Uh no thanks.Wal-Mart is the ultimate ego boost. Everyone is uglier, fatter, and poorer than you could ever try to be. No matter who you are or where your life is you can always walk into a Wal-Mart and say: "Shit, at least I'm doing better than these people."
Ben is all about slumming with the poors and fatties dude. Just because my qb is into doing fat sorority chicks in a dirty bar bathroom doesn't mean I am! Ben and Tebow are better human beings than most of us and operate on a higher level of humanity.Aren't you a secular humanist? Shouldn't you have more love and compassion for the lower classes? ez hunts poors for sport on his compound but at least he interacts with them
What did GB do wrong?
And it has been so long I can't even relate to cuevas' failed sexcapades at home. I shouldn't say that. I am pretty sure we and the wife will be trying to sneak some in in a few more years. Ugh that sounds horrible.![]()
I was talking about having to be worried about the people around you when having sex.![]()
Poor guy! I understand where your anger comes from.
Abstinence? Tebow? God? bionic/Romney 2012
After 1 Week In New York Tim Tebow Already A Gay, Homeless Crack Addict
I am going to vote for Obama, but I hate the whole system and at times feel like not voting.Abstinence? Tebow? God? bionic/Romney 2012
Schefter said:Filed to ESPN: Patriots and Rob Gronkowksi agree to a six-year, $54 million extension. More on SportsCenter.
I am going to vote for Obama, but I hate the whole system and at times feel like not voting.
I am going to vote for Obama, but I hate the whole system and at times feel like not voting.
Gary Johnson was too sane for the GOP.
Glad to hear Gronk's getting paid that much. That defense is gonna have a fun time getting better.
Figures the team from Boston would extend a Gronkowski before a Hernandez
Oh man. NFL GAF has already survived race, gender, religion, etc discussions. Why not politics as well? The final frontier.
Wait, is he actually running for president? I never knew there were more than two candidates in the official race.
You'll probably find more balance of opposing sides for both religion and party affiliation here than you would in most of the OT.
The OT is like 95% Atheist/Liberal.
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not....
Add a 0 in front of the 9 RT @Pornhub: We offered @ochocinco $69,000 to change his name to Chad Seisnueve. We have yet to hear back
Nope, just don't know the system and I just looked him up on German wiki, where it said he's in the race.
There are tons of candidates that enter the Presidential race. Some Examples are: The Green Party, The Constitution Party, and the Libertarian Party. Sadly none have the backing of the two major american parties and some states make it a real pain to get on the ballot as an independent as you need to suit a certain amount of signatures and/or other things. The 1992 US Presidential was the last time there was a big 3rd candidate. There was this one person in my district who was running for everything from President to local town council.
2016 should be interesting as current NYC Mayor and Independent Michael Bloomberg will most likely try and run for office.
So third parties do exist here, but they can't make a dent because (a) we have a winner take all system and (b) money.Nope, just don't know the system and I just looked him up on German wiki, where it said he's in the race.
There are tons of candidates that enter the Presidential race. Some Examples are: The Green Party, The Constitution Party, and the Libertarian Party. Sadly none have the backing of the two major american parties and some states make it a real pain to get on the ballot as an independent as you need to suit a certain amount of signatures and/or other things. The 1992 US Presidential was the last time there was a big 3rd candidate. There was this one person in my district who was running for everything from President to local town council.
2016 should be interesting as current NYC Mayor and Independent Michael Bloomberg will most likely try and run for office.
Social Security is fucked, but no one does anything to correct it or change anything. It is also a little worrying that anyone under 40 might be contributing to something that funds older assholes who didn't contribute enough and get to live off of us when we will probably get jack shit.Obama and Johnson (or Huntsman) would have served well to shape the natural discourse towards the problems that matter.
Like the fact that social security was never designed to be paid back to a majority of Americans. When it was first signed into law, the only beneficiaries were the feeble and those that needed it. It was literally social insurance. The beneficiary age was actually past average life expectancy*.
Obama and Mitt will just fall into far right based nonsense that a majority of sane Americans have moved on from.
*I realize this is a complete nonstarter in this country, and that's why it fucking sucks.
