Talks between the NFL and its officials for a new contract have broken off, according to league sources.
The news was conveyed to the 32 teams in an email that the league sent on Sunday, the sources said. In the email, the NFL advised the teams that, at this time, it is now working to begin hiring replacement officials.
The league will look to hire officials from anywhere but the BCS conferences because those officials are run by NFL officials, and the NFL doesn't want to put the BCS officials in an awkward situation. Elite NCAA officials who have retired and officials from small college conferences and arena football will be considered, a league source said.
The league had sent a memo to its officiating scouting department last month to begin identifying possible replacements in case talks broke down.
In 2001, the league used replacement officials for one preseason game, then the first weekend of the regular season. But after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a new deal soon was reached that carried through 2005. Another contract was agreed on in 2006.
The NFL Referees Association has 121 on-field members and also represents the 17 replay officials and more than 100 retired officials.