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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


1) Blaine Gabbert
2) Alex Smith


Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Yeah that shit wouldn't happen in football.


I'll never forgive Brent for doing that to Reggie White. Man brought him a Super Bowl. Reggie was the best.

I don't think there are many Packer fans left who defend Brent to the death or anything...that was pretty ridiculous for him to do that.

Reggie White is probably still my favorite Packer of all time so there's that also.


Aaron Rodgers doesn't flop, but he does get tripped by ghosts of his haters:

he's just not athletic enough to spin away from them like Tebow


That positive bullshit is terrible. It makes it impossible to have any real discussion.

I wouldn't call what kas does as positivity. Delusions are more like it. It's pretty funny but hard to say if anyone should take one seriously if they say shit like restore the roar. If someone punched me in the dick for saying something similar I wouldn't be surprised.


Fuck Michael Bradley. Burned all my goodwill towards him.
Such a bad mood.
Fuck football too.
Games should be on Saturday. Fuck the fuck out of scheduling conflicts with College Foosball. Hangover on Mondays is bullshit. Think about it. Pre-gaming while watching football and then heading out with a good buzz going.
Also, google needs to hurry the fuck up with those self driving cars. If they market those pieces of shit with a fully stocked bar included then no one will care if they are pieces of shit.

Bring on the Germans.
Go Rays!

Bucs Fan @TBBucs4Life · 2h

America, fuck yeah? #USA #SoccerSucks
Fuck yeah it does.
I wouldn't call what kas does as positivity. Delusions are more like it. It's pretty funny but hard to say if anyone should take one seriously if they say shit like restore the roar. If someone punched me in the dick for saying something similar I wouldn't be surprised.
Great point.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

Got that big ass QB with those overpaid running backs and still couldn't score touchdowns from the goalline...TWICE. And then we let that goofy Squidward looking fuck style on us. smh

Yes, this is six month old salt.

Six months? Put that back in the barrel, it's not done yet. Salt needs to age like a fine wine. It's the same reason why I'll dance on the Cowboys' grave forever.


Persecution Complex
You guys hate on Kas and his positivity too much. If more people had his positivity about their team this would be a happier place.

X-men DOFP was good times.

I appreciate that Shane, but its not blind optimism. I've watched almost every single Stafford game since his first start against New Orleans at the Superdome in 2009.

The guy has already proven himself to be an elite QB statistically. At the end of the day that doesn't matter, wins do. But those will come this season and in the future as long as Stafford is leading this team.

There are passes that he throws that only about 3 other people on this planet can make. That cannot be taught.



How many QBs can make throws like that?

there are legitimately 15 QB's i would take over stafford

You're either:

A.) Trolling

B.) Drunk and Trolling

Stafford on the 49ers would be a dynasty.


First I want to apologize to yankeehater. What I said was beyond deplorable and there is no excuse for it. I knew the second that I hit submit that it was beyond acceptable. We've had our disagreements in the past but that does not excuse it. I was in a bad place in my mind and looking to vent everything wherever the opportunity came up in the worst way possible.

I'm going through some stressful real world stuff right now that lead to my outburst and despite that it bothers me to no end what I said. I am working to get everything in line to hopefully avoid anything like that in the future.

Yankee, again, I am extremely sorry. I was in a bad place and for whatever reason decided it would help me to say the most terrible things I could.

To everyone else, sorry for bringing down the level of discourse we have in this thread.


Persecution Complex
Good to have you back Konka.

We've all posted stupid shit when we're drunk. I know I have and regretted it afterwards.

NFLGAF is the best part of GAF, IMO, and we all troll here and there but I love all y'all. Great community we have here.

Even Yankee and bionic.
I appreciate that Shane, but its not blind optimism. I've watched almost every single Stafford game since his first start against New Orleans at the Superdome in 2009.

The guy has already proven himself to be an elite QB statistically. At the end of the day that doesn't matter, wins do. But those will come this season and in the future as long as Stafford is leading this team.

There are passes that he throws that only about 3 other people on this planet can make. That cannot be taught.



How many QBs can make throws like that?

You're either:

A.) Trolling

B.) Drunk and Trolling

Stafford on the 49ers would be a dynasty.

stafford on the 49ers would be a backup. he is a turnover machine and we have already seen that he doesn't take kindly to constructive criticism or coaching. he would not mix well with harbs so no it wouldn't be a dynasty
Hold your head Konka. You made a mistake, but we all do it.

You owned up to it and are contrite about it. That's all that matters.

We all got your back here man.

NFL-GAF La Familia

Hey, at least the Panthers almost won the Super Bowl that one time.

You beat the Raiders. Whoopty damn doo.
First I want to apologize to yankeehater. What I said was beyond deplorable and there is no excuse for it. I knew the second that I hit submit that it was beyond acceptable. We've had our disagreements in the past but that does not excuse it. I was in a bad place in my mind and looking to vent everything wherever the opportunity came up in the worst way possible.

I'm going through some stressful real world stuff right now that lead to my outburst and despite that it bothers me to no end what I said. I am working to get everything in line to hopefully avoid anything like that in the future.

Yankee, again, I am extremely sorry. I was in a bad place and for whatever reason decided it would help me to say the most terrible things I could.

To everyone else, sorry for bringing down the level of discourse we have in this thread.

It is all good man. Sorry things are not going well for you.


First I want to apologize to yankeehater. What I said was beyond deplorable and there is no excuse for it. I knew the second that I hit submit that it was beyond acceptable. We've had our disagreements in the past but that does not excuse it. I was in a bad place in my mind and looking to vent everything wherever the opportunity came up in the worst way possible.

I'm going through some stressful real world stuff right now that lead to my outburst and despite that it bothers me to no end what I said. I am working to get everything in line to hopefully avoid anything like that in the future.

Yankee, again, I am extremely sorry. I was in a bad place and for whatever reason decided it would help me to say the most terrible things I could.

To everyone else, sorry for bringing down the level of discourse we have in this thread.

Hold your head Konka. You made a mistake, but we all do it.

You owned up to it and are contrite about it. That's all that matters.

We all got your back here man.

NFL-GAF La Familia

It is all good man. Sorry things are not going well for you.

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