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NFL 2014 Week 8 |OT| I Used To Like Football


Time to see how much this country really rides for the Goodell Football League (GFL).

How many people are going to wake up on Sunday morning to watch Cowardly Ryan vs. the Fightin Fatties?


I'm going to enjoy watching Detroit's defensive line crush Cowardly Ryan. Can't think of many better ways to start my Sunday.


Time to see how much this country really rides for the Goodell Football League (GFL).

How many people are going to wake up on Sunday morning to watch Cowardly Ryan vs. the Fightin Fatties?

Well I'll already be up and have all my coffee in me. Usually that time im usually posting things no one reads on here or watching a movie. So may as well watch some football and hope Kas team goes down in flames.


You're really going to lead off your stern anti-abuse campaign with Eli? Come on, how am I supposed to take it seriously when I'm laughing through the first 30 seconds.
damnit, I thought the same thing, hahaha

opened and closed it - got me both times


I don't think they have Internet in Cambodia.

On a completely unrelated note, you would be the worst person to lecture about sensitivity since you probably help attempted suicides finish the job in the back of an ambulance so you can take a nap.

I deny directly encouraging SI, subliminally yes.
ACTUAL SPOILERS AHEAD. I don't want to hear any lip if you get spoiled.

About damn time the
showed up. We were promised it basically 7 Marvel Studios movies ago!
Peterson is looking to redeem himself so perhaps! I'm nervous about Ertz and Celek wrecking us :(

No problem buddy! We could have done it if we cheesed it, I have no idea why I didn't think to have us do that with you under leveled. Hell, most people cheese it even when they are above level haha It was fun regardless! I decided to max out my Raid chest since I have enough shards to still do an exotic when I get it so...BOOM Level 30, baby!
Very nice! I don't know if I'll ever power through to 30, the grind is really wearing on me. I'm curious to see whether or not the expansions will be worth playing.

I think I'm only L5 and none of my friends tend to be on at the same time I am. Which makes it more of a loner game, and it really isn't great at that.

Therefore: Shadow of Mordor.
Honestly you are probably better off, haha. Destiny is more addictive than it is good. Great core shooter mechanics but it's just overwrought with design decisions based on a business model.
I like most of em really, but thought the first Avengers was so boring. Ultron seems pretty badass, so there's that for this one.

Avengers was just too bloated, who really gives a fuck about Hawkeye and Black Widow whining about a metaphorical ledger. Same with Cap 2, I love Evans but they wasted too much screentime on needless bullshit instead of focussing on the Winter Soldier.

It's why Guardians was so good, it was about as self-contained as a Marvel movie can get now so you didn't 40 mins of some dull character and sub-plot which serves no purpose other than setting up something that will happen in a movie 3 years down the line.

Plus Burt Macklin Space FBI is awesome.


Romo has been money on third down. Has a passer rating of 124.1. And it isn't just because they are improving the yards to go. Dude has a rating of 132.6 on 3rd and 10+.

He was only able to move the chains (on 3rd downs) 48 times last year. This year he has moved it 40 times already. I like to to think it is a combination of Linehan utilizing his role players and Dallas having a pretty good line. 22 of 40 third down conversion have gone to Dez and Witten, 18 have gone to other players. Pretty good.
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