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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday. Industry is faltering with the same games, etc.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes from Nintendo with the same mascots and nothing but praise and "NINTENDO WINS CAUSE ZELDA!!"

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes and nothing but praise.

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.

I'd much rather bet on Nintendo's sequels/remakes than anything from EA or Activision though :p


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes and nothing but praise.

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.

You're right. Maybe Im just getting older but these Nintendo games seem more inviting and less overly gruesome for the sake of being gruesome.


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday. Industry is faltering with the same games, etc.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes from Nintendo with the same mascots and nothing but praise and "NINTENDO WINS CAUSE ZELDA!!"

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.

I'd much rather bet on Nintendo's sequels/remakes than anything from EA or Activision though :p
Hypocrisy nonetheless.

Moving along though - good conference. Yoshi's yarn game and Zelda were beautiful. I wanted to see much more of Zelda though. That's a long ways off.

Bayo 1 included with part 2 was great news. I loved the original and its great to see it get more exposure.


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday. Industry is faltering with the same games, etc.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes from Nintendo with the same mascots and nothing but praise and "NINTENDO WINS CAUSE ZELDA!!"

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.
False equivalency. Halo got the brunt of the remake hate. AC got the brunt of the sequilitis hate, when you consider they've made an iteration in that series for about 6 straight years.
I am completely befuddled by that X title screen. Nothing about it has looked like a sequel, and then surprise!

But maybe this will get us Xenoblade HD?


No Metroid

So wait, when did Link turn into Zelda?
? You mean the hood he was wearing? Once he took it off it seemed to me they were going back to the Skyward Sword design judging by the outfit and semi-cel shaded look of the visuals.


I thought the long shot of the field was drop dead gorgeous.

No Metroid

I hope they put Retro back on the series. They're done with DKC now. A new Prime would be great.


? You mean the hood he was wearing? Once he took it off it seemed to me they were going back to the Skyward Sword design judging by the outfit and semi-cel shaded look of the visuals.


I thought the long shot of the field was drop dead gorgeous.


That's Zelda right?


Ok I wanted to stay being a dick and a hater but that Zelda trailer was cool. Fuck you Nintendo!

Also loved that Sony dinosaur Star Wars game.

I already have a PS4 I don't play. Should I now buy a WiiU to not play this awesome Zelfa game which won't come out for 18 months?

Damn e3! I can't afford this shit! We just bought a house!

Anything else that was awesome? I saw that Sony water game and it looked boring.


I would've liked more 3DS stuff, was hoping for a new Fire Emblem or news on that Fire Emblem and SMT crossover thing.

But overall that was great... now I have to get ready to go to class. Got a B on my pre-cal/trig test without really studying lol. Yay me!


Ok I wanted to stay being a dick and a hater but that Zelda trailer was cool. Fuck you Nintendo!

Also loved that Sony dinosaur Star Wars game.

I already have a PS4 I don't play. Should I now buy a WiiU to not play this awesome Zelfa game which won't come out for 18 months?

Damn e3! I can't afford this shit! We just bought a house!

Anything else that was awesome? I saw that Sony water game and it looked boring.

I say you wait since you have no interest in Smash, unless you want MK8. Zelda won't be out for a while. But man, a lot of cool shit was shown.

Nintendo not only showed a bunch of content, but a lot of it looks like it had some fucking soul put into it.


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday. Industry is faltering with the same games, etc.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes from Nintendo with the same mascots and nothing but praise and "NINTENDO WINS CAUSE ZELDA!!"

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.

I suspect the reactions would have switched if we saw a lot more gameplay footage yesterday and Nintendo showed more prerendered trailers instead.
Ok I wanted to stay being a dick and a hater but that Zelda trailer was cool. Fuck you Nintendo!

Also loved that Sony dinosaur Star Wars game.

I already have a PS4 I don't play. Should I now buy a WiiU to not play this awesome Zelfa game which won't come out for 18 months?

Damn e3! I can't afford this shit! We just bought a house!

Anything else that was awesome? I saw that Sony water game and it looked boring.

For this year? Not really unless you want Bayonetta or an Xbone. I'll pick up a Wii U when there's a price drop.

I suspect the reactions would have switched if we saw a lot more gameplay footage yesterday and Nintendo showed more prerendered trailers instead.

MS showed plenty of gameplay though. Their problem is ntkrnl leaked all of this year's games so those loons over at gaming side sat there going "meh, predictable"


I suspect the reactions would have switched if we saw a lot more gameplay footage yesterday and Nintendo showed more prerendered trailers instead.
CG trailers stopped being cool when the PS2 came out.

I guess I need to see more vids. The stuff I saw was mostly gameplay.


Pissing and moaning about showing nothing but sequels and remakes all day yesterday. Industry is faltering with the same games, etc.

1 new IP shown so far and nothing but sequels and remakes from Nintendo with the same mascots and nothing but praise and "NINTENDO WINS CAUSE ZELDA!!"

Gamers are a funny bunch.

I'll get shit for saying this but whatever. It's true.

Does Nintendo have a series that is annualized? I can't remember. I agree that GAF is gonna GAF, but I'm just glad we got nothing but gameplay and only a little of the trade show talk. No "conceptual prototype" bullshit, or long CG footage that shows no gameplay, and no pages of arguing over whether or not 2mins of footage is in-game or not. I also liked the sit down in depth stuff with the devs, pretty cool. Not sure I like that NFC stuff though.
Sad that Super Smash Bros 3DS got a small delay and I don't think the Wii U version will come out until 2015. Still not sure how I feel about 3 characters being Mii's.
I'd much rather have the current aesthetic and a large open world than nice graphics and sectioned off areas.

As good as Prime was, the loading doors were unbearable in MP3.

Speaking of Retro, it's sad they're a 1-game house and/or their other title isn't ready.
It doesn't matter what Link or the game looks like if these dipshits haven't figured out how to pace a game yet. I'm not playing 4 fuckin hours again just to get my sword.
Good news for Wii U owners: Devil's Third is apparently a WiiU exclusive now

Bad news for Wii U owners: They showed it on the ign stream and it looked like ass
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