I fall for it everytime.
"Oh, DM posted a link. I guess I should click on it....... God fucking damn it"
You don't have the chrome plugin that shows a thumbnail and embeds it? >_>
Never bothered with it. Maybe its worth investigating...... Cole Phelps style!
It's pretty awesome.
Alex's arm is too weak to take advantage and Moss is worthless on short routes or going over the middle.We all know Alex Smith is going to ride Randy Moss to a ring.
I saw the OTA shakycam video, Randy looks like he's back in HOF form.
Tall, blonde, long gait. He pulls it off.Only certain people can pull off the Drive jacket. Is that guy one of those people? And he better have some isotonoers on
Alex's arm is too weak to take advantage and Moss is worthless on short routes or going over the middle.
We all know Alex Smith is going to ride Randy Moss to a ring.
I saw the OTA shakycam video, Randy looks like he's back in HOF form.
Tall, blonde, long gait. He pulls it off.
I take back what I said before. Herp derp face like Luck plus he's wearing Oakleys.
Son, I am disappoint.
Oh you.1 episode was enough for intelligent people.
Alex's arm is too weak to take advantage and Moss is worthless on short routes or going over the middle.
I take back what I said before. Herp derp face like Luck plus he's wearing Oakleys.
Son, I am disappoint.
40MPH winds at his back.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1R2_5i5Onc&feature=BFa&list=SP74808943161E92E6&hd=1#t=10m26s
Arm strength's fine - look at this specific youtube video at this exact time.
Arm strength's fine, his issue's always been consistency/accuracy.
Arm strength's fine, his issue's always been consistency/accuracy.
How is this guy not banned?
Did you just use a 40 yard pass to illustrate small paws' big arm?
Look at the rest of his posts, he was thread shitting.How is that a bannable offense?
Serious football question. If Alex and Ben have to go somewhere in the same car who drives? And if they were locked together in a bathroom who comes out crying?alex has a strong arm and a strong ankle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTAiypz60dMit's a 50 yarder, but i don't expect steelers fans to be count any better than their caveman QB. arm strength from a perspective of "I CAN THROW IT 70 YARDS IN THE AIR!" is worthless in the NFL. show me a pass during a game that went 70 yards in the air and was completed. it doesn't happen (although alex did throw a 70 yarder in the air at last years training camp, but that wasn't a real game)
there's a Freeman joke in here somewhere...Im burned out on Freeman jokes
there's a Freeman joke in here somewhere...
Racist.You can say that Ive had my fill or that Im stuffed
Back to the old standby:
There's probably a Freeman joke in that thread to be had.
The next version of Doritos Locos Tacos will be a Cool Ranch flavor to complement the Nacho Cheese item, which is now a permanent fixture on Taco Bells menu, Creed said. A Hot and Spicy version likely would come later next year, and the fact that Frito-Lay has more than 100 flavors of Doritos around the world speaks to the limitless potential of the product, he said.
The brands First Meal breakfast platform, currently in test in 750 locations in the West, would spread to another 250 locations this year, Creed said. The menu will roll out to another 1,000 locations next year, including in Texas and Florida, and is expected to be in place systemwide by the end of 2014.
Promotional slides shown during Taco Bells presentation showed pictures of snack wrap-like products called Loaded Grillers, as well as churros, caramel-apple empanadas and cookie sandwiches.
There's probably a Freeman joke in that thread to be had.
I know what thread that is.
I hate you guys.
All that means is that the taco shells are merely containers for all that meat, beans, and cheese!Gluten Free diet, you freaks.
The menu, which is intended to elevate the brand’s perceptions of food quality and freshness with items like burrito bowls, whole black beans, and corn and pepper salsa, has increased not only average check and average unit volumes but also guest counts in test marketing.
Gluten Free diet, you freaks.
I bet you guys could use a gluten free diet yourselves, hypocrites!