Smoking is vile.Folgers is the nectar of life for the working class. A thermos of Folgers coffee, a couple sandwiches, and a pack of smokes is all a man needs in a days work.
Edit: And no matter what you say, Folgers is still better than cheap motel/gas station coffee. That shit is horrid.
I will agree Folgers is better than drinking piss out of a bowl but I can't agree to more than that. Gas station coffee can be ok and it has the added benefit of being extra caffeinated. But yeah usually it tastes like ass.
I agree that sandwiches are great. I pretty much live on as much tuna as I feel I can get away with (fucking mercury).
Speaking of working class sometimes I feel they have the best life. It sounds crazy but the lack of something can sometimes be a blessing. If you don't have extra money to blow on nerd shit and nespresso pods you focus more on the shit that really matters in life. Like leaving a flaming bag of shit on that annoying neighbor with a patriots flag or teaching your son how to kill a yak with his bare fucking hands.