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NFL Off-Season |OT3| Josh Freeman is fat and eats too much food. Fat. Fatty. Fatfat.

He's extremely cheap and was a good player. He won't be competing against Gronkowski and Hernandez when he's healthy- he'll be competing with Daniel Fells for the 3rd TE spot. They claimed him because he was a good, affordable player on the market. It's that simple.
... so they were being massive dicks. Fully agree.


... so they were being massive dicks. Fully agree.

It's not dickish to stock up on talent on a position that's vital to the team's offense, especially when Gronk and Hernandez both have injury concerns. It's not like the Patriots plan to play Ballard over $500,000 and have him take up a roster space just to spite the Giants- they clearly have plans for him in 2013 and probably beyond, given the way his free agency period lines up.


The great teams always seem to have the good fortune of playing in bad divisions. The Colts had the AFCS with TEN and occasionally JAX showing any competency. The Patriots' division has almost always sucked. 49ers in the 80s had . . . Chris Everett and the LA Rams? Dallas in 70s played against a very bad NFCE. Steelers in the 70s really only had the Oilers in the late 70s.

It helps when you always get a few free wins and an automatic playoff berth b/c of your shitty division. The Ravens/Steelers dynamic has really helped NE imo, just as the 80s Lakers got the benefit of the much more difficult NBA East

I was going to say this. The AFC East has been shitty the past 3-7 years. As much crap as the AFC South gets the AFCE and NFCW are about in the same boat.


OK, back in a full on football mood. Random useless thoughts:

1. I really wish we saw a bit more of the Pats throwback. So hot.
2. Shame we couldn't hold on to Green-Ellis. That guy is a class act, and I wish him all the best with the Bengals.
3. Brandon Lloyd excites me. From everything I read he's doing great in camp, always keeping close to Brady. Basically a lot like Ocho but actually good.
4. Gronk might need to cool down a bit. He deserves to have fun and I know he's rehabbing, but when new topless dance pics float around on the internet every day, that doesn't seem too helpful.
5. Hope that Dennard doesn't get jailtime, he could be a steal, and we need any secondary guy we can get. Dowling still seems to need some time. I'm still putting all my hopes into McCourty, how he went from one of the best CBs in the league to arguably one of the worst is beyond me.
6. Vollmer's health problems suck. OL could be a bit iffy, and I really love the fact we a have a German on the team/in the league.
7. Training with the Saints? BB, you so crazy.
Going by other surveys, that won't be an actual feature for two years, if it ever comes out.

The free retail PS3 games survey was only like 2 months before E3. I wouldnt be surprised at all if they get this out before the holidays this year. This is a huge feature for them, they are going to want to use it to move vitas this holiday if it happens.

I tried to watch it: It's garbage. Zero defense to speak of.

Yeah there is no defense at all. You still see some great throws and catches though. If is a horrible substitue for NFL football though.
Milchjon said:
Giants gambled and got burned. Nobody's fault but their own.
Pretty much. It was a calculated risk and Reese felt that Ballard would clear waivers based on the severity of the knee injury (teams don't usually pick up those types of players). Dick move or not, the Pats were within their rights to claim him and it didn't work out for the Giants.

I'm sad to see him go because he was such a pleasant surprise in 2012 but the folks acting as though Ballard was the second coming of Mark Bavaro and we lost some all star player need to come back down to reality. Striker is spot on in his assessment. He was a role player and his production IS as replaceable as Kevin Boss. Also, losing Ballard will have little to no effect in 2012 as he's not likely to play anyway. The roster spot was cleared to bring back Rocky Bernard which I'm not too broken up about to be frank. Bernard played well last year and is solid, solid dline depth.

Reading BBI, you'd think Hakeem Nicks was waived or something.


