Wait what? Jordan Mathews? As in the best WR on team? All around good guy, good character, and not even in his peak yet Jordan Mathews? Why WTF? Unless this gets us Brandon Cooks but even then we are short 2 WRs. Any addition should be to pair with Mathews, not to replace him.
And why would any team trade for a Chase Daniels or back up guard Barbe? None of these reports make sense.
I must've poured 20 hours into Zelda by now and I still haven't gone to any of the different races villages. Just Kakariko and another one. It's so goddamn big and there's so much to do
I just got the wiiU version this evening, put in 1 hr, and am already in love, overwhelmed, and so happy playing it. Now need to find time.
Baby #2 is due any minute so I might as well not even play anymore.