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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


My fandom was easy. I grew up in Jacksonville and the team was founded when I graduated High School. So they've been my team my entire adult life. From the days of Brunell to Smith and McCardell to Leftwich's cannon arm(and cannon mobility) to Garrard sparking hope to the current days and the hope that is Bortles.

Oh and so many hilarious misfires on Receivers. Even to the point of hitting on one and he gets suspended constantly.



We weren't going to do this, we swear. We figured there was no need for a Twitter roundup when it was immediately clear to everyone that the Redskins' latest PR move, an attempt to galvanize fans into flooding Sen. Harry Reid with support for the team name, was backfiring wildly. Then we heard from Reid's office. Even they were surprised it "was so massively a failure."

Last week, the Senate Majority Leader sent a letter, signed by fully half of U.S. Senators, calling on the NFL to pressure Dan Snyder to change the team's name. The Skins attempted to fire back yesterday when five different star players tweeted their support for the name, in identical language undoubtedly fed to them by the team.

Washington Redskins ✔ @Redskins
Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

Read the Twitter responses. Complete backfire.

Some good ones:

I'm glad I'm a fan of the Bengals, an incompetent but racism-free football team. #RedskinsPride

As a colts fan, thanks for making Irsay look good #redskinspride @SenatorReid @Redskins

#RedskinsPride means having 10,000 fans in the third quarter of a game last year.

An owner more embarrassing than Jerrah RT @Redskins Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

3-13 RT @Redskins: Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

#RedskinsPride Losing to the 2009 Lions who had lost 19 straight.


To be fair, even though we didn't pass it that often, I'm pretty sure every pass thrown by Jake Delhomme from 2006 to 2009 was thrown to Steve Smith. Every single fucking one.

Double coverage? Fuck it, go to Smitty.

Triple Coverage? Fuck it, go to Smitty.
It wasn't even Smitty. Jake only looked at his first option, it seemed like. When Moose had to come in when Smith got hurt (was it...2005 I want to say?), he had a ridiculous year.
I don't even remember picking the dolphins, my dad says I just started watching them when I was around 6. I should have been a cowboy fan though since all my family is nothing but cowboy fans (and one fucken pats fan).


NFL: AroundTheLeague ‏@NFL_ATL 5m
Agent: Jermichael Finley to visit mystery team Friday
Giants, Hawks, Packers?

Stevie Brown mentioned also some teams were looking to sign him in FA but wanted to stay in NY.

Read the Twitter responses. Complete backfire.

Some good ones:

I'm glad I'm a fan of the Bengals, an incompetent but racism-free football team. #RedskinsPride

As a colts fan, thanks for making Irsay look good #redskinspride @SenatorReid @Redskins

#RedskinsPride means having 10,000 fans in the third quarter of a game last year.

An owner more embarrassing than Jerrah RT @Redskins Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

3-13 RT @Redskins: Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

#RedskinsPride Losing to the 2009 Lions who had lost 19 straight.

omg that's hilarious, my team may be pretty incompetent but shit it's never been this bad.



Read the Twitter responses. Complete backfire.

Some good ones:

I'm glad I'm a fan of the Bengals, an incompetent but racism-free football team. #RedskinsPride

As a colts fan, thanks for making Irsay look good #redskinspride @SenatorReid @Redskins

#RedskinsPride means having 10,000 fans in the third quarter of a game last year.

An owner more embarrassing than Jerrah RT @Redskins Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

3-13 RT @Redskins: Tweet @SenatorReid to show your #RedskinsPride and tell him what the team means to you.

#RedskinsPride Losing to the 2009 Lions who had lost 19 straight.


I gave up on the Wii U

But Mario Kart and Smash Bros. bruh
I do have to wonder where I'd go in the relatively unlikely event that JRich passes and the new owner moves the team. He kicked his sons out of the organization in early 2013 and mandated the team be sold within 2 years of his death.

Probably go ride for the Browns fulltime. Money will be working on his third or fourth ring at that point.

It wasn't even Smitty. Jake only looked at his first option, it seemed like. When Moose had to come in when Smith got hurt (was it...2005 I want to say?), he had a ridiculous year.

That was 04


Man screw you guys with your fun back stories on why you chose your teams.

Actually fuck you guys. :(

I respect any Browns fan. Browns being the eternal underdog, I can't imagine anyone would deny how neat it would be to see them go on a run and win a Superbowl and turn it all around. I'm the same for a bunch of teams that haven't won a super bowl.

Heck, I wish I had a cool story of becoming a Seahawks fan. As I've posted here I pretty much just "picked" them after being a casual football fan for years and wanted to get more into the sport. Had I known they were such a great team, and did just a little more research, maybe things would've been different. I've also got the odd feeling with sports where I always love the climb to the top rather then the act of staying there. Hence an enjoyment for an underdog, and the guys on top to slip a little. I just want things to always seem close and balanced and just all around close games. It's why I made that big post after the Super Bowl where the game felt sort of ho-hum.

I didn't grow up in a football home, and far far far away from any sort of regional team, so there's nothing that really tied me to a team. So as someone who grew up on the far east coast of Canada, to pick a team on the far west coast, even I think it sounds a little wacky! But ah well. edit: and thankfully I don't care at about the other teams in the NFCW.
I do have to wonder where I'd go in the relatively unlikely event that JRich passes and the new owner moves the team. He kicked his sons out of the organization in early 2013 and mandated the team be sold within 2 years of his death.

