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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

I think Dutch would lose his mind on the campus of an SEC school or USC or something.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
You get me man. You totally get me.

We have a lot of hot girls here. Ask Milchjon he knows

I've seen evidence of hotness on the internet for Sweden, the UK, and somewhat randomly the Czech Republic of all things.

When I think of German women (and by extension, Dutch women since you all are extremely similar) it's not terribly flattering. Mostly blonde haired chicks with super sharp features and rugged looks kind of like chicks from the upper midwest.
I guess Hollywood is alright. and it has a lot of exotic cars. What else has it got?

Uhh...name something? It's got beaches, mountains, snow, lakes, deserts, green valleys, and forest and that's just geological features, cultural events we have just about everything too, with 3 major and very different cities in LA, SD and SF.


Uhh...name something? It's got beaches, mountains, snow, lakes, deserts, green valleys, and forest and that's just geological features, cultural events we have just about everything too, with 3 major and very different cities in LA, SD and SF.

mountains ok. Those are never bad. beaches suck. Snow sucks. Lakes are nice. Desert is kind of ok but Id rather visit Arizona or Utah to see that. culturewise it just seems like everywhere USA. I dunno. Theres something about Cali that just rubs me the wrong way.
Im not saying I wouldnt enjoy a visit because I like roadtrips a lot and visiting new places. It just seems really I dunno...diluted maybe?

Also, scenerywise I actually prefer the look of the east coast, the gentle Appalachians and that country charm to the rugged rockies and more desertlike terrain. I did enjoy Pikes Peak. that was a sight and the ride on the cog railway was really fun.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
mountains ok. Those are never bad. beaches suck. Snow sucks. Lakes are nice. Desert is kind of ok but Id rather visit Arizona or Utah to see that. culturewise it just seems like everywhere USA. I dunno. Theres something about Cali that just rubs me the wrong way.
Im not saying I wouldnt enjoy a visit because I like roadtrips a lot and visiting new places. It just seems really I dunno...diluted maybe?

So... you haven't been then. Just saying, brah. Can't really call somewhere boring because you watched TV or something. And name dropping Hollywood as cool just proves you've never been.


So... you haven't been then. Just saying, brah. Can't really call somewhere boring because you watched TV or something. And name dropping Hollywood as cool just proves you've never been.

Im not saying it lacks amenities or anything. Besides, there are millions of people who aspire to be there so one person not liking the idea isnt going to hurt anything.
I've seen evidence of hotness on the internet for Sweden, the UK, and somewhat randomly the Czech Republic of all things.

When I think of German women (and by extension, Dutch women since you all are extremely similar) it's not terribly flattering. Mostly blonde haired chicks with super sharp features and rugged looks kind of like chicks from the upper midwest.

You know nothing friend. Go walk around in Utrecht or Leiden here and you'll see some of the prettiest girls and not just little blond ones.

Also, Doutzen Kroes

...boring? Spoken like somebody who has never been to Cali. And no, a layover at LAX don't count.

I loved it, a lot more than initially expected. I would love to live in LA.


California's pretty chill!! Been fortunate enough to see quite a bit of it

LA = pretty cool, lots of fancy cars and stuff, expensive
San diego = amazing, beautiful, very expensive
Sacramento = lol
San francisco = really cool, expensive as fuck

Moral of the story: I can't afford shit!!
mountains ok. Those are never bad. beaches suck. Snow sucks. Lakes are nice. Desert is kind of ok but Id rather visit Arizona or Utah to see that. culturewise it just seems like everywhere USA. I dunno. Theres something about Cali that just rubs me the wrong way.
Im not saying I wouldnt enjoy a visit because I like roadtrips a lot and visiting new places. It just seems really I dunno...diluted maybe?

So a lack of Identity? I can see that, especially with LA and SD with so many different cultures living in a city. Speaking of road trips you can go down PCH alone and have a great time.

Im not saying it lacks amenities or anything. Besides, there are millions of people who aspire to be there so one person not liking the idea isnt going to hurt anything.

It's ok if you don't like it, I guess boring was just the wrong word to use because there is always something new to try, I've been living here for 25 years and there is still so much stuff I haven't done or places I haven't visited.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Im not saying it lacks amenities or anything. Besides, there are millions of people who aspire to be there so one person not liking the idea isnt going to hurt anything.

Well, I mean you live in a swamp. I'll try not to get too upset at you hating the best state in the union. Enjoy the mosquitoes, Cajun, I'll be drinking mojitos.

You know nothing friend. Go walk around in Utrecht or Leiden here and you'll see some of the prettiest girls and not just little blond ones.

