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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

Hunter S.

Eh, just start watching and learn as you go!

Really, trully. I started just watching hockey in 96 after the Avalanche won the cup. I knew most of the rules by 1997. Not really complicated compared to football in terms of rules. Much easier to learn.


Now this is the debate I was trying to start earlier!

....although both of them look strong enough to beat me in a fight.

I'd let them fight me.

I knew it was a bionic post before I saw who posted it. He's notoriously down on modern gaming unless it's the 3DS.

However, I feel like the last great graphics leap was Gears of War and I remember looking at concepts for that back in 2003. Nintendo wasn't too far off when they said that graphics are going to peak....it's just that they gave up about a generation and a half too soon.

I am burnt on most games, and it's happening to me a lot faster than I thought. However I still find stuff I like. Wii U has the best games so far, and right now I think Donkey Kong is my favorite game this gen, I almost cried when I beat that shit (it's that good). I have also clocked like 40hrs into Fire Emblem, and plan on buying the new 3DS Zelda when I want something else to play on it. I think if a person likes the 3DS then they'll like the Wii U.

Nintendo was totally right about what they said imo. Somewhere down the line the jumps will hardly be that noticeable. They shat the bed when it came to selling the Wii U though. That said, I am no graphics whore, but watching that Witcher 3 trailer on my 1080p monitor was stunning. That trailer is in the top tier of video game trailers.
You goddamn olds need to let me be excited about something. MK8 is fun, but this game looks incredible. The trailer was one of the best I've seen in a while, and I usually hate game trailers.
It looks good.

How well will it play? Will the gameplay provide any noteworthy innovations, or will it be more of the same? Will the story be a sloppy bolt-on, a half-assed attempt to fuse gaming with narration by writers who couldn't make it in Hollywood?
(the last clause isn't so relevant for the Witcher guys since they're on the north pole or something, but you know what I mean!)

Hard to get excited about AAA gaming these days. Basically I just look for the dev studios I trust to make amazing games and follow them to the ends of the earth.


I'm interested in seeing Zelda Wii U at E3, but knowing Nintendo they'll show very little and are gonna hold onto it as their holiday 2015 title even though they really don't have the luxury of being able to sit on anything right now.
I'm interested in seeing Zelda Wii U at E3, but knowing Nintendo they'll show very little and are gonna hold onto it as their holiday 2015 title even though they really don't have the luxury of being able to sit on anything right now.
Nah, they'll show Zelda U. It won't be coming out any time soon though.

Who cares anyway, I want a Majora's Mask port with a stable framerate!

(incoming disappontment)


Nah, they'll show Zelda U.

But screw that crap anyway, I want a Majora's Mask port with a stable framerate!

Oh I know (well, I'm very sure) they'll show it, but I'm skeptical that they'll show much of the game at all, and then they won't show anything more til E3 2015 even though they need to drum up whatever excitement for the system they can.
If LA win the series, the headline of their newspapers should be "Greatest City In The World".

Nah, they'll show Zelda U. It won't be coming out any time soon though.

Who cares anyway, I want a Majora's Mask port with a stable framerate!

(incoming disappontment)
What's the typical Zelda dev cycle? They haven't shown anything in 2 years. It should be very well along but yeah it won't be coming out this year.
If LA win the series, the headline of their newspapers should be "Greatest City In The World".

What's the typical Zelda dev cycle? They haven't shown anything in 2 years. It should be very well along but yeah it won't be coming out this year.
Why would they print something so obvious*?

*obvious to LA residents and no one else.

Seems like it's 3-4 years between mainline Zelda games. (2003: WW, 2006: TP, 2011: SS) They also had ALBW on their plate since SS came out. Still I'd imagine the new one will be a late 2015 game.


Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. Sound like a challenge


Konka's thread made me reactivate my Equinox subscription and run 3 miles today.
I've never heard of skinny fat before, but now I guess I am.

I blame 4 years of college and 2 years of finance for making me stop being a health nut.
EAD 3 made ALBW?

Oh Nintendo, you so crazy.
At the same time they were porting WWHD, even!

Though to be honest, considering the long buildup in game dev projects, it kinda makes perfect sense. Small team starts work on game 2 while large team finishes up game 1, and then once #1 is out the door, #2 is actually in a state where it's planned out and ready for development.

The alternative is the massive hiring->layoff cycle that way too many western devs do.


Other than Last of Us. Nintendo has made my favorite games of last year.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Animal Crossing New Leaf stand among the best both of those series have to offer.

Other than A Link to the Past, the 3DS one is probably my favorite.
I'm sad I haven't experienced much of that 3DS glory.

Super Mario Galaxy is GOAT level. Didn't care for the sequel. No Rosalina backstory and over world which were awesome.

Damn kids hate everything that's good.
I'm sad I haven't experienced much of that 3DS glory.

Super Mario Galaxy is GOAT level. Didn't care for the sequel. No Rosalina backstory and over world which were awesome.

Damn kids hate everything that's good.
I do think SMG > SMG2, but the sequel still had some pretty great stuff in it. Still really impressive to me that it felt like such a different game while keeping all the same control mechanics.

Those games look completely insane in HD on the dolphin emulator, BTW. Unfortunately you need like a 4.2 GHz overclocked rig to run them at 60 fps.
I can run DKCR upscaled and it can barely do 30fps =(

Also yeah, I agree, it just felt like an inferior game with inferior power ups. It's a good game and a fun one but it was a big come down for me.


Persecution Complex
The Last Guardian being cancelled has to be a joke. Seriously, we're going to get a surprise E3 trailer right?

It can't be true. Sony is trolling us until they drop a E3 trailer bomb.



Other than Last of Us. Nintendo has made my favorite games of last year.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Animal Crossing New Leaf stand among the best both of those series have to offer.

Other than A Link to the Past, the 3DS one is probably my favorite.

Zelda ALBW was squeeworthy.
i hadnt enjoyed a top down Zelda game like that in a long time.
I've never seen the last gaurdian trailer, but you gotta figure that studio is working on somthing. Even if the last guardian is cancelled, it's been 5 plus years since a release ? Something's gotta be in the works


yipee another boring ass game that's going to be overrated by gaf

the obsession with lackluster sony titles has always perplexed me.


Persecution Complex
It's a bad decision not to cancel.

Long delayed, overhyped games never do well at market.

It's the sequel to ICO and SotC, two of the greatest games of all time.

There is no overhype here, The Last Guardian needs to be released. It's been delayed, sure, but perfection takes time.

TLG will release and it will be great.
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