Probably go ride for the Browns fulltime. Money will be working on his third or fourth ring at that point.

That was 04
you are not welcomed on the Patriots
you are not welcomed on the Patriots

Why would I root for the Patriots?

You do know they're going to be back to being poopy water in about four years, right? Brady's old, Belichick will bail, Garrapolo is a bum and will bust, Mercenary Revis is leaving to get another paycheck, and you don't have cameras.

Damn You Mech, I can't keep these fraud ass QBs straight in my head. They're both busts.
Why would I root for the Patriots?

You do know they're going to be back to being poopy water in about four years, right? Brady's old, Belichick will bail, Garrapolo is a bum and will bust, Mercenary Revis is leaving to get another paycheck, and you don't have cameras.

Damn You Mech, I can't keep these fraud ass QBs straight in my head. They're both busts.
I'm just letting you know if you need a team.


Why would I root for the Patriots?

You do know they're going to be back to being poopy water in about four years, right? Brady's old, Belichick will bail, Garrapolo is a bum and will bust, Mercenary Revis is leaving to get another paycheck, and you don't have cameras.

Damn You Mech, I can't keep these fraud ass QBs straight in my head. They're both busts.

muhahahahahaha. The plan is working.


One time I was browsing ESPN and clicked Redskins name article, well I read the comments and holy shit... Theres some super racist people in the comments area, the absurd thing is their comments have like 300+ likes.

Well even Donald Sterling articles too, theres some people out there that truly believe theres racism against white people and Donald Sterling did nothing wrong. Or when a black players says "nigga" on court, they should be suspended because its racist.
Why would I root for the Patriots?

You do know they're going to be back to being poopy water in about four years, right? Brady's old, Belichick will bail, Garrapolo is a bum and will bust, Mercenary Revis is leaving to get another paycheck, and you don't have cameras.

Damn You Mech, I can't keep these fraud ass QBs straight in my head. They're both busts.


How bout you shut the fuck up and worry about your own bum ass team?
you are not being respectful



My fandom was easy. I grew up in Jacksonville and the team was founded when I graduated High School. So they've been my team my entire adult life. From the days of Brunell to Smith and McCardell to Leftwich's cannon arm(and cannon mobility) to Garrard sparking hope to the current days and the hope that is Bortles.

Oh and so many hilarious misfires on Receivers. Even to the point of hitting on one and he gets suspended constantly.
I remember when the Jags used to be good.

That playoff loss still stings. Ben deserved the all time 4th quarter comeback!

If only we could stop the slow motion qb run up the middle. Slow motion used to be a weakness of a defense. Now we have mastered it, but have yet to find way to take advantage of having players look like they are running underwater.


Meh seems more likely they just fucked up and now are backing into looking good. I refuse to believe that either Howie or Chip could make a smart move.

I agree with you, Yankee. It took them too long to give Nick Foles the starting QB position. We both agree he's a star in this league.
I was referring to the Vita Uncharted. If you haven't had a Vita before now, then you wouldn't have that game, would you? It's Uncharted Golden Abyss.

Oh ok, I noticed Uncharted 3 was free and thought you meant that. Did you enjoy it? The impressions I've read is that it's just a crappier version of the first game with a ridiculous story which kind of surprises me. I'll probably make Persona 4 Golden my first Vita game and that should last me a while. Right now I have that, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Xenogears, and Stick it to the Man in my checkout bin and I'm trying to decide which version of FFX HD before I pull the trigger. I'll wait for the usual FF sale before I snag FFVII and VIII as I already own both the PS1 and Steam copies of those two anyway.

I've seen a tweet suggesting that the Daryl Washington suspension may be longer than expected....FUUUUUUUUUUUU Be merciful, Goodell!


I've seen a tweet suggesting that the Daryl Washington suspension may be longer than expected....FUUUUUUUUUUUU Be merciful, Goodell!

If you guys hadn't been on this nonsense about Patrick Peterson being anything more than a punt returner, this wouldn't be happening.


I have all the Uncharted games but I have a buddy that hasn't played them, I'll have to tip him off to this, thanks. I'll have to take a look, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised at what's available.

I could swear I've seen a game or two over the past few months or so that I was interested in but it was coming out for Vita so I immediately disregarded it. I'll have to see if I can figure out what they were or if I'm remembering incorrectly. I'm curious to see how well the remote function will work with the wifi in my house. For me, this purchase is worth it for the PS1 RPGs alone. When I saw my buddy playing FFVIII on the go I felt a little envy. I was just trying to decide if I wanted to take the plunge for a classic PSN selection but the price I'm getting it at is a no brainer and I wanted to have the OG because dat OLED.

I got a Vita off CL for $50, Uncharted is free on PS+, and I personally didn't care for it.
:) We both support Foles.

I remember having to unleash a :kas on you when your admiration got out of hand.

Wtf are you talking about?
i have been down on Foles since he looked so terrible as a rookie. He had a good year stat wise last year, but only people like kas who accept losing care about stats.
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