Quietest banning ever. Especially since Pigeon could get a little angry.
Wonder what happened.
I finally got one. It's great.
Are you suggesting an account hijacking?I bet somebody did that and not him.
Are you suggesting an account hijacking?
Why is my name spelled horribly wrong of the NFL GAF list?
My username is not thefrankman, it's The Frankman
Not helping!
I was thinking of getting a 2 with one of those Logitech keyboard case things, to take notes in class come september, it's better than carrying a laptop around with me all day again plus the battery lasts longer.
But it might seem practical now, but I'm afraid it won't work as good as a laptop.
And my money tree won't grow forever.
I will not only try, I will also succeed.
RIP Mike Wallacethe journalist, not the Steelers WR.
I'm guessing Pigeon was hijacked, but what did he even do? It just says "perma" now...guessing a mod edited the OP
No it's was just like this.
Don't you usually lose your Avatar when you're perma'd?
That's crazy..
PS: Go Tide/Tigers, Yanks/Sox, Lakers/Celtics, USA/Russia, Chocolate/vanilla, apple/microsoft, blondes/brunettes, and Xbox360/Sony fanboys!!!!!!!!
This man speaks the truth.Blondes and brunettes can coexist. In fact, it's been my experience that this is a preferable situation.
Watching Community outtakes on youtube, quite awesome really
Everything Community is awesome.
Everything Community is awesome.
Look at the junior member going all out.
So he goes broke and they fire him? Why?
Add one to the Lions bandwagon.
I like his avatar. Matt Millen x Joey Harrington fanfic is my favorite
Vikings hosting Floyd soon.. Trade down with Miami for the 8th and a 2nd rounder, get Floyd?! Hmm
Having good taste = alt account?snesfreak alt account confirmed