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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

Sorry chris, I can't get over the Pouncey loss. I'm starting to see visions of countless Tannehill sacks... AHHHH MAKE IT STOP

I thought he was getting suspended (might still actually) for at least 4 games before he had the surgery so I've come to peace with him not being there for Tannehill, at least we have back up options for him though, now if Albert gets hurt...dibs on the widow Mrs. Tannehill.

Yeah, I think social work is more of a field where you want to make a meaningful impact than a field you just enter because it pays really good.

Unless rehab takes longer, isnt Pouncey only scheduled to miss the first 4 weeks or so of the regular season?

Early estimates are week 6-8, plus any suspended games if Goodell brings down the hammer.


I thought he was getting suspended (might still actually) for at least 4 games before he had the surgery so I've come to peace with him not being there for Tannehill, at least we have back up options for him though, now if Albert gets hurt...dibs on the widow Mrs. Tannehill.

Early estimates are week 6-8, plus any suspended games if Goodell brings down the hammer.

Oh, I wasnt aware of him possibly getting suspended.


Resigned from what might be the best job I will ever have.

Transitioning from a tech level job to a manager role. Had already been sitting on MBA for two years without moving up. Felt any more time and the degree and the time/money I spent on it would have been wasted.

Still I have the best current set up and am leaving it in hopes of a better overall career. Super nervous, doubting myself, but I guess to support the growing family it was the right move.

Growing up sucks.
Resigned from what might be the best job I will ever have.

Transitioning from a tech level job to a manager role. Had already been sitting on MBA for two years without moving up. Felt any more time and the degree and the time/money I spent on it would have been wasted.

Still I have the best current set up and am leaving it in hopes of a better overall career. Super nervous, doubting myself, but I guess to support the growing family it was the right move.

Growing up sucks.

It does suck but hang in there and it'll get better! Good luck on the new job!
Resigned from what might be the best job I will ever have.

Transitioning from a tech level job to a manager role. Had already been sitting on MBA for two years without moving up. Felt any more time and the degree and the time/money I spent on it would have been wasted.

Still I have the best current set up and am leaving it in hopes of a better overall career. Super nervous, doubting myself, but I guess to support the growing family it was the right move.

Growing up sucks.

Growling up does suck. Everyone is asking me when I would use my MSW and why I got it in the first place if I don't use it. I feel you on the whole time/waste money pressure, and the worries/hopes for a better career.


Growling up does suck. Everyone is asking me when I would use my MSW and why I got it in the first place if I don't use it. I feel you on the whole time/waste money pressure, and the worries/hopes for a better career.

Yeah I work in a Hospital in the IT/Biomed sector.

Currently working as a tech, I have a sweet ass schedule where I work 3 days a week (12 hours each day) with great overtime and on call options.

Now leaving to become an operations manager for the same department at another hospital. Bump in salary but slight. Biggest reason to leave is already reached max level as a tech and got my MBA in Healthcare Administration in 2012 so I could move on up towards becoming a director in the Hospital.

Have to start somewhere.

It does suck but hang in there and it'll get better! Good luck on the new job!

Thanks man!


Everyone looks good in OTAs but the coaches have been going nuts about how smart Jenkins is and hownwell he already understands the defense. Havent heard anything about Sproles though.

I have not heard of those places, are they on the strip?


Cosmo is in City Center and Cromwell is the newest hotel on the strip, I think.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
fuckin right. Ill take on responsibilities and such but Im not giving up my playful nature. not ever.

You know what? If you have decided to pretty much never get married or have kids, more power to you. I have always believed that it's not age but three major events in life that makes a dude mature: marriage, kids, and their first career job.

Personally it's not for me to just sit around playing video games and living my life by myself for the rest of forever. Some people have the gift of singleness so have at it.

Resigned from what might be the best job I will ever have.

Transitioning from a tech level job to a manager role. Had already been sitting on MBA for two years without moving up. Felt any more time and the degree and the time/money I spent on it would have been wasted.

Still I have the best current set up and am leaving it in hopes of a better overall career. Super nervous, doubting myself, but I guess to support the growing family it was the right move.

Growing up sucks.

I know the feeling to some extent. I have a master's in accounting and it wasn't necessary at all for my current career. 20k well spent I guess...hopefully I'll use it someday.
Everyone looks good in OTAs but the coaches have been going nuts about how smart Jenkins is and hownwell he already understands the defense. Havent heard anything about Sproles though.

Chip just said he was "awesome" today.


When the Eagles acquired running back Darren Sproles in a trade with the Saints this offseason, they knew they were getting a guy who plays at full speed on Sundays. But Eagles coach Chip Kelly says what has really impressed him over the last couple months is how hard Sproles goes in practice every day.

“We heard from the coaches that coached him what an intelligent football player he is and [we] learned that from the first day he was in this building and how sharp he is and how dedicated he is,” Kelly said, via CSNPhilly.com. “I talked to Norv Turner [who coached Sproles in San Diego] and he remarked to me when I saw him at one of the pro days, he said, ‘You’ll have to slow him down because he only knows one speed.’ And that’s the same thing you see. Darren practices and trains at one speed. It’s awesome. He fits in with the culture that we want in terms of preparation, but it’s everything we wanted when we got him here.”

