reason, stat, thought on why you'd take peyton. I don't give a shit. Hell I remember specifically saying I'd take Brady in his prime but I don't want to get into a peyton vs. brady argument over and over again as you were throwing these stats at me. I rarely if ever come at a team unprovoked, because honestly I don't follow those teams closely enough. most of the time I'll respond to a post calling out a team or situation as biased or unfair. I'm far from a master of poking holes, but you make it so easy with your 1 sided arguments. Bringing up HGH about Gronk? Who gives a fuck your team employs plenty of HGH users, I certainly don't blame that for why the pats lost last year... you know what I blame? The front office of both teams. Elway crushed it with FA and drafting, the pats did fucking horrible drafting and in FA. They lost more and more players and failed to address their problems, while the Broncs continued to pile up talent and devlop players properly around their aging QB. I thought the broncs hit a homerun this off-season as well. We got Revis, but broncs went out and loaded up. It was a disgustingly 1 sided affair between the two orginizations, and it was disgustingly one sided on the field. Wouldn't have mattered if Gronk was there or not, the pats were depleted, and the broncs were a superior team from the ground up.

Maybe you mix me up with other pats fans, some are joke characters some are dead serious, but those are pats fans in general. Excuses are for losers, only thing that matters is the scoreboard, can't blame the refs, can't blame flukes, that's part of the game. People say pats were 2 plays away from being 2 time SB champions? They were also 3 plays away from losing their first 3, that's part of sports. Ron Artest lighting it up in game 7 stopped the celts from being something so much more than they were, these are facts. Stuff like "your team does steroids and that's wrong"... sure that's a fact, but to say they are the only team that does? There's always an excuse too why your team wasn't wrong in doing it. "he was too young to know HGH is wrong", "yeah even though every coach openly admits to using cameras, the pats had special advantages". Sports are about getting an advantage any way possible, it's the same reason players play to injure, put bounties on people, do steroids, etc.

So setting the record straight here, I'm not out to chew your franchise up. If you look at our arguments the only time I come at you is when you come at me about garbage, because that's what it is, you can spin an argument any which way by saying stuff like "well your team did this, your team did that", you either are kidding, or genuinely believe your team is above the rest of the league.

edit- and again hate to break this to you, but I'm not the only one who shares this thought process. You are VERY aggressive in shitting down someones throat if they even attempt to say something about your team. In all cases against me I've never come in here calling out your team, I think Elway has done a spectacular job of putting that group together, and I've said that multiple times in ehre AND multiple times I've shit all over the pats FO for putting together a lot of what plagued this pats team the last few years. This year the gap is closer thanks to one big landing in Revis (the other things like browner and Lafell have helped, but take away Revis and this team wouldn't be where they are), but last year the Broncos and Pats didn't belong in the same conversation.


You mean filming the other team's practice which led to a 3-9 record in 2010 wasn't the reason? I thought when teams filmed other practices they always won? Filming other teams is the reason the Pats won all those Super Bowls according to NFL fans! Surely the Broncos know how to cheat too! Oh he went 11-17. Right. Broncos not only have the worst Super Bowl lose ever, they can't even cheat properly.

The videotaping incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.

We may have had the worst Super Bowl loss ever, but who gives a shit about that? We've got a handful of them. Nothing to be ashamed of in losing a Superbowl like that. We got there, on the shoulders of Elway in most cases. They were mediocre teams carried by a HOF QB. The better teams won. That doesn't chap my ass in the slightest mate.

Marshall Faulk, who has more credibility than you or I, agrees that the Pats cheated and because of that won Superbowls.


Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.
It's not the game it is you.

You are getting older and outgrowing gaming.

It means you will be more selective and will eventually start buying more games than you will actually play.


The videotaping incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.

We may have had the worst Super Bowl loss ever, but who gives a shit about that? We've got a handful of them. Nothing to be ashamed of in losing a Superbowl like that. We got there, on the shoulders of Elway in most cases. They were mediocre teams carried by a HOF QB. The better teams won. That doesn't chap my ass in the slightest mate.

Marshall Faulk, who has more credibility than you or I, agrees that the Pats cheated and because of that won Superbowls.
Did you just try and use Marshall Fault as a source for credibility? Lol how sad.


Incredibly Naive
Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.

