Look how long his fucking thumb is.
How did you know what's what he calls it?
Look how long his fucking thumb is.
So basically what kas is saying is that he is a chubby chaser? Because he wants to date a QB with a double chin.
Look how long his fucking thumb is.
Funny, with an Xbone and a PC I feel the PS4is redundantand its shitty controller
In Latin America, Eastern Europe kids are given cooked chicken drumsticks to gnaw on when they're weaning. Some friends I know freaked out when they heard about it, saying the baby could choke or stab himself. I saw where all sides where coming from but it was interesting to see.
A finger or two of whisky for yourself and your parasite. That way, you're both happy.
Your my boy blue! Even if you worked us last Sunday :,(
You guys are taking your fandom of your favorite quarterbacks a touch far.
The only quarterback I want to date is in the Lingerie league I'm sure!
Only if your name's ColdnoodleYou couldn't turn down this GILF
Live feed from the Weeden cam.
Nah. Not necessary.
You're strange cajun, very strange.
But since I like you, lets go get some dim sum.
looks like if Robin Williams had a baby with Tina Fey and they abandoned it and it was raised by lizards
My parents were weird hippies. They filmed my conception- they had calculated when my Mom was most fertile and then had unprotected sex.
I found this out when I was a kid, when I first asked my parents the whole 'where do babies come from' question. They told me how sex worked, and explained that they had filmed it.
I thought that was weird, but didn't think much of it. Then when I turned 15 and started dating, my parents sat me down and had a conversation about sex. They gave me all the usual warnings, but then also told me that I should strive to find someone to 'make love' to. Then they showed me the video....
It was fairly tame actually, standard missionary position and it was kinda grainy being that it was on VHS. No sound either, but my Dad had scored it with some weird fucking pan flutes. Can't say that it's really fucked me up, but I have NO idea why they thought it was a good idea to show it to me.
looks like if Robin Williams had a baby with Tina Fey and they abandoned it and it was raised by lizards
So you're saying that she looks like a girl you would find in a typical anime, right?Come on dude. She has an almost natural cuteness. She looks more like a typical cutie than some dolled up sex bomb woman. she has that intelligent artsy cutie next door look. And freckles. Shes adorable.
So you're saying that she looks like a girl you would find in a typical anime, right?
I will call you enemy like I call Pats fan from now on.
That's right, I put you in lineage with Pats fans.
I hate you.
Fucking pan flutes.
Guzim still exists?
I'm sitting here listening to the Killer Instinct OST on Spotify like it's 1994 again.
Back when Eddie Jones and Nick Van Exel still weren't shit!
I know dubstep is usual awful but I found one particular guy on youtube who doesnt just throw generic sounding shit in a Zelda tune and call it dubstep he actually mixes the breaks into the melody of the original song and doesnt overpower it with garbage.