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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

I'll have to check it out. Kind of excited for Donkey Kong now that people have been raving about it on here, even the guy at the store told me I pretty much purchased the best games for the console.

Still hoping the Wii U isn't a beater or something. Haven't purchased anything used in a very long time.
The only way I could see someone not liking Donkey Kong is if they are just completely burned out on 2D platformers or never enjoyed them to begin with. It's a pretty standard 2D platformer but it's just beaming with quality, polish, and attention to detail. Even stuff like the soundtrack is just masterpiece quality.


The only way I could see someone not liking Donkey Kong is if they are just completely burned out on 2D platformers or never enjoyed them to begin with. It's a pretty standard 2D platformer but it's just beaming with quality, polish, and attention to detail. Even stuff like the soundtrack is just masterpiece quality.

I always had fun with the Donkey Kong games. Still, it's almost close to 35 years and Nintendo still hasn't released an arcade version of Donkey Kong! You would think this company would cling to nostalgia or something.



Well I was actually working, so I didn't even have time/intention to browse GAF. Do you people actually work or just go there to watch cat videos and browse GAF and go home again?

When you first start it feels like you have a lot of work but you quickly find out what is actually necessary.



The constant restructuring of Johnson’s contract make his deal hard to fathom as a good one (he has a $15.6 million cap hit in 2014), but there is no reason to move him from this spot this year. I’ve written about Johnson extensively on the site and it’s one of the most team friendly series of contracts for a superstar player in the history of the NFL.

This all started in 2007 when the Texans convinced Johnson to sign a 6 year extension for pennies on the dollar that would keep him in Houston until 2014. By 2010 Johnson realized how bad a contract this was as his salary was being jumped by far less talented players and tried to hold out, which resulted in a small raise and bigger incentives in exchange for two more contract years that would essentially block him from ever becoming an unrestricted free agent as he made the turn deeper into his 30′s as long as he remained a very productive player.

Since that initial contract Johnson has been named to five Pro Bowls, two All Pro teams and produced at least 1,400 yards in four of the last six seasons, many of which were spent catching passes from quarterbacks who were not exactly top of the NFL caliber players. He’s done all of this while playing somewhere in the ballpark of $6 million less a season than Larry Fitzgerald of the Arizona Cardinals, who has never approached the top end statistical seasons that Johnson has.

Not surprisingly, Johnson is threatening a hold out this year as he is locked into a bad deal that may see him get stuck on a bad team in 2014. Unfortunately for Johnson the holdout will cost him at least $1 million as the Texans wisely put safeguards in the contract in 2010 to strip him of a big roster bonus if he tried to hold out again and missed team activities. That was yet another concession Johnson made for that 2010 raise and it clearly looks to have been a big one.

While the Texans were never able to capitalize on Johnson’s contract to shuffle enough resources elsewhere to get to a Super Bowl, they did get themselves an absolute steal at one of the highest paid positions in the NFL.

Yeah his hold out isn't about money at all. Nope.

BTW, Uncle Melton the guy who is "advising" him to hold out is the same uncle who negotiated those contracts.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
When you first start it feels like you have a lot of work but you quickly find out what is actually necessary.


The secret to life is show up early, leave late, and do nothing in between.

Also as you get better at your job, not only do you prioritize but you learn how to cut corners.


Texans needed a QB and the didn't do anything to improve.

Schoob is better than anyone on the roster right now.

Well if any one fan would know what shitty QB play looks like its you Fox.

Fact is Dres pouting is not about the QB, or a rebuild it is about money. The kicker on everything in that link? After this season NOTHING from Houston is guaranteed.

Honestly, I'd be pissed if I was Andre Johnson too. Texans have wasted the career of a superstar.

Yeah MJD syndrome as it is called. He got a contract, made millions and needs to honor his commitments. His spoiled diva act is wearing thin.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Honestly, I'd be pissed if I was Andre Johnson too. Texans have wasted the career of a superstar.

He's the one who chose to sign those contracts.