I thought I was going to hate it, but I loved it. I love the Saurons army part, and I really liked traversal in general for the most part.

Fuck the hair loss, I think anyone with big muscles is on steroids.

Unfortunately I believe 90%+ of athletes are on steroids, which could be unfair, but from what I've seen personally over the years and in lifting it just seems more than likely. I mean I was shocked to find out from a friend just how many people at local gyms are juicing, these guys are at the absolute pinnacle of athleticism it's hard to see them getting there without wanting that extra push.

I spend more time shitting on my own team then the pats

fuck the pats though

I do this almost exclusively. As I said before its easy to shit on my own teams because I'm following it all the time, I don't have time to follow other teams as closely. I have a loose grasp of teams philosophies, but I can't pretend to know the situations going on there. If I'm biased about something it's that I'm too hard on my own team, for instance most teams draft poorly, I've learned that it's pretty common for teams to flame out the vast majority of the time in the draft... however I think Bill belongs towards the top of the list in the bust category.


Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.

Most of the time I feel this way playing games which is why I buy like 3 or 4 per year now.
The huge majority of games feel like the same crap over and over again trying to be interactive cinema and just filled with stupid shit.


When did I shit on your team? I posted gronk is losing his hair and you came at me about it. I'm not trying to come off that way, but when you go on your tirades your logic is ABSURD, not sure how you don't see that. Look at everyone of our confrontations. I almost NEVER call out teams, I just get into debates about my team since 1. I personally get to watch this team and follow it, and 2. the pats are hated so it comes with the territory. I haven't criticized your team at all. Peyton is one of the GOATs, I've said in the past I'd take Brady and that bothers the fuck out of you to the point where you listed every single reason, stat, thought on why you'd take peyton. I don't give a shit. Hell I remember specifically saying I'd take Brady in his prime but I don't want to get into a peyton vs. brady argument over and over again as you were throwing these stats at me. I rarely if ever come at a team unprovoked, because honestly I don't follow those teams closely enough. most of the time I'll respond to a post calling out a team or situation as biased or unfair. I'm far from a master of poking holes, but you make it so easy with your 1 sided arguments. Bringing up HGH about Gronk? Who gives a fuck your team employs plenty of HGH users, I certainly don't blame that for why the pats lost last year... you know what I blame? The front office of both teams. Elway crushed it with FA and drafting, the pats did fucking horrible drafting and in FA. They lost more and more players and failed to address their problems, while the Broncs continued to pile up talent and devlop players properly around their aging QB. I thought the broncs hit a homerun this off-season as well. We got Revis, but broncs went out and loaded up. It was a disgustingly 1 sided affair between the two orginizations, and it was disgustingly one sided on the field. Wouldn't have mattered if Gronk was there or not, the pats were depleted, and the broncs were a superior team from the ground up.

Maybe you mix me up with other pats fans, some are joke characters some are dead serious, but those are pats fans in general. Excuses are for losers, only thing that matters is the scoreboard, can't blame the refs, can't blame flukes, that's part of the game. People say pats were 2 plays away from being 2 time SB champions? They were also 3 plays away from losing their first 3, that's part of sports. Ron Artest lighting it up in game 7 stopped the celts from being something so much more than they were, these are facts. Stuff like "your team does steroids and that's wrong"... sure that's a fact, but to say they are the only team that does? There's always an excuse too why your team wasn't wrong in doing it. "he was too young to know HGH is wrong", "yeah even though every coach openly admits to using cameras, the pats had special advantages". Sports are about getting an advantage any way possible, it's the same reason players play to injure, put bounties on people, do steroids, etc.

So setting the record straight here, I'm not out to chew your franchise up. If you look at our arguments the only time I come at you is when you come at me about garbage, because that's what it is, you can spin an argument any which way by saying stuff like "well your team did this, your team did that", you either are kidding, or genuinely believe your team is above the rest of the league.

edit- and again hate to break this to you, but I'm not the only one who shares this thought process. You are VERY aggressive in shitting down someones throat if they even attempt to say something about your team. In all cases against me I've never come in here calling out your team, I think Elway has done a spectacular job of putting that group together, and I've said that multiple times in ehre AND multiple times I've shit all over the pats FO for putting together a lot of what plagued this pats team the last few years. This year the gap is closer thanks to one big landing in Revis (the other things like browner and Lafell have helped, but take away Revis and this team wouldn't be where they are), but last year the Broncos and Pats didn't belong in the same conversation.

