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NFL Off-Season |OT3| Josh Freeman is fat and eats too much food. Fat. Fatty. Fatfat.

jakncoke said:
23 soon to be 24
Meh, you're young dude. Early-mid twenties is usually the time when you're getting your life together. I was married and living in a shitty little apartment with the wife when I was 23. I was making like 22k a year doing technical support phone work. She did nurse staffing at an agency. Combined we barely broke 50k a year.

Today, my job isn't glamorous by any means. I manage a Technical Support department for a structured wiring company (OnQ). it pays well enough and the folks I work with are generally good people. I spent 6 years putting my wife through college in my late 20's. Today, I've no shame in admitting she's the big bread winner. She's a nurse and she specialized as a surgical nurse. She makes more than double what I do but I do enjoy the benefits of it.:D


Aye, I was working FT from 23-27 making about $35k, then my health got too bad and I was missing too much time due to ulcerative colitis. Luckily my wife (gf at the time) was finishing pharmacy school right then.

We decided to move at that point and I haven't worked since (not really my choice for the first 2 years, but now that I have my health back and workable I haven't been able to find much in this super small town we live now. I was in IT and this area just is void of it without a good in).

Thank god my wife makes enough to take care of everything. Now that I have this ankle injury, it's just another set back, but I'd like to get back to work to just bring in extra money. Would be wonderful to make my old salary which would take care of all our bills and her money would be completely disposable income.....hopefully 2013 will bring changes for me.


GAF's health nazi's are worse than GAF's atheists.

What about GAF's grammar nazis?

The secret to not being fat: don't be a fucking lazy slob.

It's not rocket science. It's not the Oreo's or McDonald's or Coke's fault that you are a fucking lazy tub of lard. That is a you problem. Know why you blame everyone else for being a tub of worthless goo? Because you are a lazy fucking slob who can't control or motivate themselves thus you have to blame others for your miserable existence.

I feel this way too (without the vitriol ;-) ). People's metabolisms behave differently, so some have it harder, and of course there are those who ARE sick, but still. Your weight = your calorie intake - your calories used. Eat less or move more, don't blame some company.

Edit: Bah, don't wanna hear about jobs. I'm moving through life way too slow. I was never broke or without things to do, but at my current pace, I'll be 35 til I have a "real" job.


come in my shame circle
I work in the kitchen of a hotel, not good at aaaallllll. Okay I downgraded from last year, and this isn't my future, but still.

Underwriting coordinator for home warranty right here. Next year I will probably be going back to school (work paying for it) to get either a CGA or CMA so I can get a promotion. :(
i work ft and still got no money, freedom is sweet but such a pain in the ass

Yeah, I fear next year. I don't live with my parents anymore and working full time for the last couple of year I could manage fairly well, but going back to school next year I can't work the hours I work this year and with all the extra costs of school it's gonna suck. I have my dad to support me if shit goes wrong (I have to pay it back, but when I need anything, my parents will support me, but having a debt with them still sucks, even if there is no interest).


Meh, you're young dude. Early-mid twenties is usually the time when you're getting your life together. I was married and living in a shitty little apartment with the wife when I was 23. I was making like 22k a year doing technical support phone work. She did nurse staffing at an agency. Combined we barely broke 50k a year.

Today, my job isn't glamorous by any means. I manage a Technical Support department for a structured wiring company (OnQ). it pays well enough and the folks I work with are generally good people. I spent 6 years putting my wife through college in my late 20's. Today, I've no shame in admitting she's the big bread winner. She's a nurse and she specialized as a surgical nurse. She makes more than double what I do but I do enjoy the benefits of it.:D

Yeah i started getting my life together just lately, didnt really work from age 18 to 22 because i living with family and have no need for money. Its kinda funny how quick my life will change, started the year making 7.70 a week 15 hours a week at pizza hut to whatever i make after i get a welding job next year.


to whatever i make after i get a welding job next year.
Man job, yea.
Hope ya like it.

