OOT is GOAT 3D Zelda but WW holds up better.
That begs the question again why are Nintendo artists so good? And why can't others replicate what they are doing?
Tebow bless you Konka
She lives in or at least around Sherman Oaks. My friends see her all the time.
I am a drunk yet I surviveIt's no coincidence that you are linked to all the drunks here (Konka, Jak, Chan (rip).
You can insult my culinary efforts as much as you like, but I do not negatively influence people like you do. Next thing we know you'll start buying drinks for gata.
I'm going to repost one of my greatest hits. I hope it is not too much for OT. :jnc
Life is a Swamp
Gata's a traitor to his Jaguars kin,
He kisses his sister and plies her with gin.
No deed too demented for this slow-minded sap,
He picks up an animal to prop up on his lap.
The rest of the story is too grisly to tell,
Too difficult to describe with no words that can weld,
the sentences needed to construct such a tale.
Busy with his work the Gata did grunt,
For once in his life he was not the runt.
He tried to explain that his wants weren't so bad,
His thoughts were something all good people had.
The Gata was wrong,
The mob did deride.
The silly little Gata nearly cried,
before sipping some Mad Dog and calling up Jak,
No answer on IRL,
He gave his keys a whack.
"Will somebody please say it is okay to breed,With a sister or two or maybe three,A dog that I nursed from birth to fulfill my needsWon't somebody please listen to me.A Gata needs friends that let Gata be free.Puppies and kitties are equals to me,Any reasonable person knows that a pet could agree,To play with a Gata,Let a Gata rub its belly,Leave a Gata be,Please leave a Gata be."
Exiled and alone,
the Gata did weep.
His bottle of gin thrown down at his feet,
as empty as his soul shattered on the floor.
The Gata called out for help,
Tebow bless you Konka
This chick is pretty close to being my waifu.
Dutch I felt disrespected by you earlier for not realizing that I was streaming at 6am. A true brother would have woken up and supported my dreams to become world famous drinker/game player.So much disrespect on this page. smh
BG would be so disappointed, he hates disrespect.
Tebow bless you Konka
Head is too square-shaped. 4/10, would sniff butt.
She would be a pretty cute fish if your into women that look like fish.
Matthew Stafford
It's no coincidence that you are linked to all the drunks here (Konka, Jak, Chan (rip).
You can insult my culinary efforts as much as you like, but I do not negatively influence people like you do. Next thing we know you'll start buying drinks for gata.
All this disrespect is literally killing me.So much disrespect on this page. smh
BG would be so disappointed, he hates disrespect.
The customer is always right.I don't get into this discussion anymore on gaming side. There they just accuse Nintendo of avoiding photorealistic graphics not because they don't want to, but because their hardware is cheaper.
Yet I still like the look and feel of most of their games a lot better. Better controls, better frame rates to show off the animations, and so on. I don't mind generic realism, especially in sorts games, but it's overdone because I guess that's what the audience wants nowadays.
Get out.
They're the ones typically handling the ball on offense, I think. I only started watching last year.
pineapple and ham is the best kind of pizza
What is is from?
looks like they are both kissing a dick. i'd probably roll with the 3 some. not into guys but he's not bad looking and then i'd definitely gain entry to her butt. hook us up cd!
Tim and Eric - Just 3 Boyz: http://youtu.be/LATKP6Dj9X8What is is from?
They're drinking Rainier tall-boys at their wedding too!
They are $2 at my local dive bar.
cd i am worried about your drinking habits. you need to calm down or you will end up like jak!
Who is that?
Come on ez these girls are Wisconsin 10sQuick, everyone quote the picture of the super close up picture of the terribly average looking chick.
Germany!Am I supposed to be rooting for someone here?
Come on ez these girls are Wisconsin 10s
You're also not allowed to praise Matt Stafford. Compromise.Can't say bad things about AT&T girl? Lord the rules here get weirder and weirder.
USA advances with Win tomorrow!
I am sooooo bored...
I am sooooo bored...
I am sooooo bored...