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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Theres a strange sport on tv. It has a bunch of people some of which are american, and they are kicking a little white ball and flopping like fish. It looks silly.





I have no reason to leave the house anymore, Amazon is now delivering same day groceries to my home.
Gata here's your (incomplete) scoreboard!

Get hype



Yeah, the "Ice crews" are usually great even at minor league hockey. Plus they have to wear pseudo-yoga pants which is a bonus.

I like watching minor league hockey live, hate it on TV.
Edge of Tomorrow was pretty good, gents. It delivers well on the concept even if the ending is a bit of a cop out.

Though, I'd pay for the privilege of watching Emily Blunt put together a sandwich.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
ESPN Article on Bryan Cox

"I only lost two fights out of about 60, 70," Cox said, referring to his time growing up in rugged East St. Louis, where he was a proclaimed street fighter. "If I thought I was fighting, I was getting the first lick. Just know that."

By the way, the two bouts Cox chalked up as losses were to his brother and his best friend.

"I wouldn’t fight him back because if I fought you, I was trying to hurt you," Cox said, referring to the fight with his brother.

"And one was my best friend, so we had to fight each other. At the end of the day, he took my little brother’s bike and my big brother made me beat him up, so we had to fight. So I let him hit me a couple times and I lost that fight."
Who will win the World Cup of Babes?


What country will be the breakout star of this World Cup?

A) Mario Balotelli has the best looking WAG at the World Cup thank me later

B) Brazil will win the WCOB, Germany 2nd

C) The breakout star will be Colombia (The capital of South Carolina has a u, the country with cocaine as its chief export has an o)

Also, the US will get out of the group stage at the least.
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