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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Preach on, brother Deacon. Preach on.

Hell yes!

Wavebird and Gamecube controllers were my favorite of all time. So much so that I still have 2 GC controllers and might buy 2 more when Smash Bros comes out this fall.

Graphically it was better than the PS2 and just slightly behind the XBOX. And while Nintendo was still not getting full 3rd party support, it was far better than now.

I remember I could have played Madden on it and it was just like the PS2-XBOX versions.


Also, I liked RE5 the best. Couldn't get into RE4.

GameCube had the best Zelda, Mario, Smash Bros., Nintendo controller, and Metroid. Come at me bros!


RE5 was fun but it was too much of the cinematic stuff which broke flow of the game.

RE4 was my favorite game of the generation.

And just one more correction: Best Zelda game ever created is also the most underrated, Majora's Mask. I think I rather want a HD remake of that on the WiiU than the new Zelda.

PS: Just read some of the past few pages. WTF Konka? You don't attack someone's kids man.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Apparently Hope Solo is feisty if you guys like that in a chick. Got arrested for domestic violence :jnc

Edit: beaten like the Packers D in the playoffs


Fear of a GAF Planet
Didn't she marry that soft Seachickens TE. Who then beat her on the day before their wedding? I blame Seattle culture!
The Patriots stole the Jets' defensive playbook? Dirty cheaters.

I don't know how Bellichick has convinced the media that his Super Bowls are clean.

Why do Barry Bonds and Alex Rodriguez get vilified for cheating while Bellichick's systematic cheating gets a pass?

People still refer to those Super Bowl victories as legit. You would think that a story like this would spark more controversy for the Pats. They would be raked over the coals, but instead everything becomes a joke about the Jets negligence.

I don't understand. I just don't.

Kraft money. That, and CBS is in bed with the Pats*. As long as those things are in play, the league and Goodell will never subject any harsh penalties on Belicheat and his cronies. As for the Jets, well, sometimes it's just impossible not to laugh.
Paul Tagliabue swept Belichick and Kraft's heinous crimes under the rug under the guise of "PROTECT THE SHIELD". Goodell was going to keep the conspiracy going too, had it not been for this man


Thankk Tebow everyday for Eric Mangini's brave and courageous soul


Paul Tagliabue swept Belichick and Kraft's heinous crimes under the rug under the guise of "PROTECT THE SHIELD". Goodell was going to keep the conspiracy going too, had it not been for this man


Thankk Tebow everyday for Eric Mangini's brave and courageous soul

I heard that Kave built a shrine to Mangini in his closet out of respect for him!!


Kraft money. That, and CBS is in bed with the Pats*. As long as those things are in play, the league and Goodell will never subject any harsh penalties on Belicheat and his cronies. As for the Jets, well, sometimes it's just impossible not to laugh.
If Kraft was not a wife killing scumbag he could fire Belicheat and try and change the culture of cheating and murder in New England. But it always starts at the top.

Well most of the time. I think in most of Tom Brady's relationships he starts at the bottom and he is waist deep in this!

There once was a Gaffer called Nate,
who watched porn but not to masturbate,
the green lines are sound,
uh-oh his sister's around,
the thread which resulted was great.

Lmao that thread was great

Edit: my teacher just made fun of Florida, I like him


So who's gonna make a poem about gata :p

;_; Trejo your overwhelming love has me in tears, thank you man!! You are awesome too!! :')

*squeee *hugs


Why would you request a ban so you don't get banned? It don't make no sense!

