Getting to da chopper as we speak.
Had a chance to watch it yesterday, but had to stay late at university :'(
Its snowing are you jelly?
Getting to da chopper as we speak.
Had a chance to watch it yesterday, but had to stay late at university :'(
I'm so hungover.
How do you deal with this Jak?
I wouldn't recommend it to Pats fans.Starting to think TFA might not be too great, with all of you old cranks liking it!
Starting to think TFA might not be too great, with all of you old cranks liking it!
I wouldn't recommend it to Pats fans.
That new Batman movie.What would you recommend to them?
Up early on a Saturday so I can go finish Christmass hopping. Last weekend before Christmas.
Should be fun.
Its snowing are you jelly?
Up early on a Saturday so I can go finish Christmass hopping. Last weekend before Christmas.
Should be fun.
Up early on a Saturday so I can go finish Christmass hopping. Last weekend before Christmas.
Should be fun.
RIP in peace
I did all my shopping weeks ago on Amazon. No way in hell I'd do anything else the weekend before Christmas.
Isnt the last saturday before christmas nearly as bad as black friday?
Wtf is that shit BG?
RIP in peace
I did all my shopping weeks ago on Amazon. No way in hell I'd do anything else the weekend before Christmas.
Sorry man, I knew I was forgetting someone.
Congratulations on your graduation to full animu!
Only a med? what kind of whiskey you have today? grapefruit and avacado?
Plain Daniels today. I ran out last night, sadly. Had to settle for my emergency bottle of Windsor.
I still have to wrap some gifts, but I'm done shopping
wrapping gifts is the worst because I'm the worst at it
I have a erie brewing variety pack and some leftovers from other 6 packs
Erie brewing is pretty damned good. I bout one of their variety packs a month or so ago, it was pretty impressive.
om nom nom bacon.
From the streets of the leagueWtf is that shit BG?
I still have to wrap some gifts, but I'm done shopping
wrapping gifts is the worst because I'm the worst at it
Wtf is that shit BG?
We got like 20 gifts for my godchild. I wrapped one and said fuck this and let my girlfriend do it.
We got like 20 gifts for my godchild. I wrapped one and said fuck this and let my girlfriend do it.
Gift bags friend...
yes, you canWait I can best you in a gift wrapping contest?? Damn this weekend can't get any better