Also, Doutzen Kroes

I loved it, a lot more than initially expected. I would love to live in LA.

LA is pretty awesome and if you're bored there, you're a boring person. Straight facts.

...but Germany has been a disappointment on the eye candy front, bro. Where are all the blondes I was promised!?!


cali and west coast can fuck off, but cajun what does Louisiana have? In my mind it has lot of swamp, hillbillies and cajun food. That doesnt sound appealing either

edit: id hate LA if i ever went there and not because im a boring person either. too many damn people and everything sprawled out. fuck big cities in general.
California sucks. Most of it at least. Super northern California is pretty damn cool. So far north, it might as well be Oregon.

Oh yeah, the people are the worst too.


California sucks. Most of it at least. Super northern California is pretty damn cool. So far north, it might as well be Oregon.

Oh yeah, the people are the worst too.

If you like Oregon come visit me in washington blarry, we're like Oregon except everything is better :cool:

New York > California

East Coast > West Coast

Florida > Hell

No way about New york, outside of NYC the rest of the state is kiiiiiiiiinda crap!!

Won't address the east coast west coast stuff cause I dont wanna get shot!!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
cali and west coast can fuck off, but cajun what does Louisiana have? In my mind it has lot of swamp, hillbillies and cajun food. That doesnt sound appealing either

edit: id hate LA if i ever went there and not because im a boring person either. too many damn people and everything sprawled out. fuck big cities in general.

...sounds about right. Enjoy your Real Simple magazine, you basic bitch, you.


California sucks (just look at all the Niners and Lakers fans) but I'd rather live there than anywhere outside the West Coast that isn't Vegas, Chicago, or NYC.
When I first moved to California, the guy who picked me up from the Airport was from Boston and also had just moved to the West Coast a few months prior. I asked if he like it, and he said yes, but "the people are different." I asked him to elaborate, and he described it so perfectly that I haven't forgot it to this day...

"On the East Coast, people say "fuck you," they mean "hello". On the West Coast, people say "hello," they mean "fuck you."'


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
When I first moved to California, the guy who picked me up from the Airport was from Boston and also had just moved to the West Coast a few months prior. I asked if he like it, and he said yes, but "the people are different." I asked him to elaborate, and he described it so perfectly that I haven't forgot it to this day...

"On the East Coast, people say "fuck you," they mean "hello". On the West Coast, people say "hello," they mean "fuck you."

And in Baltimore, they just try to take your shoes while white folks in the harbor drone on about flavor and "grittiness."


...sounds about right. Enjoy your Real Simple magazine, you basic bitch, you.

If I could kick out the racist republicans and there be a few more jobs my section of pennsyltucky would be the best for me. Enjoy all your degenerate people and smog! I'll enjoy my snow and forests!
When I first moved to California, the guy who picked me up from the Airport was from Boston and also had just moved to the West Coast a few months prior. I asked if he like it, and he said yes, but "the people are different." I asked him to elaborate, and he described it so perfectly that I haven't forgot it to this day...

"On the East Coast, people say "fuck you," they mean "hello". On the West Coast, people say "hello," they mean "fuck you."'

That's amazing.

If you go down a little farther south on the East Coast people say hello and really mean hello!
As long as you are white and look "normal."
California sucks (just look at all the Niners and Lakers fans) but I'd rather live there than anywhere outside the West Coast that isn't Vegas, Chicago, or NYC.

Why would you want to live in Vegas? Perfect place to party for a while, but to live there?

When I first moved to California, the guy who picked me up from the Airport was from Boston and also had just moved to the West Coast a few months prior. I asked if he like it, and he said yes, but "the people are different." I asked him to elaborate, and he described it so perfectly that I haven't forgot it to this day...

"On the East Coast, people say "fuck you," they mean "hello". On the West Coast, people say "hello," they mean "fuck you."'

Perfect :jnc
If I could kick out the racist republicans and there be a few more jobs my section of pennsyltucky would be the best for me. Enjoy all your degenerate people and smog! I'll enjoy my snow and forests!

I saw my first winter out here (I'm near philly). That's something funny about California, where I lived we never had snowfall. I never owned a coat before this winter either. So...hahaha, that took a bit of getting used to.

That's amazing.

If you go down a little farther south on the East Coast people say hello and really mean hello!
As long as you are white and look "normal."

When I visited the North Carolina, I couldn't believe how nice everyone was. People holding doors, chatting in the elevators, "good mornings" from all, that southern hospitality is real!

And in Baltimore, they just try to take your shoes while white folks in the harbor drone on about flavor and "grittiness."

