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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

Only thing I'm learning from this battlefield hardline beta is that I'm horrible at the game. And I mean it, I'm fucking bad. Lots of rage quits and cursing on my part.
Maybe he remembered he was a Browns fan and hung himself?
This is pretty insular smh.


Sean Weatherspoon burst his achilles doing drills with docs today. It's his contract year, too.

Not quite Thomas Davis-level in terms of the injury big, but he hasn't played in 16 games ever. :|



That trailer for the new Legend of Zelda for the Wii U sure looked great, didn’t it? But what was up with Link? He wasn’t wearing his iconic green tunic or hat. Why did Link look so weird?

“No one explicitly said that that was Link.”

That’s what Legend of Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma told me when I asked him about Link’s, or whoever it is’, new appearance during an interview at Nintendo’s E3 booth. He said this with a smile and a laugh.

I sense a major troll coming down the line...


Fear of a GAF Planet
Only thing I'm learning from this battlefield hardline beta is that I'm horrible at the game. And I mean it, I'm fucking bad. Lots of rage quits and cursing on my part.

The bf noob thing to do is grab a sniper rifle, take a chopper to the highest roof and then camp. BYOS'mores
RIP groper



I sense a major troll coming down the line...


(Will be the new conspiracy theory du jour for the tinfoil hats on GS. Same dudes who still think that Hideo Kojima brought in Kiefer Sutherland just to voice Big Boss in MGSV trailers and Ground Zeroes and David Hayter is magically going to be there when(ever) The Phantom Pain comes out)


Fear of a GAF Planet


Xenoblade 2 looks awesome. Will buy!!

It looks beautiful and the sense of scale in incredible. Dont like the character designs though. They look like Final Fantasy characters.

It's hard to get hyped for WiiU.

I keep thinking about how let down BG was and feel sad.

I actually find it hard to be hyped for the other two more at this point. Im not a fan of stuff like Dead rising or Shooters and that Abzu game is the only thing that really caught my attention, whereas on WiiU there is a ton of platforming and puzzles and colorful fun stuff that is much more of my style. Sincerely I hope nintendo never dies even if they become much more niche because I need them for gaming to ever stay relevant. As it is, much of the interesting stuff is indie and much of it can be found on PC.


Hey party people, I've been writing a series on major storylines going into the World Cup on small market bias if you want to take a look. I know most of us aren't really big soccer fans (other than Kave), so it's mostly directed for the layman that doesn't follow the sport.


Hey party people, I've been writing a series on major storylines going into the World Cup on small market bias if you want to take a look. I know most of us aren't really big soccer fans (other than Kave), so it's mostly directed for the layman that doesn't follow the sport.

You still in SF or did you head back?

Still can't believe you were a bleacher section away at that Giants game without either of us realizing, lol.
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