As long as Bennett works hard and listens to Pope, they'll be OK. I haven't been the biggest fan of Travis "Becky" Beckum because of his consistency of getting dinged, but he did come on toward the end and looked good, and more importantly, Eli was targeting him more. Those two can be the 1-2 punch at TE and the third will probably be the Cincinnati kid, Robinson. Not sure he'll get any active days, though. If Beckum can't go Week 1 I imagine he's PUP'd and they have Pascoe, Hopkins or one of the other young guys step in for six weeks.
Gary Kubiak and Rick Smith have their contract extensions in Houston:


Back in early May, McNair said that contract extensions for coach Gary Kubiak and General Manager Rick Smith were in the works and now comes word that the work is finished. John McClain of the Houston Chronicle reports that the team has signed both men to extensions on Thursday. Neither the length of the deals nor the amount of money involved is known at this point.


Gary Kubiak and Rick Smith have their contract extensions in Houston:


One good year b/c Peyton gets hurt and they get extended. Low expectations and a poop franchise. Kubiak is a great offensive coordinator but a dead average head coach, and Rick Smith is really lucky Wade Phillips makes the defensive picks now.

Colts will win that division this year. Everyone I tell that to says to eff off but it's going to happen
Why did they have to tell us Joe Flacco is doing well? What did he do that would make us worry?

Being the best QB in the NFL is a lot of pressure. Add the stress of a new child and that combo could break a man.

I'm just glad the delivering doctor wasn't Torrey Smith, last thing we needed was another Flacco to Smith drop.
One good year b/c Peyton gets hurt and they get extended. Low expectations and a poop franchise. Kubiak is a great offensive coordinator but a dead average head coach, and Rick Smith is really lucky Wade Phillips makes the defensive picks now.

Colts will win that division this year. Everyone I tell that to says to eff off but it's going to happen
It is going to take Luck a year to adjust plus they are hurting for offensive talent. Texans got it this year.


It is going to take Luck a year to adjust plus they are hurting for offensive talent. Texans got it this year.
I could see Tennessee making some kind of splash, we'll see. Hopefully Locker can get the start and go from there. I thought he looked okay last year for being a rookie.
I could see Tennessee making some kind of splash, we'll see. Hopefully Locker can get the start and go from there. I thought he looked okay last year for being a rookie.
I agree that the Titans will be better but barring injury I think the Texans are by far the best in that division.


I agree that the Titans will be better but barring injury I think the Texans are by far the best in that division.

If Schaub and Johnson stay healthy they'll coast. My guess is neither does since both are now injury prone and old. I love AJ, but he can no longer stay healthy. Rick Smith was downright negligent in not finding anyone to come in and be a legitimate #2 WR. They do have a potentially dominant defense, but like SF, they are due some injury regression.

But it's also based on how quickly I think IND will turn it around. Luck is good. No one has been more prepared to come out of college and run a pro offense. They drafted him some offensive talent, and kept Wayne. Mathis and Freeney are still there. I have no idea how good Pagano is, but getting rid of Caldwell and his staff can't be anything but good


One good year b/c Peyton gets hurt and they get extended. Low expectations and a poop franchise. Kubiak is a great offensive coordinator but a dead average head coach, and Rick Smith is really lucky Wade Phillips makes the defensive picks now.

Colts will win that division this year. Everyone I tell that to says to eff off but it's going to happen

You have done gone batshit insane if you believe this. There is no way in hell the Colts win the division this year. Absolutely no way in hell.

Wade deserves a ton of props for Smithiak getting this extension but he also got paid this year. McNair gave him 2.5 million per year to stay as DC when the Bucs contacted him. Kubiak can run an offense and with Philips as the yin to his yang this team is in good shape.

The only real concern they have this year is at WR. They are banking on too many rookies and 2nd year guys. I do believe they are playing a waiting game to see who beomes available during training camp.

But squicken, you sound like a seriously butthurt, miserable fan.


Jaworski had Ponder as #28 after Tebow and Gabbert as #30 and #29

"Ponder has many of the attributes I look for when I evaluate quarterbacks. I saw pocket movement, the ability to move within the pocket, maintain downfield focus and deliver the football with accuracy. I also saw the added dimension of getting outside the pocket in response to pressure with the speed to create an explosive gain. And how about this for a rookie quarterback: Ponder’s rating was 114, the NFL’s best inside the 20. His movement was also a big factor, as was his willingness to make stick throws into those small windows, a necessity in the tight red zone area. …

As he begins his second season, Ponder needs work as a progression reader. He had a tendency to predetermine some throws, and, in addition, there were too many times he did not recognize the coverage."


