That was all sports talk radio could talk about yesterday. LoL
Why are you listening to sports talk radio
That was all sports talk radio could talk about yesterday. LoL
Why are you listening to sports talk radio
Why aren't YOU listening to sports radio?
I value my brain cells
I drive an hour each way everyday. I run out of podcasts quickly​ and I can't stand any of the radio stations out here. So I listen to the sports talk out here even though I don't really care about any of the stuff they talk about. I would love to be able to listen to the stations back home instead.Why are you listening to sports talk radio
How the flying fuck am I supposed to get "relevant" work experience when even the fucking relevant internship requires relevant work experience!? I've been studying and working since I was fucking 14, sometimes 2 jobs to pay for everything. When the fuck was I supposed to do an internship at a company that also wants me to have relevant work experience to even start that shit?
death metal famI drive an hour each way everyday. I run out of podcasts quickly​ and I can't stand any of the radio stations out here. So I listen to the sports talk out here even though I don't really care about any of the stuff they talk about. I would love to be able to listen to the stations back home instead.
Why aren't YOU listening to sports radio?
I was about to say I hadn't listened to sports radio since the 90s...
And then I realized I listen to the Lions radio network on gamedays when I can. And about how magical it is listening to radio broadcasts of baseball and hockey.
The only time I ever remember being in pain with sports radio was when I lived in New York and listened to Francessa.
K-pop, friendI drive an hour each way everyday. I run out of podcasts quickly​ and I can't stand any of the radio stations out here. So I listen to the sports talk out here even though I don't really care about any of the stuff they talk about. I would love to be able to listen to the stations back home instead.
You dare insult the sports pope?!
Xia, ban this blasphemer!
Oh don't worry I am raising my kids right. My son already has a bunch of metal t-shirts and I have taught my daughter to sing baby songs with a death metal voice. It is super funny.death metal fam
K-pop, friend
Oh shit, someday we need Mary Kay-popMary Kay
I hear you on that! It's the inbread world of business! I'm still looking for a good full time gig after graduating a year ago because every entry level job wants like 3 years experience lol. I still apply to them all though because the worst they can do is say no, and I even got an interview with one of those companies so it's worth applying regardless. Unfortunately when the other person interviewing actually has those three years experience they're gonna go with them...How the flying fuck am I supposed to get "relevant" work experience when even the fucking relevant internship requires relevant work experience!? I've been studying and working since I was fucking 14, sometimes 2 jobs to pay for everything. When the fuck was I supposed to do an internship at a company that also wants me to have relevant work experience to even start that shit?
yesssOh don't worry I am raising my kids right. My son already has a bunch of metal t-shirts and I have taught my daughter to sing baby songs with a death metal voice. It is super funny.
Sweeney plsK-pop, friend
Field Gulls‏
Bad franchises: Let's just rotate the bad quarterbacks and see how that works
Field Gulls‏ @FieldGulls 20h20 hours ago
Replying to @FieldGulls
confirmed: Mike Glennon on the Texans in 2018
I dunno, man. It's no different from watching the news. If you go all in, you're bound to leave stupider.
The alternative is listening to the same four songs play every hour.
I drive an hour each way everyday. I run out of podcasts quickly​ and I can't stand any of the radio stations out here. So I listen to the sports talk out here even though I don't really care about any of the stuff they talk about. I would love to be able to listen to the stations back home instead.
Is that my Persona?Oh shit, someday we need Mary Kay-pop
How the flying fuck am I supposed to get "relevant" work experience when even the fucking relevant internship requires relevant work experience!? I've been studying and working since I was fucking 14, sometimes 2 jobs to pay for everything. When the fuck was I supposed to do an internship at a company that also wants me to have relevant work experience to even start that shit?
I don't watch news either. I just got to NY Times, WaPo and stuff like that for news. But I don't really listen to the radio anyway, I use Spotfiy to listen to music and PocketCast for podcasts. Plus I think Philly talk radio is a special brand of awful.