Going from IT and hopefully transititioning into auto detailing. I did it prior to college at a dealership and hope to take much further when back on my feet.
Just love getting my hands on something and doing physical labor. It's kind of relaxing in comparison to sitting a desk 40 hours a week.
brentech said:
It's kind of relaxing in comparison to sitting a desk 40 hours a week.
I sometimes crave something more physical at work. My week is hardly relaxing but a desk job does get old pretty quickly.

cashman said:
Nope. I've just enjoyed being lazy all this time.
Must be nice. My parents would have none of that. I got my first job putting books together at the elementary school in the area. 4 hours a day for 3 days a week. Got paid like $100 bucks a week. It was enough to buy me the latest pair of Jordan's and new clothes for the new school year. I asked my dad for a pair of Jordan's and when he saw the $120 price tag he laughed and said "looks like you'll be working this summer because it's the only way you'll be owning these shoes."


well more people like you and me need to post in that what you do for a living thread to make me feel better lol, balance it out. i swear some people are making shit up and like half are definitely glamouring their job title

In my early to mid 20's I worked as a Water Treatment Operator. It really wasn't a bad job, made about 45k with great benefits, but it really wasn't what I wanted to do professionally. Went to school while I worked, got my Bachelors in CS, and moved on.

I currently do IT/Programming work (~45k). It's not the best job in the world, and I am horrifically underpaid relative to the market in my area, but there aren't a lot of jobs at the moment in my area, unless I want to either move to Denver or to Minneapolis area. I'm really debating doing so, because I love smaller cities, but in order to grow professionally, I will have to move to a big city.

Either way it's far from glamorous. I think what is more important than how much you make, is enjoying what you do, and being able to grow. It might sound like bullshit, but job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and having good coworkers are invaluable. If you can grow the money will follow, obviously depending on the job.



btw I enjoy Barnwell's stuff but if I could take one back in the league and put him on the Rams it would be Foster. The idea that he's a system back or that Tate is a good replacement is a pretty good exhibit to why stats don't really tell the story in football
Godslay said:
I think is more important than how much you make, is enjoying what you do, and being able to grow. It might sound like bullshit, but job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and having good coworkers are invaluable.
It's not bullshit at all. I used to work for Sprint in their DSL support department and made ridiculous money with the amount overtime I used to work. I was miserable. It was an awful place to work, the turnover rate was high and everyone hated being there. I never saw my wife, etc. I got fired for calling off to much and its the best thing that ever happened to me. I make less money today but I'm a shit ton happier.


I think what is more important than how much you make, is enjoying what you do, and being able to grow. It might sound like bullshit, but job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and having good coworkers are invaluable. If you can grow the money will follow, obviously depending on the job.

It's truth, miserable people and satisfaction is a killer. You dread every single day. No one usually wants to be at work, so having shitty people around you is like a death sentence.


Yeah money isnt everything, If its going to make you depressed and not be able to see your loved ones. Then whats the fucking point. I hope my welding jobs dont get to much like that, welding jobs can tend to pack on OT as well

btw I enjoy Barnwell's stuff but if I could take one back in the league and put him on the Rams it would be Foster. The idea that he's a system back or that Tate is a good replacement is a pretty good exhibit to why stats don't really tell the story in football

For me it would be Rice. Foster had the help of a God Tier offensive line in front of him. Rice has fatass McKinnie.

Yeah money isnt everything, If its going to make you depressed and not be able to see your loved ones. Then whats the fucking point. I hope my welding jobs dont get to much like that, welding jobs can tend to pack on OT as well
Money isn't everything, but worrying about it sure is.

It's nice to be doing something where most of my time is spent playing with my daughter.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I disagree with a lot of that stuff, honestly. The older I get, the more I realize that there is only two things a job should do for you.

1) Give you money
2) Give you time off enough to enjoy that money.

You can keep all that other stuff. I guess it's because I "work to live" only and could not care less about the "intangibles" that are increasingly used to incentivize shitty pay and long hours.
I'm 22. Never had a lot growing up, I dont have a lot now but I'm trying to get there.

Got my first job around 15, Usher at AMC. Did that for two years.

Worked as a waiter and cook at a local italian restaurant for 4 years.

Worked for the english dept. at my university for 4 years as an assistant to the professors.

(some of these overlapped obviously)

Right now (literally) working as a Risk Management officer on campus. Basically I go from department to department and catalogue all of the potentially dangerous chemicals and compounds. I work in a vacuum by myself, its pretty soul draining but its paying my bills over the summer.

This fall I will finally graduate with my degree in molecular biology. I dont like the field very much so I'm hoping to get a job doing something outside of a lab setting. I also have an internship set up with some local art and science museums but that would involve me going to graduate school for curation so I dunno. I have student loans to pay so I cant dilly dally.


I disagree with a lot of that stuff, honestly. The older I get, the more I realize that there is only two things a job should do for you.

1) Give you money
2) Give you time off enough to enjoy that money.

You can keep all that other stuff. I guess it's because I "work to live" only and could not care less about the "intangibles" that are increasingly used to incentivize shitty pay and long hours.