I don't feel bad for him in the slightest. But if he wants to hold out thats his prerogative - he should have pulled a Kyle Orton though and threatened retirement. Texans won't be good until his career is basically over anyway so he might as well have just done it.
I won't speak on the contract of Andre. because I'm a ignorant slut with a short attention span, who didn't read that article. but I will say I don't think the Texans Qb situation is much better then it was a year ago. This coming from a guy who sees tons of shitty Qb play a year. Sure savage could be a surprise, but I'm not banking on the 4th round pick.


I dunno man. There are plenty examples of teams letting star players leave when they obviously don't want to be there. Just doesn't seem like the best way to deal with the best player in franchise history.


I dunno man. There are plenty examples of teams letting star players leave when they obviously don't want to be there. Just doesn't seem like the best way to deal with the best player in franchise history.

What is the Texans incentive to do so? He doesn't show to TC they get money back, they will never get fair value on a trade, if he retires he has to pay back millions in bonus money.

They release him now they are on the hook for 12 million. Next year it is a lot less.

Fact is he wants one more guaranteed payday and the only team that he has any leverage with is Houston. As a hypothetical FA next year how much is a 34 year old WR really getting on the open market?


What is the Texans incentive to do so? He doesn't show to TC they get money back, they will never get fair value on a trade, if he retires he has to pay back millions in bonus money.

They release him now they are on the hook for 12 million. Next year it is a lot less.

To avoid a TO like locker room situation.


To avoid a TO like locker room situation.

And that is his only leverage here. So he can risk tarnishing his reputation to get more money because he trusted Uncle Melton. The fans have already grown weary of this shtick and the team (players and coaches) absolutely refuse to address it.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Sure but I'm willing to bet looking back he'd give up a few millions for a super bowl.

Of course. It sucks that he never won one, same with AJ, but I don't see that as an excuse to act the way he's acting.

Yeah I'm thinking here's a great player who is realizing that he's getting up there in age (He's 33 right? He's basically done in a year or two at most) and is having a lot of regrets about his playing career (and contract). Happens to more players than not though....it's even worse for guys like Calvin Johnson and Barry Sanders where you're lucky to even sniff the playoffs.

I'm sure that when AJ signed his contract, he never envisioned the team getting blown up and starting from scratch but that's the risk. He is lacking perspective in that he's one of the lucky few to make a small fortune playing football for a significant amount of time however.




Holy shit. The guy that is selling me the Wii U that owns the game shop is basically a collectors dream. My god.

If I hadn't sold most of my collection prior this store would make me broke.


If you're in any way a South Park fan, it's a must play. Even if you were a fan 10+ years ago but stopped watching.

I suggest watching the Black Friday trilogy before playing if you haven't seen them yet. They're up on the SP website: http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s17e07-black-friday

That was my experience. I didn't feel lost at all and I stopped watching ages ago (with the Oprah vagina episode I believe).

The third act gets slow at first but the last two hours are fucking unbelievable.
I haven't played it. But I wanted a rpg on the 4 , so I downloaded child of light and transistor
Transistor is pretty cool. My advice with that one is to keep playing around with different skill combinations to keep things fresh. Also, make sure you learn how to aim attacks when you pause combat early on (I missed that for awhile somehow). It didn't grab me at first but by the end I was really enjoying it.
I really need to play South Park.

It was a lot of fun when I played it at a buddies' house.

My backlog is massive. Need to be productive with other stuff.
Transistor is pretty cool. My advice with that one is to keep playing around with different skill combinations to keep things fresh. Also, make sure you learn how to aim attacks when you pause combat early on (I missed that for awhile somehow). It didn't grab me at first but by the end I was really enjoying it.
The combat seems really fun, but i feel like I've missed out on a lot of the story elements so far. ....but that's probably just my fault


if I played soccer, I'd be dead by the end of the first half

I wouldn't be able to control myself and would be all out sprinting towards every ball because I feel like there are too many opportunities when the other team is being cute with control of the ball, and just a bit more effort from the other team could lead to big things

Sánchez is such a Barcelona player.

Diving, card begging and all that shit.
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