But squicken, you sound like a seriously butthurt, miserable fan.

Miserable is definitely on the table. But I was far worse when I was a Texans fan. How are you not concerned about Schaub and AJ staying healthy?


GAF poll. If you were dumped by your gf would you a) keep in contact or b) move on and forget about her? I'd move on. My gf says im a dick and on the brink of breaking up with me for awhile said she'd still want to keep in touch and check how im doing and she'll always care for me. I retorted if you'll always care for me then why ever break up. I was like if you ever dump me im dropping you from my mind. She got upset about this, so gaf. Is it normal to keep in touch with ex's? Personally im like fuck that, moving on. You either dumped me or I dumped you for a possibly good reason No reason to continue a social relationship.


GAF poll. If you were dumped by your gf would you a) keep in contact or b) move on and forget about her? I'd move on. My gf says im a dick and on the brink of breaking up with me for awhile said she'd still want to keep in touch and check how im doing and she'll always care for me. I retorted if you'll always care for me then why ever break up. I was like if you ever dump me im dropping you from my mind. She got upset about this, so gaf. Is it normal to keep in touch with ex's? Personally im like fuck that, moving on. You either dumped me or I dumped you for a possibly good reason No reason to continue a social relationship.
She should break up with you just for being a Seahawks fan.
jakncoke said:
If you were dumped by your gf would you a) keep in contact or b) move on and forget about her? I'd move on.
It's been a long time since I dated (Married for nearly 10 years and with the same woman for 15) but I always had a clean break. Very little to no contact afterwards whether it was me initiating the break-up or the woman. The whole "let's be friends" thing doesn't work for me.

jakncoke said:
she'll always care for me
Always means about a month.


Miserable is definitely on the table. But I was far worse when I was a Texans fan. How are you not concerned about Schaub and AJ staying healthy?

I am concerned but they have to completely fall apart to not win the division this year. Schaub will be fine and if one person in this league I absolutely believe when they say "they will do everything in their power to return to old form" its AJ. The guy is committed and a monster in doing things correctly.

As for Kubiak, McNair wants stability in his franchise. He has been on record for years saying he wants to build his franchise like the Patriots and Steelers. Sticking with people and not just dropping everything, blowing it up and starting over when a couple things go wrong.


GAF poll. If you were dumped by your gf would you a) keep in contact or b) move on and forget about her? I'd move on. My gf says im a dick and on the brink of breaking up with me for awhile said she'd still want to keep in touch and check how im doing and she'll always care for me. I retorted if you'll always care for me then why ever break up. I was like if you ever dump me im dropping you from my mind. She got upset about this, so gaf. Is it normal to keep in touch with ex's? Personally im like fuck that, moving on. You either dumped me or I dumped you for a possibly good reason No reason to continue a social relationship.

I would probably have no chance to keep in touch because I'd be banging all of her very closest friends.


It's been a long time since I dated (Married for nearly 10 years and with the same woman for 15) but I always had a clean break. Very little to no contact afterwards whether it was me initiating the break-up or the woman. The whole "let's be friends" thing doesn't work for me.

Always means about a month.

Same. Like i dont want to talk to her and think about what we had and what could of been when she's getting bent over and going down on the rest of america.fuck that. no need to pain oneselve


I am concerned but they have to completely fall apart to not win the division this year. Schaub will be fine and if one person in this league I absolutely believe when they say "they will do everything in their power to return to old form" its AJ. The guy is committed and a monster in doing things correctly.

I've never for one moment doubted AJ's work ethic. I just doubt the ligaments and tendons in his legs. If they both are healthy, then yes, they will coast to the division title. I'm not sure how much better than the D can play than they did last year, and they were barely winning games with Yates.

I think Schaub and/or AJ get hurt, the D regresses a bit, and 9-7 Colts take it. I mean they have literally had one good season in 10 years. How can that inspire trust or a gimme for the division?
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