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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck



Never poke a sleeping bear, ESPN. 60 pass TD season incoming.
The truth never hurt anyone.

Stop being weird and cheer for the Redskins for a changes.


Why can't I cheer for CornBob and the Skins and still appreciate the pure greatness of Tom Terrific?
Because they are evil and it is wrong.

That's just like cheering when Apollo Creed gets murdered by Drago in the middle of the ring. Only psychos and people from Florida would do that.

Now I really need to sleep.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
This thread just got real disrespectful, real quick.

Posting anything involving the Patriots should be forbidden and subject to banning. That filth needs to be cleansed from this thread.


This is why Texan fans can't have nice things Mech. How can you actively root for evil?

I remember when you used to be a Luck fan. Unlike Tammy he isn't a pussy, and you can leave him around your girlfriend/wife because you know he doesn't have the game to take her from you. Can you leave women around Ruthlessburger and Kapachick? No. T.J. Yates? They probably don't even know who that is. Luck wins.




The younger apprentice must remove the sith lord so the veil of the dark side may fall once again across the league.


I cant wait to play Mario Kart. Off tomorrow.
my coworker keeps squeeing about it. She also plays GTA online with two other coworkers.


Are they crappy dispatchers? I've worked with dispatchers that dispatched a crew to an unsecured area to only have the axe murderer still onscene.

Well that hasnt been an issue though some stores have been near a gang shootout and I told the driver to get the fuck out of there.


Eh, nothing exciting, other than battery charges on a crew member. He went straight to the dispatcher's office and seriously;

I kid you not

Punched him in the back of the head.

Dispatcher is going to get someone killed. That crew member deserved one free shot. :jnc


Dispatcher is going to get someone killed. That crew member deserved one free shot. :jnc

Dispatcher don't care, if they get the crew there early or on time, they get a bonus.

I dunno how it works for cajun, but thats how it is for us.
Unless Redskins fans are really defensive about the name, I don't know why they'd be in the $5 spot over New England or San Francisco. Name may be offensive, but at least they don't leave playoff games when down big or kill each other and other visiting fans, respectively.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, Washington needs swapping out with San Francisco. That fanbase was stupid embarrassing for how many people showed up during their Super Bowl asking dumb shit like "OMG WHY DON'T THEY JUST THROW THE FOOTBALL TO THE CATCHER EVERY TIME!"
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