You probably work in an above decent atmosphere then, lol.
If you don't think about it, you don't have to, and that's a good thing.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
You probably work in an above decent atmosphere then, lol.
If you don't think about it, you don't have to, and that's a good thing.

Lol. No. I also worked jobs that ranged from scrubbing bugs off of jets, to fast food, to dishwasher, to office work, restaurant work and military service. The common thread through all has been the desire to make more money and have more time off.
I got fired inside of three months from my last job (supervisor hated me) then said fuck it and decided to go into business for myself. I just can't deal with being told what to do anymore.


For me it would be Rice. Foster had the help of a God Tier offensive line in front of him. Rice has fatass McKinnie.

I have no problem with Rice as the choice. I did disagree with Barnwell's methodology, but it's not like Rice is a bad choice. The thing about the Texans offensive line is that they "sucked" for about two years b/c injured Steve Slaton was the RB. I mean they couldn't score in the RZ or get anything short yardage. Foster comes in the last two games and they look very good.


This is one of the reasons I don't like Kubiak. He had Foster on his team but was losing games with Ryan Moats as his feature back. 30th ranked running game that would have been last if not for the last two games. They missed the wild card by a tie breaker. Foster couldn't have made a difference there?


I got fired inside of three months from my last job (supervisor hated me) then said fuck it and decided to go into business for myself. I just can't deal with being told what to do anymore.

I get that, at some point im sure im going to try and do the same. I hear a lot of people do side jobs as welders and make bank. If I can network and get my name golden within the community, I could just open up a shop.


What you're doing at the job has nothing to do with job atmosphere.

Maybe you are talking about the same thing, but mentioning what you're doing on the job like literally working in shit is not the same as a shitty, negative environment.


Everyone wants more money, that's a given.
I have no problem with Rice as the choice. I did disagree with Barnwell's methodology, but it's not like Rice is a bad choice. The thing about the Texans offensive line is that they "sucked" for about two years b/c injured Steve Slaton was the RB. I mean they couldn't score in the RZ or get anything short yardage. Foster comes in the last two games and they look very good.


This is one of the reasons I don't like Kubiak. He had Foster on his team but was losing games with Ryan Moats as his feature back. 30th ranked running game that would have been last if not for the last two games. They missed the wild card by a tie breaker. Foster couldn't have made a difference there?

I was picking Rice before the article. He does everything. I've half joked that he's 50 percent of the Rats' offense. He can pick up blockers well, and he's a great receiving threat in the backfield. He has better numbers with a worse offensive line.

Not to take away from Foster, but if we did that 08 draft again i'd take Rice in a heartbeat.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
The point being that no matter the environment - with the extreme "WELL WHAT IF YOUR BOSS BEATS YOU WITH A CORD EVERY HOUR" type shit, I could not care less about the environment, or what I do. As long as it pays well, and I get to have enough of a home life. None of that other stuff matters to me. Everybody prioritizes different things.
I love my job. My office mate is a good friend and soon to be gaffer. Ravens fan, by the way, he'll be here soon. I'm overpaid in a field I had no experience in. My degree is in Modern Literature and i work in Radiology IT.

The problem is cost of living.

Edit: Rice is awesome, also under 5'10 which is in line with my theory that short people are better at everything that doesn't require vertical length.


Speaking of Texans, Andre Johnson been beasting for like a decade and Texans really never ever got a good #2. kevin walter, eric moulds, jabar gaffney lol

edit: ugh another fucking ravens fan. christ


I love my job. My office mate is a good friend and soon to be gaffer. Ravens fan, by the way, he'll be here soon. I'm overpaid in a field I had no experience in. My degree is in Modern Literature and i work in Radiology IT.

The problem is cost of living.

Edit: Rice is awesome, also under 5'10 which is in line with my theory that short people are better at everything that doesn't require vertical length.
Now you are making me regret asking for the mods to let you come back.

This place is infested with Ravens fans...

The secret to not being fat: don't be a fucking lazy slob.

It's not rocket science. It's not the Oreo's or McDonald's or Coke's fault that you are a fucking lazy tub of lard. That is a you problem. Know why you blame everyone else for being a tub of worthless goo? Because you are a lazy fucking slob who can't control or motivate themselves thus you have to blame others for your miserable existence.
Obviously exercise is the most important thing to living healthy, but the food you eat matters, especially the older you get.

When I was a teenager I could eat some Count Chocula in the morning, have a whopper for lunch and then a spicy chicken sandwich from wendys for dinner and I would feel great and still be in good shape because I played a shit ton of sports and worked out a lot. Now that I am in my 30s I definitely feel worse when I eat shitty foods (which I still do on occasion when I was exhausted taking care of the twins). And my colon is much appreciate for any veggies and salads I eat.

