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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

Lol, it needs to be said. Too much people ride Jordan's dick in that thread, and then Lebron wins a game and it's the end of basketball. There are some crazy Lebron fans too, but it's only an inkling of a lot of the fanboyish bullshit killed that community.

They make it sound like Jordan was some religious figure who walked on water, and healed dying children in the 90's. I honestly think some of them have never watched a Jordan game (when he was on the bulls). At least when we shit on Tammy there is truth to it, and we can control our emotions. Those guys go about making fun of Lebron in the least fun and entertaining way possible.

True. I don't know what's going on in the nba thread but almost everyone is driven by some kind of agenda

I only started watching basketball from '96 but even I knew as a kid that Jordan was pretty fucked up. Actually Lebron is pretty harmless in comparison


T.J. Combo :*)


Tom Penny

I can't wait for Dominique Easley to play in 2017 when his knees work


The tape more than backs up the hype, and we’ll get to that in a moment. The only thing that brings pause, of course, is that Easley suffered injuries to the ACLs in both knees through his collegiate career. Both injuries were non-contact in nature, and most analysts believe that had those injuries not happened, and Easley had been able to play at his collegiate level, he would have been a top-10 pick. I’d go a step further and say that if Easley had been injury-free at Florida, he might have been the first player taken overall; at the very least, the discussion regarding the best defensive player in this draft class would have been far more interesting.


Fucking Gaf.

But anyway, the French Revolution is a great setting. Too bad it's wasted on Assassins creed. Sunset Overdrive didn't really overly impress me, but it'll still probably be solid.


How about you sluts post the IRC info so we can actually join you!

Edit: irc.ajhenderson.com: Closing Link: cdyhybrid[ircip3.mibbit.com] (Too many connections from your IP)

No chat for me, I guess.
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