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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Make sure you find a job for Yakeehater, he's been supporting us in our fight against the empire.

Thanks buddy. This guy should be our new mascot, people would have to respect the Fins since people always respect guys in uniform.

Nassib is getting a majority of the second team reps and Painter was with the team last year. Freeman wasn't getting much work in OTA's to begin with so it makes sense we cut him.

We picked up an offensive lineman from the Bears practice squad. OL Rogers Gaines.
Make sure yall pour a Baja Blast out for Freeman

Meanwhile in Charlotte, new scoreboards are in


These are 200' (wide) x 60' (tall), more than twice the size of the old boards.

For reference, here's a chart of all of the screens in the NFL as of last year

I know the Jags are also getting new boards (the biggest LED screens in the wooooooooorld)


Nassib is getting a majority of the second team reps and Painter was with the team last year. Freeman wasn't getting much work in OTA's to begin with so it makes sense we cut him.

We picked up an offensive lineman from the Bears practice squad. OL Rogers Gaines.
Who is going to eat all the Tacos so Eli doesn't get fat?


Richard Sherman and Cam Newton are the finalists to be on the cover of Madden NFL 15. It's pretty obvious this'll be Sherman's cover, after becoming one of the faces of the NFL last season.

And our hatred of Parcells

fucking quitter

Even though he led us to a Super Bowl appearance, I think Patriots fans would join with the Jets and Dolphins fans in having a general ill will toward Bill Parcells.


Richard Sherman and Cam Newton are the finalists to be on the cover of Madden NFL 15. It's pretty obvious this'll be Sherman's cover, after becoming one of the faces of the NFL last season.

Even though he led us to a Super Bowl appearance, I think Patriots fans would join with the Jets and Dolphins fans in having a general ill will toward Bill Parcells.
Don't tell that to Sanjuro.

Dude is the Pope of the Church of Parcells.
Richard Sherman and Cam Newton are the finalists to be on the cover of Madden NFL 15. It's pretty obvious this'll be Sherman's cover, after becoming one of the faces of the NFL last season.

Even though he led us to a Super Bowl appearance, I think Patriots fans would join with the Jets and Dolphins fans in having a general ill will toward Bill Parcells.

So what you're saying is fuck (the) Bill(s), yes I think pats, jets and fin fans would agree.


Mario Kart 8 acquired. NNID is XiaNaphryz if anyone wants to add me.

Also, new Prison Architect alpha is up:

Prisoners can now take drugs (typically smuggled in through visitation), and develop addictions. Addiction gets stronger with each use of a drug, and prisoners go into withdrawal if they do not get their drugs fix quick enough. Some prisoners arrive with existing addictions, other prisoners try drugs when bored or dissatisfied. All drugs have a chance to cause an overdose, which is lethal unless immediately treated by a Doctor.

Currently included:
- Heroin
- Cocain
- Alchohol

Two new Reform programs have been added to help combat drug addiction:
- Methodone program, a chemical suppliment that helps remove the craving of addicted prisoners
- Alchoholics anonymous meeting, a group therapy session aimed at reducing the psychological dependence on booze

Prisoners who refrain (or are prevented) from taking drugs for long enough to make it through withdrawal have a chance to cure their addiction, Cold Turkey style.

Advanced regime control
You can now control the regime for each security group independantly - Min sec / Normal sec / Max sec prisoners

Use this to rotate the actions of your different prisoner categories throughout the day. Regime 'Nothing' has been renamed 'Lockup', to better reflect its meaning. Prisoners must return to their cells during Lockup.

Prisoners now have a chance to surrender when faced with lethal force.
Armed guards shout warnings before opening fire. Weaker prisoners will surrender immediately, raising their hands in the air. More aggressive prisoners may surrender after being shot at or wounded by gunfire. Surrendered prisoners are immediately 100% suppressed, and will return to their cells after the armed guards have passed.

NOTE : Soldiers still do not shout warnings, and will not accept surrender once they have engaged a target.

I'll try and get a new prison update posted this weekend. Who will be the first to OD in NFL-Prison GAF?
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