Is that an animalThe Vladimir Putins.
Is that an animalThe Vladimir Putins.
Agreed for certain circumstances but when you are a grown ass man beating on women you don't deserve jack shit. Hope this completely blows up in Jones's fucking face.
Oh and someone asked about a certain persons opinion on this earlier:
People deserve a second chance to be a better person, but that doesn't mean we should try to downplay the bad they've done. And just because you deserve a second chance doesn't mean you get to come back to the NFL. You can become a better person, but you don't need to be playing in the NFL to do that. And if you are gonna be welcomed back into the NFL you should at least act like you're a changed man who's learned his lesson. Based on what we've seen and heard from Greg Hardy I don't think he learned anything from this.
I bet if Aaron Hernandez had been acquitted some team would've given him another chance
It kept me entertained
rando sure is blessed lately, he gets GOAT Valkyria Chronicles and his Raiders have a winning record.
ProbablyThe pats?
It's sports bro and his guys can keep saying this as some sort of weird defense of Hardy, but just because there maybe used to be teams that had 1 "scumbag" doesn't mean people have to accept it now. Its pretty clear peoples opinions are changing on the matter. If this hardy situation blows up anymore something will be done with him.
It's sports bro and his job.
If it's a crime the authorities should do their job and put your scumbag ass in jail. And if not then let the person earn a living.
To me that's how it should work as long the person admits they made a mistake. If they can't even do that then the team has to let them be someone else's problem.
To me this is just low hanging fruit which internet moralists as experts in dealing with. Instead of telling us how a football player is a scumbag go outside your house and go help out at a women's shelter or donate to one.
End old man rant.
Regarding the Browns QB situation, it's clear that Josh McCown gives them the best chance to win.
But they're a 2-7 team, 6.5 back in the division (and down a tiebreaker now so effectively, 7 back), and they have pretty much no chance of making the wildcard. At this point, winning games now would be secondary to setting up the future. And a big part of that future will be, whether or not JFF, the guy they spent a first round pick on, can give them anything going forward. I would throw him out there and see what he has. If he's decent, you have something to work with. If not, dump him in the offseason and try again.
I mean, I can understand why Mike Pettine wouldn't do that though. It's not exactly in his best interest to forgo his best shot at winning games in order to audition QBs for the next guy. And I don't think he ever really believed in Johnny in the first place. I'm sure if he had his way against the FO, he would rid his hands of JFF and be done with him forever.
I was ok with the Brady stuff but unless he is prohibited from talking about it by the settlement he has to show he has changed by his words at the very least. Otherwise you are just enabling a psychotic person.He was convicted of domestic assault but had it dropped on appeal because the victim settled and withdrew her cooperation (that's probably a whole nother fucked up story).
Then, instead of keeping his head low he comes out with the shit about Brady's wife, shoving our ST coach and through it all management doesn't say a fucking word because he's by and far our best pass rusher, basically enabling his behavior.
I watch about 20mins of the Paul Brown Football Life on NFLN, is Vince Lombardi a product of TV? PB invented so much, Facemask on helms, the Draw play, speaker in the QB helmet(which was banned) watching film, the 40 yard dash, the pass blocking scheme known today as the pocket, so much of the today's game is because of him, yet when they talk about the past all we hear is VL..
Bionic defends Hardy and attacks Brady
You make the call
smhI was ok with the Brady stuff but unless he is prohibited from talking about it by the settlement he has to show he has changed by his words at the very least. Otherwise you are just enabling a psychotic person.
I was ok with the Brady stuff but unless he is prohibited from talking about it by the settlement he has to show he has changed by his words at the very least. Otherwise you are just enabling a psychotic person.
What Brady did is much worse in the football make believe sports world than what Hardy did.Bionic defends Hardy and attacks Brady
You make the call
Just catching up on the thread.
Ray Lewis never murdered anyone. Both of his Superbowls felt great.
Tomb Raider or Black Ops 3Decided to run with the Target trade in promotion today . Traded in 6 different games each a year old or more and got $105 in credit. Target runs a B2G1 deal next week on all games. Also got a digital 10% off coupon from some new target app that can be used on videogames so no tax.
Halo 5, Fallout 4 and what else?
Playing football isn't how Greg Hardy can redeem himself.
It's sports bro and his job.
If it's a crime the authorities should do their job and put your scumbag ass in jail. And if not then let the person earn a living.
To me that's how it should work as long the person admits they made a mistake. If they can't even do that then the team has to let them be someone else's problem.
To me this is just low hanging fruit which internet moralists as experts in dealing with. Instead of telling us how a football player is a scumbag go outside your house and go help out at a women's shelter or donate to one.
End old man rant.
The proper thing to do is not to ask for Hardy's job, it is to mock and humiliate the Cowboys and their owner.
Just catching up on the thread.
Ray Lewis never murdered anyone. Both of his Superbowls felt great.
larry pls
No it is possible to do both but I am sick of some elements of culture on the internet.bionic you're doing this weird assumption thing where just because people you see who point out how shit someone is don't donate to preventive causes, you think that's the case for everyone, which it's not. It's a prevalent thing too
This seems like you think it's impossible to do both
I call shit people shit people, and I'm proud of it. I donate to charities and I'm proud of it. I hope those shit people get everything they deserve in life, and I'm proud of it. And I mock the rich enablers who don't give a fuck about bad publicity until it affects they wallet, and I'm proud of it.
I saw that. But damn it is sad watching gimp Kobe.We did it bionic! Lakers win!
That was actually really good.If you don't like Aziz Ansari, and still like funny, and are over age of 18...
Warch the opening 8 minutes of episode two of his new Netflix show. Amazing.
What about un-football wise?I ain't got a Neilsen box, who buys tickets anymore, I don't have to worry about seeing Rice or Suggs play for my team the few times I might watch them this year, and I get Madden used cheap from Amazon or eBay. My conscience is clean football-wise
You can't break the broken
Tomb Raider or Black Ops 3
Where are you from?
You ain't shit unless you are from Reading.Wyomissing, Pennsylvania?
thats a name..
Buy a filler game, bring it back the following week, get star wars battlefront.Want to play the first Tomb Raider before the new one. Downloaded it from GWG and just have not started it yet.
Only play CoD for the single player. Ghosts and AW really put me off on the MP
I think Jerry's giving a bigger middle finger to the league that Kraft/Brady are this year:
Want to play the first Tomb Raider before the new one. Downloaded it from GWG and just have not started it yet.
Only play CoD for the single player. Ghosts and AW really put me off on the MP
you didnt get Tomb Raider when it was free on XBL?
They look sickly
We can still be celebrate even after Brown and Bell clown on you.Can we just beat the Steelers already so bionic and I can celebrate our Lakers?