I'm not mixing you up with anybody.

The Broncos are not above the league, they are one of the better teams at this point in time, but they'll slink back to being bad at some point. It's the cycle.

As far as being aggressive, if someone dishes it out, expect to get it back. Can't handle it? Not my problem.

I'm not gonna waste my time writing up a huge response, because I already said what I needed to say.


Incredibly Naive
I'm not mixing you up with anybody.

The Broncos are not above the league, they are one of the better teams at this point in time, but they'll slink back to being bad at some point. It's the cycle.

As far as being aggressive, if someone dishes it out, expect to get it back. Can't handle it? Not my problem.

I'm not gonna waste my time writing up a huge response, because I already said what I needed to say.

Again I don't "dish it out" you attack others. And again I never come right out and say "oh this team sucks because of this or that" because I don't follow them closely enough. Again the way this started? I said Gronk is balding and you come at me saying he's a roider.

edit- to add to that anytime I "come at a team" is a counter-argument which is basically mirroring what you said. Gronks a roider? Sure might be, but Von Miller and Demarcus Ware most likely are as well. Brady used HGH to come back... I actually don't believe that for a second, but if he did than peyton sure as shit did, because by all accounts his career was over. Patriots taped a practice? Hey look at that Broncs did too, and they cheated the cap. Heres where you jump in and say "blah blah they didn't cheat the cap" it's the same thing as me laying out facts for spygate, you choose to believe the facts for the broncos, and I choose to believe the facts for the pats, and hell the rest of anybody that matters in the league, besides marshall faulk making excuses- Warner, Cowher, Johnson, Dungy, etc. all defended bill... hell Mangini defended bill and he hates him and ratted him out over a technicality, he has nothing to gain from defending him. Choose to ignore that though, that's what you do. I'm not criticizing your team for their actions, I just find it funny you're so quick to criticize everyone elses.

Tom Penny

Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.

It's a game that requires leveling up. Why would it click in 20 minutes? I'm not sure why you even bought the game.


The videotaping incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.

We may have had the worst Super Bowl loss ever, but who gives a shit about that? We've got a handful of them. Nothing to be ashamed of in losing a Superbowl like that. We got there, on the shoulders of Elway in most cases. They were mediocre teams carried by a HOF QB. The better teams won. That doesn't chap my ass in the slightest mate.

Marshall Faulk, who has more credibility than you or I, agrees that the Pats cheated and because of that won Superbowls.

Marshall is also salty because he lost to one of those Pats teams.
You do know that every team films their practices and shares them with other teams? The NFL routinely asks for practice film to make sure the teams are in compliance with practice time rules.

You know that even the NFLN is going to start filming teams practices?


I guess the NFLN should be fined everytime they do this.

Fans can't go to practices anymore either, might be filming. Could cause a team like the Broncos to forget how to change audible calls in the Super Bowl. Or a guy like Marshall Faulk, who has 6 kids with 4 different women btw(great credibility there), blaming film over the fact his defense couldn't make a stop to save their lives(BTW that Super Bowl still has time left on the clock.)


Do you guys ever just not have games click like 20 minutes in and give up? I picked up Shadow of Mordor for $25 from amazon on black friday because of all the hype and good critical reception and I just can't get into it. The combat is very "batman-like" which I like, but it just doesn't have the same "oomph" as the Batman games. It feels very weightless, a lot more like an AssCreed game. Controls are the same way too. Feels less free than most open world games and more like you are just meant to get stuck to everything. And there's way too much to take in from jump. Like 50 different things on your minimap at all time. Tutorial prompts constantly coming up every 2 seconds telling you about doing this and that....I don't think I'm going to pick it back up again lol. Just not feeling all that.

Happens to me a lot. It's made me a lot more discriminant about what I buy and at what price.


Question for NFL-Gaf: What is :jnc? I see a lot of you post it.

everyone is being an asshole about it so Ill tell you.
It stands for "jakncoke" a frequent poster in here who singlehandedly got the laughing smilie banned on Gaf from overuse. So we use :jnc when something is hilarious.
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