Thanks, makes sense.
I don't think it would hurt to try to get an answer from HR. You can't hurt your chances any since you've already been thrown out. Best case is that they'll take another look at your again.
It would also be nice just to get some kind of answer so you know what to do next time.
2016 should be interesting as current NYC Dictator and Independent Michael Bloomberg will most likely try and run for office.
I think Ez would agree that with Presidential elections it's not who you like, its who you dislike the most.
2016 should be interesting as current NYC Mayor and Independent Michael Bloomberg will most likely try and run for office.
These problems are incredibly difficult to solve. That's precisely the problem.Social Security is fucked, but no one does anything to correct it or change anything. It is also a little worrying that anyone under 40 might be contributing to something that funds older assholes who didn't contribute enough and get to live off of us when we will probably get jack shit.
The problem with politics is that Repubs and Democrats are kind of like console fanboys in that each of them is a little divorced from reality and all they care about is the platform they support. Neither one of the parties does anything to really address any of the real problems we have in this country or work together to solve them (and most of the problems are not that hard to solve, it is just politically we lack the will to do so).
Most elections is like a Superbowl between the Patriots and the Saints. No matter who wins we all get fucked over in the end.I think many Americans would agree if there was an independent candidate that had the finical backing to not be out spent people would take him over many of the options that are presented to us. But with recent decisions in our court system saying that corporations are people and money is speech there are very few people who have the money or the origination to pull of such a feat. It also hurts that so many social conservatives love the Republican party and so many others are scared of the Republican party.
I think Ez would agree that with Presidential elections it's not who you like, its who you dislike the most.
Their quality has gone down and its clear that they no longer have any of the resources to maintain the quality bar they had during the Happy Hour days. Not to mention the fact that that was supposed to help build up 5 websites instead of basically 1 today. If they did like Leo Laporte and have tipping that would be fine but when they think Flipcam videos counts as quality content there is something wrong.Giantbomb will get back to 2-3 premium videos after e3, calm down.
^ Then maybe I will re-up after e3. I doubt it. I've kind of grown to hate Ryan and Patrick and I despise all the gamespot people aside from Varanini.
Nope, I always vote my principles. I haven't been able to vote for a big two candidate in the Presidential since 2000.
As far as ballot access, Gary Johnson will be on the ballot in all 50 states.
I think Bloomberg is going to officially run as a Fascist though, right?
But I'm sure you look at the possible candidates and place values on certain issues. Whither it be health care because you are ill or veteran benefits because you were enlisted you value certain issues more than others. With the political situation that this nation as it is unless you have substantial financial backing or time the easiest way to influence where the country goes is voting against where you want it to go. I find it hard to believe that you agree with everything no matter how much you like Johnson's white hot conservative frothiness.
I'm not sure you know who Gary Johnson is?
Happy hour was lame as hell after a while - they even realized this and cut comic vine from it. The best piece of content (Drews trip) they've ever put out was done at the new offices. They are just getting settled down
You really don't see how greedy we've become as a society until you see a revenue sheet of specific patient types.
Didn't Drew do that pretty much all on his own outside of the office?
Giant Bomb is garbage but don't worry, they'll be absorbed by the end of the year.
Their quality has gone down and its clear that they no longer have any of the resources to maintain the quality bar they had during the Happy Hour days. Not to mention the fact that that was supposed to help build up 5 websites instead of basically 1 today. If they did like Leo Laporte and have tipping that would be fine but when they think Flipcam videos counts as quality content there is something wrong.
They just moved to a new company like a month ago and they had to rebuy all of their equipment and stuff right?
Johnson's close to a Rockefeller Republican. He's no insane Rand Paul.
I disagree with his stated IR policies. It's nice to think that we can be non-interventionist, but, in a G0 world, the United States needs to maintain its claim as global hegemony when it comes to security. I think people conflate the idea of being a hawk and wanting to bomb Iran.
Afghanistan was initially soundly run. It's really depressing to hear how that operation went so smoothly and to learn how Iraq was a complete and total clusterfuck at every level from Langley to the Pentagon to the White House. And then, of course, we lost our advantage in Afghanistan in 6 months.