Fair. You could get Spotify or Pandora free and just listen to their generated radio stations too
Yeah, but I want to listen to sports! I don't live in Iowa or something.
*plays the Tim and Eric sports song on loop*Yeah, but I want to listen to sports!
Just listen to sports podcasts then!
Yeah, but I want to listen to sports!
I drive an hour each way everyday. I run out of podcasts quickly​ and I can't stand any of the radio stations out here. So I listen to the sports talk out here even though I don't really care about any of the stuff they talk about. I would love to be able to listen to the stations back home instead.
I do use that some times, thank you for the suggestion. My problem is I get 4 gigs of shared data and my wife plays pokemon go and man that game uses a lot.If you have an iphone or droid, you can download this app called TuneIn Radio. It lets you listen to radio stations in any zip code AM/FM. Whenever I feel bad about my life, I tune into ESPN 850 (Cleveland) and it makes me feel better.
I do use that some times, thank you for the suggestion. My problem is I get 4 gigs of shared data and my wife plays pokemon go and man that game uses a lot.
850 has some pretty bad personalities, Grossi being the main insider for them. They have some good though, windy occasionally makes appearances during Cavs season. 92.3 the fan is probably all around better but 850 has Browns daily which is pretty goodIf you have an iphone or droid, you can download this app called TuneIn Radio. It lets you listen to radio stations in any zip code AM/FM. Whenever I feel bad about my life, I tune into ESPN 850 (Cleveland) and it makes me feel better.
I had no idea that was even a thing. Thank you!Switch the setting from High Quality to Standard or Low. It still sounds good and takes very little data.
I value my brain cells
The easiest thing to do is apply outside your city and move where the jobs are.How the flying fuck am I supposed to get "relevant" work experience when even the fucking relevant internship requires relevant work experience!? I've been studying and working since I was fucking 14, sometimes 2 jobs to pay for everything. When the fuck was I supposed to do an internship at a company that also wants me to have relevant work experience to even start that shit?
I've been on the fence between staying in Philly and moving out west to Vegas or something after I gradate.The easiest thing to do is apply outside your city and move where the jobs are.
I remember when I was in college everyone moved to Cali (actually that still seems to be true except now there no jobs).
For awhile I knew a lot of people who moved to Texas for a good job and I even know two attorneys who went to Dubai to get the job they wanted.
I had this argument with a friend.Ms has said that they don't want console gens anymore. All xboxs going forward will be both forward and backwards compatible. It will just be a question of do people want the most powerful hardware to run games in 4k, or are they okay with a more middle of the road experience.
It's not an easy choice.I've been on the fence between staying in Philly and moving out west to Vegas or something after I gradate.
I had this argument with a friend.
Now that Xbox and PS4 went to x86 I feel like this is what they are both going to do. The question is how will they get people to upgrade in large numbers because otherwise they will always be stuck to the lowest common denominator. And eventually how do they cut off the least powerful version.
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaI've been on the fence between staying in Philly and moving out west to Vegas or something after I gradate.
Yeah that was my line of thinking. I don't want to stay, then get stuck here being content while wondering what could've been.It's not an easy choice.
I would say that if unsure move while you are young.
Once you get experience you can always come back to the best coast. Though it has not worked out that way for Yankee so far...
Yeah that seems like the obvious way to go but it is a lot harder to pull off in the actual execution.I think it'll happen naturally. The cycles will probably be every 3 years, Apple has done wonders for getting people used to upgrading technology frequently. As long as they message it right, they can just come out with upgraded specs every couple of years in the same architecture. 3 years from now they release Scorpio 2, and at that point OG XB1 is 7 years old. That's a long time to have a single console. I think people will realize at that point that they need to upgrade, and Scorpio will become the new baseline
Haven't played it yet but I've been wanting to try them, I was just starting on the Raidou series when I had to go to basic. Hopefully they get released on ps4 so I can play them.Yeah I fucking loved nocturne. Did you play digital devil saga? I thought that game was amazing.
What's so bad about las vegas?who would ever want to live in las vegas
who would ever want to live in las vegas