Almost!I feel a deep Vernon Davis connection coming up. Puke.
.Burnett saved us a touchdown. Phew.
Congrats on the win BL. You guys and Ray Ray deserve it.I'm so beat from the stress of the game, I'm going to sleep I think.
Amazing game to watch, and Broncos GAF is classy as fuck. Hard game to sit through and lose. If you want to blame someone, I'd blame Bailey.
I welcomed Tabris into our fold. He cannot take what is rightful ours by birth.
Come back Harry! Resist the darkness.
Damn I'm old. Had no idea there was a new die hard. I never saw the last one
The last one was fucking great, don't let these sour grapes in here tell you otherwise.
Here's the gist of it:
Not according to Aikman lol, he didn't even bother to notice if he was in boundsArm obviously out of bounds.
God that looks awful. Never saw Indiana Jones either. Is Taken 2 good? That's coming out soon I think on BD
You Ravens fans should rip that bitch Ashley Fox at ESPn a new one. Remember this article from last week:
Saved by Kap's inexperience on the last two plays. Dude's gonna be good.
God that looks awful. Never saw Indiana Jones either. Is Taken 2 good? That's coming out soon I think on BD
The last one was fucking great, don't let these sour grapes in here tell you otherwise.
One play I agree with the refs on thus far. Amazing.
Fans hate things that don't go their, why even bother booing something as clear as that
The last time I felt this badly about a Denver loss was the 96 playoff game against the Jacksonville Jaguars.
5 Take-a-ways from Tonight's Game:
1. John Fox/McCoy/Manning have some explaining to do. The play calling tonight was atrocious in the second half. How many fucking times can you always run on first down? Why aren't you taking any shots down field? Where the fuck was Manning's head on that last pick?
2. Denver's secondary needs a lot of help. Bailey, I love you man, but this season has really shown you aren't a shut down corner anymore. The times you've looked good this season you've looked good because of the pass rush. If the pass rush slows down, you are not the player you were 5-6 years ago.
3. Why kneel it down with 31 seconds to go and 2 time outs left? Your defense just got completely exposed (fuck you Rahim Moore - I hate your fucking guts right now), and the game's momentum was shifting. You don't even want to take a single shot at all?
4. The penalties tonight were fucking ridiculous. Bring back the replacement refs. Seriously. Fucking ticky tack bullshit.
5. Go Houston. Gary Kubiak's connection with the Broncos means its all I have left.