Oh man wish I knew you guys were playing.
Snes added me last night I will fill my friends list with gaffers since none of my friends own a wii U.
Also yeah fight me PD! I read Mangas all day every day.
Stolen from the WC gif thread...
How do yall recover so quickly from getting hit by an item or part of the track? I get knocked hopelessly to the back.
I see you peasants play Mario Kart behind my back now.
Don't worry, the champ will be ready next time.
Man that entire fifth book was awful except for the awesome end.
Going to take a break for a few weeks.
Lord of Chaos has the best battle in the entire series, so there's that. But you're approaching the territory where most people say the series went downhill. (I like books 6 and 7 a lot).
It still has some good points (a couple of cool Rand moments, everything Matt, and uhhh probably some other stuff I can't remember). But this is when Perrin starts his long journey to becoming a female and you have to deal with a lot of cunty shit from Elayne, Nyaeve and Egwene.Lord of Chaos has the best battle in the entire series, so there's that. But you're approaching the territory where most people say the series went downhill. (I like books 6 and 7 a lot).
Here is my office where I'm paid to occupy for 12 hours.
Notice how I sleep under an American flag. Tebow bless the U S A
I asked if I could put a couch in my office, they declined. Really want a drink cabinet Madmen-style tho.
And your job, much respect bro.
Mario Kart was fun last night. <3 Shy Guy.
Mario Kart tonight? What time did you guys play?
You saw my AIM and ignored it!
What the fuck do you do for a living? That shit looks grim
I'll be on tonight probably. What time did you guys play? I missed your message last night and deleted it without looking at it today FMT.
You mean nothing to me!
He's a paramedic.
That gaming situation has so many questions and yet so little answers. I wish there was a link to the original source and see if they were answered. Even though Ive seen the image about 1000 times over the years, still makes me wonder about it. Even in my worst setups I never had a tv that small, sat on a concrete floor...ect
That gaming situation has so many questions and yet so little answers. I wish there was a link to the original source and see if they were answered. Even though Ive seen the image about 1000 times over the years, still makes me wonder about it. Even in my worst setups I never had a tv that small, sat on a concrete floor...ect
Have you guys tried Valiant Hearts yet ?
Damn molly looks good today
You need some furniture brah
Plssss post pics...Damn molly looks good today
Naw, but think I might get it this week.Have you guys tried Valiant Hearts yet ?
Plssss post pics...
Naw, but think I might get it this week.
As long as the voice work stays great I'll power through. Probably at a slower rate since I'm not traveling much this month.
It still has some good points (a couple of cool Rand moments, everything Matt, and uhhh probably some other stuff I can't remember). But this is when Perrin starts his long journey to becoming a female and you have to deal with a lot of cunty shit from Elayne, Nyaeve and Egwene.
Basically the equivalent of books 4 and 5 of ASOIAF, but without the gratuitous violence or sex.
Yeah, I reviewed it for our site. Great game, well worth the 15 bucks
I'll be on tonight probably. What time did you guys play? I missed your message last night and deleted it without looking at it today FMT.
You mean nothing to me!
i need my destiny fix
Think it's my most hyped game of the year after the alpha.i need my destiny fix
In the CFL, it was more of a game. And it was a lot more fun. The length of the workday really helped with that, too. By CBA rule, they could only keep us there 4½ hours. In the NFL, it’s 10- to 12-hour days, every day, and it becomes a grind. I know the NFL is a big business, and it’s getting more complicated and tougher, but the burnout level, especially for quarterbacks, is crazy. I just wish there were some way around that, to somehow keep the fun in the game.
iced coffee))))
I think it's definitely worth it long term and book seven isn't bad at all, but man I fucking can't stand book eight.
Yeah Perrin gets castrated right around this time, I assume that's what Faile does during book five when he's not on screen.
What version? Thinking about PC or PS4.
the fun part is the big paycheck for staying in shape and playing a gameFrom the Doug Flutie article I shared yesterday Doug Flutie: NFL becoming more like the CFL.. I found this part pretty interesting.
that sounds sugaryman, I could go for a Mochasippi right now
I bet if the message was about Farming Simulator you would have responded![]()
the fun part is the big paycheck for staying in shape and playing a game
that sounds sugary
this is just unsweetened coffee goodness
From the Doug Flutie article I shared (nfl.com linked to) yesterday Doug Flutie: NFL becoming more like the CFL.. I found this part pretty interesting.
you should just brew your own tea/coffee and set it in the fridge for a few hoursyeah it is. I think Starbucks equivalent is...a frappucino?
Its waaaaaay too sweet but I occasionally will drink one as a treat. Ive been drinking a lot of ginger beer lately so I need to cut down on sugar drinks again. Its so difficult to find unsweetened drinks that arent water or tea bags.
you should just brew your own tea/coffee and set it in the fridge for a few hours
and what kind of ginger beer? I had Crabbie's ginger beer during craft beer night a few weeks back, and it was pretty damn good
Yeah, I gathered with our little discussion. Doesn't excuse his drinking cheap whiskey though
I like frappucinos but they are sweet at fuck,yeah it is. I think Starbucks equivalent is...a frappucino?
Its waaaaaay too sweet but I occasionally will drink one as a treat. Ive been drinking a lot of ginger beer lately so I need to cut down on sugar drinks again. Its so difficult to find unsweetened drinks that arent water or tea bags.
Wow having to work more than a half day for your millions must have been a nightmare. What a trooper for making it through. Such a hero and inspiration.
Also isn't the "burnout level" for quarterbacks um...0%? When was the last time a guy capable of being a starting quarterback in the NFL walked away from the game?
Cheapest whiskey I drink is Buffalo Trace or Bulliet.
And yeah I'm going to nursing school and become a traveling nurse afterwards.