Also dude coke and sugar drinks are hugely responsible for people getting fat. You might still be unhealthy as fuck underneath if you are a lazy slob, but those kind of easy calories add up really quickly and can make you slightly overweight ass balloon to the size of a Green Bay prom queen.


The point being that no matter the environment - with the extreme "WELL WHAT IF YOUR BOSS BEATS YOU WITH A CORD EVERY HOUR" type shit, I could not care less about the environment, or what I do. As long as it pays well, and I get to have enough of a home life. None of that other stuff matters to me. Everybody prioritizes different things.

That's fine, that's just not what your post seemed to imply. You mentioned specific jobs that might be less than desirable which wasn't the point. But if you're able to keep your head down and just trudge through whatever comes your way, enjoy it.


The point being that no matter the environment - with the extreme "WELL WHAT IF YOUR BOSS BEATS YOU WITH A CORD EVERY HOUR" type shit, I could not care less about the environment, or what I do. As long as it pays well, and I get to have enough of a home life. None of that other stuff matters to me. Everybody prioritizes different things.

I'm with you on this. Remember a group of born agains that I worked with, Jesus this and that. I didn't give a flying fuck, I got Kirk Cameron DVDs for Christmas, laughed about it. It was an experience, gave me some funny stories, and they were mostly harmless. Just sign my checks, very little bothers me.
Wandering Wind said:
The common thread through all has been the desire to make more money and have more time off.
I think we all agree there and I understand your view that home life and time takes priority. For me, I need to take some enjoyment from what I do. As you say, people prioritize different things. I feel that I need to be invested in my work. If not, it's a time sink and considering a large portion of my week is spent there - I need for it to be more than just a paycheck if that makes sense.


I love my job. My office mate is a good friend and soon to be gaffer. Ravens fan, by the way, he'll be here soon. I'm overpaid in a field I had no experience in. My degree is in Modern Literature and i work in Radiology IT.

The problem is cost of living.

Edit: Rice is awesome, also under 5'10 which is in line with my theory that short people are better at everything that doesn't require vertical length.

Hey, another positive post! You sure you're ok? You changed a lot in those few months ;-)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm with you on this. Remember a group of born agains that I worked with, Jesus this and that. I didn't give a flying fuck, I got Kirk Cameron DVDs for Christmas, laughed about it. It was an experience, gave me some funny stories, and they were mostly harmless. Just sign my checks, very little bothers me.

Yeah, exactly.

I think we all agree there and I understand your view that home life and time takes priority. For me, I need to take some enjoyment from what I do. As you say, people prioritize different things. I feel that I need to be invested in my work. If not, it's a time sink and considering a large portion of my week is spent there - I need for it to be more than just a paycheck if that makes sense.

We're saying the same exact thing. I don't think you're wrong anymore than I think brentech is wrong. People value different things out of their careers. It has nothing to do with "trudging through" it. I simply don't care about anything beside the pay and home life offered.


We used to have something

I'm still a Brewers fan.

I knew you were a smart man. Welcome and you're in luck because we're winning the Superbowl this year, which will be an awesome experience for you.


Thanks Larry, glad to be apart of the club.


The King of Games has chosen the team full of convicts, dirtbags, basketball players (allegedly), murderers (really), and Worst Harbaugh.

At least you'll have an elite QB, one of the best at his position, aint that right, Larry

And I'm going to have to live with that decision. I'll try ;)


So fellow Patriots fans am I the only one concerned about Vollmer? He is already on PUP, but he can come off any time during training camp. If he isn't healthy this year the Pats oline will definitely not be as good as it was last season. I'm also worried about Mankins, and the oline in general.
I think I'm on the "find work that's fulfilling/ challenging" spectrum. I am making pretty good money but I am so bored at work. I need something to keep me stimulated. Its hard to keep focused on the money you're making when you're bored out of your mind all day.

Then again, I wouldn't give this job up for a lower paying job that Id enjoy more so that's not really fair to say. You always want what you don't have. A nice combination of the two would be nice.


So fellow Patriots fans am I the only one concerned about Vollmer? He is already on PUP, but he can come off any time during training camp. If he isn't healthy this year the Pats oline will definitely not be as good as it was last season. I'm also worried about Mankins, and the oline in general.

I'm with you on that. And of course I hate it even more because I won't my fellow countryman with the awesome accent to succeed.
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