Ninja Scooter
My name is John Elway and I am the advocate for bbbbbbRRRRROOOOCK OSWEILER!
Still not too late.SHoulda taken that Colts 4500:1 odds ...
Brock gonna win this
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Don't throw a pick...
Narag and the Colts just REFUSES TO GO THE FUCK AWAY...
Yup.McManus makes me nervous.
Please just hit it.
What the fuck voodoo magic bullshit do the Colts have? Which firstborns did they sacrifice for all their lucky bullshit? Is it God? Is it money? I don't understand.Colts just won't die.
Where has this Brock Osweiler been the past couple weeks? He's had some great throws in this drive.
Lol. Why on earth would Brock do that?