as soon as i saw this pic i knew it had to be cajun
Im sure Narag likes her
as soon as i saw this pic i knew it had to be cajun
Im sure Narag likes her
Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it, but if they're gunning for that IQ I'll excuse it. I'm guessing 4-player item heavy battles on very active stages is what would probably slow it down. The competitive Smash people shouldn't have any issues. I don't really mind the MK8 thing and an gonna buy it, but I'm looking forward to Smash far more.
Ez got banned again? Dammit. The man just came back!Did they perm eznark?
you people need to stop getting banned smh
I only got banned twice. Only once for racism.
What do you mean you people?you people need to stop getting banned smh
What do you mean you people?
I guess my second banning will be for racism.
Did they perm eznark?
why did they ever invent this early in the morning
Almost as bad as those people who are yelling at their phone while it's on speaker phone in public.People who talk loudly on their Bluetooth in public places can suck one dick.
Almost as bad as those people who are yelling at their phone while it's on speaker phone in public.
I ran over a rabbit
one less belly to rub in the world
truly a reprehensible crime
where do you even liveAlmost hit one an hour ago. Thankfully dodged it.
where do you even live
Ohio?!Parts Unknown
who are youParts Unknown
So the Blue Jays are doing well right now. A hell of a lot of season to go still though.
But let's be honest we all know this is going to end in two ways:
1. A sensational collapse
2. Heartbreaking loss in the playoffs.
My body is prepared but as with the other teams I will enjoy what I can.
And to anyone who says this'll be different my response:
"Fuck you look at my tag"
Johnny just wants to be the best QB he can be. He has matured and has moved on from childish things and wants to hone his craft like Manning.
And you suckers all believed that nonsense. A zebra doesn't change his stripes.
having fun is childish?Johnny just wants to be the best QB he can be. He has matured and has moved on from childish things and wants to hone his craft like Manning.
And you suckers all believed that nonsense. A zebra doesn't change his stripes.
Johnny just wants to be the best QB he can be. He has matured and has moved on from childish things and wants to hone his craft like Manning.
And you suckers all believed that nonsense. A zebra doesn't change his stripes.
You just jealous.
having fun is childish?
Not all QB's can be robots mang.
They need to live too!
Obvious troll is obvious.
Yeah I have been on that JFF bandwagon for so long now.......he is a self serving, egotistical, spoiled rich kid who has had everything in life handed to him on a silver platter. I hope he just gets destroyed this year.
The Browns are smart to hold him back because I guarantee every week the opposing defense will have 11 players who just want to smack the shit out of him and force feed him some humility.
You're right. My twitter timeline is full of Bortles, Bridgewater, Garrappollo pics getting hammered with a bunch of gold diggers in vegas,
maybe he's casually sipping beverages and they're nice womenYou're right. My twitter timeline is full of Bortles, Bridgewater, Garrappollo pics getting hammered with a bunch of gold diggers in vegas,