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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


I can barely take care of myself, let alone a child. Having children doesn't play well with my plans to travel Europe either.


I've posted two highlight reels from last night's Mario Kart races:

Rainbow Road 64:

Sunshine Airport:

Nice job slamming FMT into the landing gear on that last one wienke...too bad about that last part where I nail you in midair. ;)




I mean, let's be honest, there are still plenty of dumbfucks that all of us know that had kids unintentionally at 18-20.

18? I know a girl that started at 13. 5 kids later, she has custody of one and is on the verge of losing that one as well. Why so many?

"Because then I don't have to get a job! The daddies have to pay for my shit." Her actual words. Such a worthless drain on society.
Then what happened? Did you decide to just have one? I'm still ambivalent myself. I'm 30 now
Well I was one of "those". I never wanted kids. My wife and I wanted nothing to do with them. Then her brother had one and that was that. The biological clock started ticking and she wanted in. I reluctantly agreed. It was fully planned, too.

The second one? That was an accident and though we discussed options, I pushed for that one. I felt like I missed the first year of my daughters life because I was so wrapped up in my own shit trying to deal with the idea of having a kid instead of actually finding any joy in it. I wanted to make up for that with the second and its best decision I made.

I will say, I'm done at two. Like physically. Snip Snip FTW.
Idk, I've known plenty of folks having kids at younger ages. *shrugs* it really depends on the person, some folks I know still don't have kids and are just useless in general. Others kinda just fucked around till they had kids and were like, shit I gotta straighten out. So I mean, it's really dependent on the person and their own mindset.

I worked in a Grocery store and damn near every woman there was a single mom doing their best to like...take care and provide for their kids. I have alotta respect for parents that gotta do that shit solo.

Idk, I'm almost 27 and sometimes it crosses my mind. I take shit one day at a time and I'm in no rush, but I'm pretty sure down the line I'll end up with kids.
Well I was one of "those". I never wanted kids. My wife and I wanted nothing to do with them. Then her brother had one and that was that. The biological clock started ticking and she wanted in. I reluctantly agreed. It was fully planned, too.

The second one? That was an accident and though we discussed options, I pushed for that one. I felt like I missed the first year of my daughters life because I was so wrapped up in my own shit trying to deal with the idea of having a kid instead of actually finding any joy in it. I wanted to make up for that with the second and its best decision I made.

I will say, I'm done at two. Like physically. Snip Snip FTW.

LOL snip snip. Wow you really pushed for the second child, huh? That's admirable...and yea finding joy in it. I think if I have a child id be like you before, just trying to deal with what the fuck has happened


I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it's all guys posting in here so i'll say - delay it as long as you can. I love my child and I wouldn't trade her for anything, but I wish I had another 5 years of sowing my oats before I really settled down.

That said, if all you plan to do with that time is sit on your ass and play video games or some other form of nothing well..have fun wasting your life I guess.
There are two problems with this sadly.

1. Idiocracy in action.

2. Women are also following this trend and they don't have the luxury that men do for having children later in life without issues.

I think other problems are that it's harder to get established (i.e. buy a house, get stable, pay off debt) at an earlier age than it used to be. The $46k a year that I make is still well above the average so I'm not sure how poors live their lives.

Buying a home and paying off (school) debt are the two biggest reasons I hear for staying single/kid free and can't really blamed them but you're right especially for women the biological clock waits for nobody. I don't need children in my life but my partners age will be something I'll consider if that time comes.


It's socially acceptable now to be in your mid 30s, single with no kids, especially if you're concentrating on a career, as opposed to a few years ago. I know a lot of my friends who are now entering their 30s (along with me) that are choosing to push back any plans for marriage or kids either towards their late 30s or avoiding it all together. Times are a changing.

No matter how often losers tell themselves they aren't losers they are still losers.
Have kids when you're damn well ready to have kids, be it 35 or 25. I have two, they kick ass, and will one day save the planet despite what some may think.

Just know that when you have kids, your life will never be the same again, so be ready for that.


I fully respect good responsible parents but too many people neglect their kids and unleash bitter suicidal hate into the world. Its both sad and horrifying.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Mr Bob saved your ass twice last night. Both times I was lining you up to shove a red shell up your ass and both times dumbass Bob flew in between us at the last second.

That's because Bob is secretly the world's biggest Packer fan just like his idol Jay Cutler.

I made a point of it to tag you several times...even slowing down to let you pass to do so! First place sometimes isn't as important as trolling some of you guys.
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