I don't know what you're trying to say, but if you're talking shit about The Wire, we're gonna have a problem, yo!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
If I could kick out the racist republicans and there be a few more jobs my section of pennsyltucky would be the best for me. Enjoy all your degenerate people and smog! I'll enjoy my snow and forests!

Yeah, because fucking Philadelphia and the stripmined coal country laden with misery and moonshine is known for its snow and forests.

Meanwhile, Cali has the redwoods, more forests than the size of your entire state and real life Mexican food. You got jack shit but a broke ass bell.

I don't know what you're trying to say, but if you're talking shit about The Wire, we're gonna have a problem, yo!

See, the Wire wasn't something to be proud of. It's a show that exists to show how shit Baltimore is. You're not supposed to feel a swelling of pride of having your city be the proof source for everything that sucks in life.

...still the best show on the planet.

That's amazing.

If you go down a little farther south on the East Coast people say hello and really mean hello!
As long as you are white and look "normal."

I'm white and normal looking! Plus I would love to wear a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.

Can I crash at your place? I'll cook and play Fifa with you.


So a lack of Identity? I can see that, especially with LA and SD with so many different cultures living in a city. Speaking of road trips you can go down PCH alone and have a great time.

It's ok if you don't like it, I guess boring was just the wrong word to use because there is always something new to try, I've been living here for 25 years and there is still so much stuff I haven't done or places I haven't visited.

Yeah maybe its the melting pot has just diluted all the flavor out seemingly. Its hard to explain. Louisiana infrstructurally is a shithole Im not even going to lie, but it has a certain flavor to it that hasnt been diluted by an influx of people. At least not yet because that looks to be happening soon which is good for the economy but bad for identity.

Well, I mean you live in a swamp. I'll try not to get too upset at you hating the best state in the union. Enjoy the mosquitoes, Cajun, I'll be drinking mojitos.

LA is pretty awesome and if you're bored there, you're a boring person. Straight facts.

...but Germany has been a disappointment on the eye candy front, bro. Where are all the blondes I was promised!?!

Actually I like the fact that there isnt a huge population here. Thats one of Louisianas best qualities. Even then its starting to get a bit crowded.

Also I dont live IN a swamp, I live next to one lol.
Frankly the only thing I can think of that isnt here that I would like is mountains and larger museums, but I can visit both of those within reasonable distance and they are special every time. Theres something aboutl iving here that really just would feel empty anywhere else. Im sure Cali is special to some people, or a lot of people but Louisiana is special to me.



That's amazing.

If you go down a little farther south on the East Coast people say hello and really mean hello!
As long as you are white and look "normal."

Yeah but it takes them forever to drawl it out. "Why heeeeeelllooooooo"

I love people claiming Louisiana is anything but West Mississippi.
I'm white and normal looking! Plus I would love to wear a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.

Can I crash at your place? I'll cook and play Fifa with you.
Dude, you are more than welcome any time. I'll even buy you multiple pulled pork dinners. You might want to avoid the cowboy stuff though, I don't live that far south/southwest, haha.

Yeah but it takes them forever to drawl it out. "Why heeeeeelllooooooo"

I love people claiming Louisiana is anything but West Mississippi.
It's true! It's also insane how quickly the accents change around here. Go over one mountain from southwestern Virginia (not West Virginia) into Kentucky and it's almost like they're speaking a different language. Then you have Tennessee, WVA, and North Carolina all nearby with their own twists on the English language.


I saw my first winter out here (I'm near philly). That's something funny about California, where I lived we never had snowfall. I never owned a coat before this winter either. So...hahaha, that took a bit of getting used to.

I live on the edge of the lake erie lake effect snow belt, we get i think about 75 inches a year. So good, only thing dodgy is the hilly curved roads when they havent gotten around to salting/plowing or are behind because of how snowy it is


Yeah, because fucking Philadelphia and the stripmined coal country laden with misery and moonshine is known for its snow and forests.

Meanwhile, Cali has the redwoods, more forests than the size of your entire state and real life Mexican food. You got jack shit but a broke ass bell.

See, the Wire wasn't something to be proud of. It's a show that exists to show how shit Baltimore is. You're not supposed to feel a swelling of pride of having your city be the proof source for everything that sucks in life.

...still the best show on the planet.

I dont live near any of that and im positive there isnt any moonshine activity in my section of PA. I


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I dont live near any of that and im positive there isnt any moonshine activity in my section of PA. I

So, you don't even got that. Neat. Do you people even having flushable toilets yet? So confused what decade you flyover state folks actually exist in.
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