Fuck marriage and hell no to children.

Two best things in the world, bro. Sorry.:D


I'll defer growing up by going back to school forever. Maybe get married at like 40.

I'm just looking to travel and live out of a suitcase for the next 10 years or so.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

I know it's not for everyone but I love being a husband and a dad.
Indeed. To each their own though. I'm far from in a position to pass judgment on anyones life choices.

I will say that often times people who dislike marriage view it as being hard work, etc. In reality if you're with the right person, then it doesn't really need to be. The perception isn't alway the reality.

Kids? Yeah I get that one a lot easier. Kids are work. Lots and lots of work and you'll question what the hell you were thinking when you're running on 3 hours of sleep but man its so worth it to watch them grow up.


Are people that hate on marriage/kids publicly ever the ones who really have a choice?
To be fair, I do know a fair amount of attractive/eligible guys and girls that say similar things, but I have to imagine most of the people on GAF that say that here are just dweebs.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Are people that hate on marriage/kids publicly ever the ones who really have a choice?

Depends on which age group you're referring to.

I've known several older people that never bothered to get married again after getting divorced and not having children. These people simply chose to "marry" their careers.

Other people who have never been married may be single because of a developed social awkwardness from living by themselves for too long. Getting married might seem like a hassle and an intrusion into how they've always done things.

I think it's a really, really small subset of people that are just simply unable to find someone willing to marry them. Most of these people would have serious illnesses or handicaps that prevent them from doing so. I've known far too many losers that have been married and divorced several times to say that social status, income, etc. has any part on whether or not someone gets married. I wouldn't even say looks are a factor despite short dudes lamenting in the OT that they can't get dates.

Then there's a correlation between people who swear off marriage and their overall appearance and demeanor. These people may seem offputting or unattractive simply because they don't care and aren't looking to attract anyone anyway so why bother? I don't think the lack of upkeep comes before they swear off relationships, I think it goes hand in hand.
Yeah I work in a Hospital in the IT/Biomed sector.

Currently working as a tech, I have a sweet ass schedule where I work 3 days a week (12 hours each day) with great overtime and on call options.

Now leaving to become an operations manager for the same department at another hospital. Bump in salary but slight. Biggest reason to leave is already reached max level as a tech and got my MBA in Healthcare Administration in 2012 so I could move on up towards becoming a director in the Hospital.

Have to start somewhere.

Thanks man!

Fuck man I'm just like you...going to max out my current job soon but it's comfortable and moving up it's stressful...shit if you become a director will you buy tacos for everyone here?

thats why I dont bother growing up

I was the same a year ago then I met my gf...I think a gf (or even a pet) will force the growing up

Man all I did was playing video game and watching porn. Now I clean all the time lol
I find committed monogamy pretty cool most of the time but sometimes it's hard to not do to dumb college girls what Stafford does to Chipotle.

Does that get better married bros or do you just have to deal?



Why is she nodding like an idiot?

Are people that hate on marriage/kids publicly ever the ones who really have a choice?

nah I honestly dont feel like its necessary in my life nor do I feel any drive to achieve these htings. Im social enough that if I really honestly wanted to date I could do it fairly effectively. Im definitely not scared of women. Im not a fedora tipping pussy on a pedestal kind of guy.
To be fair, I do know a fair amount of attractive/eligible guys and girls that say similar things, but I have to imagine most of the people on GAF that say that here are just dweebs.

It's socially acceptable now to be in your mid 30s, single with no kids, especially if you're concentrating on a career, as opposed to a few years ago. I know a lot of my friends who are now entering their 30s (along with me) that are choosing to push back any plans for marriage or kids either towards their late 30s or avoiding it all together. Times are a changing.


I mean, let's be honest, there are still plenty of dumbfucks that all of us know that had kids unintentionally at 18-20.


Then what happened? Did you decide to just have one? I'm still ambivalent myself

Of course I know few couples in their 30s, so maybe things get more hectic later, but how many people in their 20s actually plan kids? Seems like all my friends that have kids are the ones where it just happened and they though "oh, might as well"

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
It's socially acceptable now to be in your mid 30s, single with no kids, especially if you're concentrating on a career, as opposed to a few years ago. I know a lot of my friends who are now entering their 30s (along with me) that are choosing to push back any plans for marriage or kids either towards their late 30s or avoiding it all together. Times are a changing.

There are two problems with this sadly.

1. Idiocracy in action.

2. Women are also following this trend and they don't have the luxury that men do for having children later in life without issues.

I think other problems are that it's harder to get established (i.e. buy a house, get stable, pay off debt) at an earlier age than it used to be. The $46k a year that I make is still well above the average so I'm not sure how poors live their lives.
Of course I know few couples in their 30s, so maybe things get more hectic later, but how many people in their 20s actually plan kids? Seems like all my friends that have kids are the ones where it just happened and they though "oh, might as well"

Yea and that's what I don't want...but I do have a couple of friends where they decide to just go for it and not wait any longer (say, for finances to stabilize)

My gf and I are totally gonna have a dog first though. We will see if I can handle that
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