He has his temp ban to be lifted at 7-5, maybe he thinks he'll fool some mods that if he is banned that he can escape a 3 month ban. Be fucking hilarious if they just waited for him to come back and slapped him with a 3 month ban



So who's gonna make a poem about gata :p

;_; Trejo your overwhelming love has me in tears, thank you man!! You are awesome too!! :')
I had to search my old posts for my gata poem:

there once was a gata by flame
whose fandom could not be explained

he snitched on us all, and wouldn't take blame
so his team had to trade away Blaine
i was about to order Fargo season 1 on amazon for $30. then i decided to check out the possibility of streaming from the FX website. turns out that you can as long as you have a username/password for cable tv (which i have my friends). THEN it turns out xbone has an FX app so i can stream it to my TV. yesssssssssssssssssssssss
i was about to order Fargo season 1 on amazon for $30. then i decided to check out the possibility of streaming from the FX website. turns out that you can as long as you have a username/password for cable tv (which i have my friends). THEN it turns out xbone has an FX app so i can stream it to my TV. yesssssssssssssssssssssss

Is directv one of the providers?


come in my shame circle
I heard that Kave built a shrine to Mangini in his closet out of respect for him!!

This is some fucking bullshit and you know it!

Stop trying to ruin my good name sir. I will not stand for this!

This is some Gata level thuggery and I hope others in this thread will stand up to this crime!


I'm going to repost one of my greatest hits. I hope it is not too much for OT. :jnc

Life is a Swamp

Gata's a traitor to his Jaguars kin,
He kisses his sister and plies her with gin.
No deed too demented for this slow-minded sap,
He picks up an animal to prop up on his lap.

The rest of the story is too grisly to tell,
Too difficult to describe with no words that can weld,
the sentences needed to construct such a tale.

Busy with his work the Gata did grunt,
For once in his life he was not the runt.
He tried to explain that his wants weren't so bad,
His thoughts were something all good people had.

The Gata was wrong,
The mob did deride.
The silly little Gata nearly cried,
before sipping some Mad Dog and calling up Jak,
No answer on IRL,
He gave his keys a whack.

"Will somebody please say it is okay to breed,​
With a sister or two or maybe three,​
A dog that I nursed from birth to fulfill my needs​
Won't somebody please listen to me.​
A Gata needs friends that let Gata be free.​
Puppies and kitties are equals to me,​
Any reasonable person knows that a pet could agree,​
To play with a Gata,​
Let a Gata rub its belly,​
Leave a Gata be,​
Please leave a Gata be."​

Exiled and alone,
the Gata did weep.
His bottle of gin thrown down at his feet,
as empty as his soul shattered on the floor.
The Gata called out for help,



Looking at random stats before I choose something else to watch on Netflix. Found my way onto Daunte Culpepper page. Funny despite throwing for 4700 yards and 39 tds the Vikes still only went 8-8 and after that season he finished his career with a 5-22 record


Looking at random stats before I choose something else to watch on Netflix. Found my way onto Daunte Culpepper page. Funny despite throwing for 4700 yards and 39 tds the Vikes still only went 8-8 and after that season he finished his career with a 5-22 record
Matthew Stafford


Our friend wont last long in this forum if he continues this degenerate path. You're breaking him, he was once the chosen one.

You live in Ohio, he lives in Pennsyltucky

Pennsylvania > Ohio

Fuck you

Besides, he's better than snes or jak; he has a job.


Jumping from Cowboys to Browns. Is like having disappointment that you got crabs from the girl you banged last night to fully and willfully going raw into a girl everyone has been with and you knowingly has herpes.


But it only sold 20 million!

Gaming Side can't jerk off to that!

Those are some pretty godtier games. I also think Wind Waku is the GOAT 3D Zelda game.
OOT is GOAT 3D Zelda but WW holds up better.

That begs the question again why are Nintendo artists so good? And why can't others replicate what they are doing?


I support konka and his degenerative ways.

It's no coincidence that you are linked to all the drunks here (Konka, Jak, Chan (rip).

You can insult my culinary efforts as much as you like, but I do not negatively influence people like you do. Next thing we know you'll start buying drinks for gata.


It's no coincidence that you are linked to all the drunks here (Konka, Jak, Chan (rip).

You can insult my culinary efforts as much as you like, but I do not negatively influence people like you do. Next thing we know you'll start buying drinks for gata.
That's when you know we have hit rock-bottom.
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