Complaints are made about sequels in general quite often. Not just annualized ones. My comments said nothing about annualized sequels (which I agree are problem). Halo sequelitis is a common complaint from those "done" with the series and that series is far from annualized as an example. Halo 5 is due in 2015. Halo 4 was released in 2012.
Shouldn't we sweep the other Halo released under the rug like you did with NSMB series as "spinoffs", too?You're next comment is that the gameplay doesn't change enough from sequel to sequel. Fair enough but that gets to the underlying point I was making really. You're patience with sequels comes down to your individual tastes and how much you enjoy a specific franchise. That's /ok/ but it is what it is and we're all going to be more lenient with game series we like.
I'm fine with sweeping Halo under the rug. Console shooters, :jnc
Yeah, I was just stating my opinion. Nintendo's sequels are different and spaced apart enough to not annoy me, but Madden, etc. are not.