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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Yeah looking at the future release lineups most of the titles I'm looking forward to are on both consoles. But still, the controller is a huge issue for me. The XBO controller is an extension of the 360 which is my all time favorite.

You should mess around with both. XBO controller is quite different than the 360 and not for the better (IMO).

DS3 was the jankiest shit ever but the DS4 is a huge upgrade, except for the fact the battery life is complete shit but I charge mine every night anyway so not a huge deal for me.

If you have a PS3 or Vita already I'd say PS4 just to get even more mileage out of a PS+ sub. Other than that, dunno guess it comes down to preferences on first party stuff and if you care about ever getting a Kinect down the road or something.
I honestly can't understand how anyone can dislike the DS4. Maybe it just takes some getting used to if you're accustomed to offset sticks?

I have friends that say that's exactly their problem with it. They have just become accustomed to offset sticks which is fair but many of them have never tried the DS4 to any real extent, either. My issues with the DS3 weren't that the sticks weren't offset - they were just too damned close together and the dead zone was fucking /awful/. They fixed those issues along with a myriad of others (godly triggers!).

Now about that battery....
I have friends that say that's exactly their problem with it. They have just become accustomed to offset sticks. My issues with the DS3 weren't that the sticks weren't offset - they were just too damned close together and the dead zone was fucking /awful/. They fixed those issues along with a myriad of others (godly triggers!).

Now about that battery....
Did you try adjusting the brightness of the light? That option was made available after a recent patch and I keep mine set to low. I'm not sure how much it helps, though. The battery isn't great but it's not an issue for me because the controller can charge while the system is in standby.
Outside of the battery sucking complete donkey dick on the Dual Shock 4 (I have two and have one charging at all times), I prefer it to the One controller primarily because I dislike the placement of the top buttons on it. It feels about as perfect as a controller can get in my hands.

Outside of that it comes down to what you prefer to play. Do you care about indies? Do you care about the quality of multiplats? Who's first party lineup interests you more? Etc, etc.
Speaking indies every since this gen started I've been paying way more attention to the indie games. Playstation plus probally helped me get into it. Alot of good games I was missing. Downloading Transistor right now.
And I'll probably check out Valiant Hearts next week


My last ban (and my first ban in a long ass time) was due to some animus snitching on my WrassleGAF post.

Fucking snitches.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

What in the....

Wes pls

My last ban (and my first ban in a long ass time) was due to some animus snitching on my WrassleGAF post.

Fucking snitches.

Gatas power has managed to escape the fort

Gata is an animu. Makes sense to me. As if his avatar didn't make it obvious.

Also, screw Gata for my flight getting cancelled. I know he had something to do with that too!

Like 3 days old, was barely anything, made up like immediately after

Grown men violently hitting each other occasionally leads to tempers flaring. News at 11.
waking to the whore light of the sun and downing as much coffee as I can. fuck mornings

Duke, Cameron Crazies, Jabari Parker...ect all fucking Satan. Fuck Duke to the end of the planet. Hate that my cousin is a Duke fan, its funny though. He says he doesnt know what he'll do when K retires because thats mainly the reason he jumped on in the early 90s either way that lil shit is a fan of 2 satans in fan as he is a Notre Dame football fan as well

Exception made because you've been banned enough and we kind of beat the shit out of you guys in basketball this year (but you were one of only four teams to beat us in football putting you in elite company with National Champions Florida State, Money Manziel, and Georgia Tech, you can hang your hat on that!)


So sometime next week I'm picking up either an Xbox One or Playstation 4 and I'm completely 50/50 undecided on which console to pick up.

With Xbox One you have the GOAT controller of all time, Halo MC Collection (huge for me), Sunset Overdrive which looks great and a better overall online infrastructure.

With Playstation 4 you have a more powerful machine, Bloodborne, The Last Guardian and a overall more rounded first party lineup. The controller still pales in comparison to the XBO controller IMO and that remains a huge issue.

Which console is more popular on NFLGAF? I haven't really followed NFLGAFs opinion on the two but I will say among my friends, most have a PS4.

Either way, I will be playing Destiny on launch day and cannot wait.
PS4. Controller, Everyone Online, and Naughty Dog games.
Not a fanboy of any system kas but it pretty comes down to what first party games you want. Xbox = halo, Gears, fable , Etc.
Vs sonys exclusives. For me personally went with ps4 after having Xbox all last gen, because don't really feel like I'm missing much in new halo games. Halo is halo for me. Gears kinda don't care about anymore. Also personally just thought sony could offer better single player experiences. But does seem like ps4 is the system to have for multi plats this gen, also seems like a lot of nfl Gaf has one.
Indie support on ps4 is really nice right now too, but again pretty much comes down to te exclusives you want.
Did anyone see the MGS footage, is it worth watching?
Haven't watched it , but I still hve a copy of ground Zero I haven't played. So trying to avoid all the new footage for now


Sanjuro and Dutch are the only Pats fans I can sort of stomach.

The rest of you are degenerates and racists.

Snagged KZ and infamous for PS4 for $20 combined. Now I just need to get out of the poorhouse and get the damn system. I live a couple blocks west of a pretty affluent area of Milwaukee, maybe there's a wealthy old couple I can whore myself out to.


Exception made because you've been banned enough and we kind of beat the shit out of you guys in basketball this year (but you were one of only four teams to beat us in football putting you in elite company with National Champions Florida State, Money Manziel, and Georgia Tech, you can hang your hat on that!)

Pitt football is non existent to me, you know this. I rep Pedo State only for football

Hitokage banned? Wtf? WTF!

Pretty sure any time you tell someone to just get out of a thread you're going to get banned if a mod notices the post
Did you try adjusting the brightness of the light? That option was made available after a recent patch and I keep mine set to low. I'm not sure how much it helps, though. The battery isn't great but it's not an issue for me because the controller can charge while the system is in standby.
Oh its down to dim for me but it doesn't help the battery any. The brightness of the light never bothered me in the way it bothered others but I still can't get anymore than 7-8 hours out of the thing.

I get 25+ on the One or 360 controller.

Speaking indies every since this gen started I've been paying way more attention to the indie games. Playstation plus probally helped me get into it. Alot of good games I was missing. Downloading Transistor right now.
And I'll probably check out Valiant Hearts next week
PC is indie heaven but there's a greater noise ratio. So many of them come out that you're scrambling to figure out what's worth your time and what's not. PS4 right now and in the near future the Xbox One - will do a good job of cherry picking the good ones for you. I've been a fan of those little games for a long time. I'm embarrassed to say how much I spent playing Audiosurf at a buddies house a long time ago before getting it myself.:D

Russell Wilson or Aziz Ansari, you decide.

Also Bad Boy needs to find a different barber. The one in the Microsoft commercial messed him up bad. Having a jacked up hairline is c...c...co...cornb...non stylish brother shit!



Russell Wilson or Aziz Ansari, you decide.

Also Bad Boy needs to find a different barber. The one in the Microsoft commercial messed him up bad. Having a jacked up hairline is c...c...co...cornb...non stylish brother shit!

Lulz this pic is avatar worthy

And ya cant blame Russy Boy, he has white people hair!!
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