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NFL 2015 Wild Card |OT| - A Fraud Goes Wild


Tabris please take a moment and type down a detailed plan on how to properly design the interior of my home. Please discuss the importance of contrast between colors and the meaning for each particular shade.

If it is less than 1200 words I will be seriously disappointed

I am happy to help to take your mind off the what must have been a depressing day for you due to things I won’t talk about as I don’t want to remind you.

I’m going to break this down into 3 elements.

The first one is colour theme. It’s important to consider what kind of colours you want representing you and ensuring you keep to that palette. I usually recommend keeping it to a spectrum pairing that makes sense. Even though I wouldn’t go with this, blue and orange compliment each other. I also recommend keeping to lighter colours, because there’s a mood reaction that goes along with the colours people see when they enter your place. For boring parents with their boring man caves, it’s fine to go all black because the only women that are visiting you anymore is their wives who are already depressed because they’re boring now. But if you still have an active lifestyle meeting a bunch of different people, then I recommend the lighter tone spectrum because it will give them a positive reaction when they enter your home. You don’t want it to be a visual of the same colour everywhere as that can be perceived as boring as well, so you want to ensure to add, what I like to call, pops of contrast into your palette. If you have a white couch? Maybe add some red throw pillows. If you have a white desk? Put a black monitor on it. My favourite combination is a white palette with green, red, and black pops of contrast. Picking a colour theme is important not only just in the furniture you pick, but the flooring and wall paint you choose. Consider all of these things when you plan out your interior design and your life will improve as you wake up to that colour palette. Tabris guarantee.

The second one is the design style. You want to take a interior design style such as contemporary, modern, corporate modern, victorian, zen, art deco, industrial, etc and stick with it throughout your furniture choices. You can have some slight variation with your decorative touches, and the key word is touches as you want to be light with how much you fill your place with decorative items. But you never want to clash design styles with your furniture picks as it leads to a chaotic life. Say some guys boring wife picks arts and craft style, but he’s more of a modernist. He should just get divorced right there as who has time for that ugly design style. Think about your design style when you pick who you date and marry, because it’s part of Tabris’ 3 elements to successful interior design and you don’t want to be left being in a black man cave depressed about your boring life because you didn’t follow them. Now some interior design styles can be complimentary to each other, such as minimalist and zen, modern and corporate modern, etc. So make sure to do a google search on interior design pairings before you propose. My favourite design styles are minimalist and zen.

The third one is ensuring to add some design brands that people can recognize. Instead of having a bunch of boring furniture from some no name furniture store that’s all hand made and carved and stained (stained is an example of a bad design style and you didn’t pay attention to the 2nd element), you get a piece people will recognize and then be economical with the rest. Now getting some design furniture, such as an Aeron Office Chair or Barcelona Chair can be quite expensive, you can balance it with your other furniture choices. This is where being economical with the choices for furniture people won’t be using actively is important, and where we will discuss the wonders of Ikea. Ikea provides you furniture that looks amazing at cheap prices. Sure, some of the build quality can be low but when it’s just a coffee table, a desk, or some entertainment stand it doesn’t matter as no one is going to break those. If they break during the move, they were cheap and you can just repurchase it instead of buying the boring wood and stained furniture that lasts longer but costs more then 2 times. Because that boring piece of furniture no one is going to recognize. But they are going to recognize that Barcelona Chair in the corner and you were able to afford that chair because you saved a bunch of money shopping at Ikea.

Now what’s the ideal way to shop at Ikea? Some people say relaxing with a mug of coffee with your ikea throw blanket around you shopping online. But I say the best way is to go with a bunch of people because not only is Ikea shopping something you want to encourage in people you know, but you can get cheap beer there and get tipsy while you shop. Especially great to take someone you may be romantically involved with, because not only can you confirm whether you still want to date this person due to the second element, but you will have a great time imagining what your future place may look like. Plus cheap beer. This is a better experience that going to that hipster dive bar with cheep beer because this isn’t gross. My favourite Ikea section is the first area where you can see ideas on how to combine the various pieces of furniture.

So when you take all 3 elements - pick a matching colour palette (preferably lighter colours), pick a design style or two (as long as they are synergetic styles), and ensure you pick up a design branded piece that people will recognize - people will be impressed by your great interior design sense and it will lead to a much more fulfilling life.

You can then post your new place at the GAF setup thread ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1162688 ) and everyone will be impressed. You can also use this thread for some more great design ideas, making sure to remember the 3 elements. After you have graduated from the Tabris 3 elements of interior design, I recommend you speak to Chittagong who can instruct you on how to become really classy. Now while your budget will need to increase significantly as everything becomes design brand and you can’t be economical with Ikea, you can then study the ways of being classy. Think about this like Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2. I may be Bill and can teach you only so much as my apprentice, but eventually you’re going to need to go to Pai Mei to learn the ways of classy interior design. He will train you in ways that I cannot, and you may then be able to defeat me with your greater design sense. But first you need to train in the 3 elements.


I cringe everytime Brown returns a punt. I fear he's going to get injured... Never liked having the best WR in the league returning punts.


Yeah that's the thing. I view him and John Harbaugh as the same guy. Good not great coaches. Really really hard to go from good to great, and really really easy to go from good to bad

Yea and that's the danger of moving on from Tomlin for the Steelers. I think he's good enough to get this team to the super bowl and win though. Just some matchups the Steelers are just going to have to win on their talent rather than coaching.
McCarron about to lose

marshawn not playing tomorrow because of friction with the coaching staff. they don't really need him tomorrow but that doesn't bode well for the rest of the playoffs (where they would need him)
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