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NFL 2014 Week 5 |OT| The Week of Embarrassment and the Fall of an Empire

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Didn't realize the Walrus maybe going to Oakland. Just keep him away from GM duties.

Also, Desean Jackson always looks like the fastest player in the league. I wish we had him in Green Bay.


Incredibly Naive
So this was probably my worst 5 day stretch ever the past few days :-/. Thank god this hell run of work ends tomorrow. Great showing by the pats. Really glad Tom came with fire, but he still missed a lot of his throws. Wright definitely deserves more time, and ridley. They need to commit to that run game more. The biggest thing was the line though, I have no idea if it was the continuity (getting Devey the tuba player gone for good, please), or the bungles just not showing up. Either way it only further proves it. If the line holds decent Tom is still an elite qb. His smarts are through the roof. Vereen was unreal too with that laterall quickness and vision. He had a lot of room to work with, but he always chose the right path. I don't know what to think about Gronk, he's still a massive guy, but did he really prove a ton? He was responsible for break downs along the line several times, and I mean for whatever reason the bengals just left him alone... seriously he came off the line clean the entire game.

Letting Revis go man was great... weird that they made the same mistakes TB did just a year ago for the first few games making him play back and in zone. I don't know if it was Jamie Collins injury, or if he was just in a slump, but he looked massively different this week, we saw that explosiveness that he's lacked in the worst way. The guy is a moron though, with that lucky fumble, and that ridiculous fair catch penalty. Mayo to me still looks toasted, his lateral movement is non-existent. Again I don't know if it was the bungles being the bungles, but Vince looked absolutely beastly after being a disaster the first few weeks.

All in all there's reallly not much to take away from it, except that these guys still have toms back as far as the players go. I'm not convinced there isn't something behind the scenes with Bill/kraft. In fact Bill went out of his way to avoid saying Tom was great, when in the past I've heard him say "no other qb I'd rather have". Another thing to take is despite the bungles playing awful, it's encouraging that the pats actually did something about it. The raiders and vikings both played atrocious and the offense did jack shit with it.

How does Marvin Lewis still have a job btw?


Go get'em Ball, goddamn garbage RB.

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