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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


That poster needs to be in all future OPs.

Today was a good day brehs.

Finished up a big project at work, snagged myself Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, and now I'm listening to my favorite radio show while playing DOTA and drinking vodka.






Alright, we need Stafford photoshopped onto this one:


Bonus points if you replace the girl with Freeman.


Persecution Complex
Well theres Tenumi but otherwise no.

<3 Tenumi.

One of LionGAFs best.

Did any Lions show up for the ESPYs? Most of our players are humble and do not seek attention so I'm not surprised when I don't see posts like "OMG YOU SEE WHAT STAFFORD AND SUH WERE WEARING?!""

This guy:

Who let that Thug in the building?
he looks like that dude from Goodie Mob

Are you a Thug? Whats this defensivenes?

Felix presenter himself like a damn slob thug

deal with people calling it like it is, again

its disrespectful of the MLB

What is that?, listen if you present yourself to me as a damn thug, I will call it.

Their some players that look approachable cool, others look legit professionals its that simple.

Felix is a Thug guy, looks like he has MS13 ties, Cano looks like an approachable human.

Its a factual post what are you looking for?
that slob nfl guy thinks he cool looking like a
Slob thug next to legends like Marino,

I swear some of these fools dont respect the
leagues they play for. Dress as pros not thugs
You stick out like crazy next to legends.


Persecution Complex
Did any Lions show up for the ESPYs? Most of our players are humble and do not seek attention so I'm not surprised when I don't see posts like "OMG YOU SEE WHAT STAFFORD AND SUH WERE WEARING?!""

Any answers?

Kaep and Russ are attention whores. Same with Aaron Rodgers and his "relationship" with Olivia Munn. Was Stafford at the ESPYs? Probably to busy being a family man and mastering his craft. Even when he won his comeback player of the year ESPY (2011-2012?) you could tell he didn't give a shit. Same with Megatron and Suh.

Stafford does not seek attention. He knows it will come to him through his achievements (which he has already had IMO). He is confident in himself and does not need a Lambo with a matching colored suit like Kaep does to hide insecurities or a fake Goodie Good persona like Wussel.

I love my QB.



Any answers?

Kaep and Russ are attention whores. Same with Aaron Rodgers and his "relationship" with Olivia Munn. Was Stafford at the ESPYs? Probably to busy being a family man and mastering his craft. Even when he won his comeback player of the year ESPY (2011-2012?) you could tell he didn't give a shit. Same with Megatron and Suh.

Stafford does not seek attention. He knows it will come to him through his achievements (which he has already had IMO). He is confident in himself and does not need a Lambo with a matching colored suit like Kaep does to hide insecurities or a fake Goodie Good persona like Wussel.

I love my QB.


They aren't at the ESPYs because they haven't accomplished anything worth an award.


Any answers?

Kaep and Russ are attention whores. Same with Aaron Rodgers and his "relationship" with Olivia Munn. Was Stafford at the ESPYs? Probably to busy being a family man and mastering his craft. Even when he won his comeback player of the year ESPY (2011-2012?) you could tell he didn't give a shit. Same with Megatron and Suh.

Stafford does not seek attention. He knows it will come to him through his achievements (which he has already had IMO). He is confident in himself and does not need a Lambo with a matching colored suit like Kaep does to hide insecurities or a fake Goodie Good persona like Wussel.

I love my QB.


Kas, Kappy doesnt have a lambo silly goose he has the cheapest model Jaguar.


Persecution Complex
They aren't at the ESPYs because they haven't accomplished anything worth an award.

Our elite players like Matthew Stafford, Suh, Megatron, Larry Warford, Nick Fairley, DeAndre Levy etc. etc. don't need awards from ESPN too tell them what they've accomplished and what they have not accomplished.

Enjoy your brief time in the spotlight because its about to fade away.

The Roar will be Restored in Detroit.


Kas has become a parody of himself.

Hilarious coming from Coldplay. What have the Bungles done this offseason?
Our elite players like Matthew Stafford, Suh, Megatron, Larry Warford, Nick Fairley, DeAndre Levy etc. etc. don't need awards from ESPN too tell them what they've accomplished and what they have not accomplished.

Enjoy your brief time in the spotlight because its about to fade away.

The Roar will be Restored in Detroit.


Hilarious coming from Coldplay. What have the Bungles done this offseason?

ESPN don't give those guys awards for accomplishments, because they haven't accomplish shit beside sucking.
Bread is a terrible drunk.

What type of drink is he?

A) Never stfu, and is loud as fuck?
B) Never stfu, and wants to fight everyone?
C) The really emotional talk about all his ex gf?
D) The emotional homie that like "YOU MY NI*** BRO. HOMIES 4 LIFE I LOVE YOU MAN"
E) The ones that passes out and piss himself?
F) The quiet dude. You know the one that's in the club that doesn't dance but he just "lean back" guy?
G) Drunken mess that can't walk straight and bump into everyone


Bread is a hybrid of all of the above.

This drunk guy ran his face into a pole. Now he's jerking off in his room. Why?


Persecution Complex
Welp after two days of work missing due to pain in my ankle and knees I will have to use my legal prescription of Norcos to tough this shit out. I tried my best to work through the pain but fuck that. Construction sites even near done just require too much movement. I had trouble hopping a railing on Monday which really bothered me. I've been an athlete my whole life and now I'm having Greg-esque problems hopping a 4 ft. Railing?

I've got a 6'5 240 lb body in pretty good shape but I have chicken legs and just coming off a torn ligament in my ankle. I'm working out, swimming and my body is looking the best it has in years but I'm not productive at work due to pain. I tried Naproxen but that doesn't do a damn thing.

It's crunch time at work, then I'll have a couple of weeks till our next job mid August to work out my legs through squats etc.


Persecution Complex
Kas you gonna share then norcos?

From an Albanian to a Cambodian connoisseur, absolutely. Problem is I see my podiatrist Friday at 8:30 AM. I may have to delay it because of work.

Last time I saw him he did not want to prescribe me more because "I'm a smart kid, it's not good for me blah blah blah" I said "fine" I can handle the pain when I'm not at work. But now that I've gone to work I will need them for a few weeks or as needed.

If he does not want to prescribe me a narcotic I'll ask for a non narcotic like Tramadol.

If he refuses, fuck him I'm getting a second or third opinion.

I'm not in the mood to fuck around with workman comp bullshit and some doctors opinion on how to handle pain. Let me be the judge of that.


From an Albanian to a Cambodian connoisseur, absolutely. Problem is I see my podiatrist Friday at 8:30 AM. I may have to delay it because of work.

Last time I saw him he did not want to prescribe me more because "I'm a smart kid, it's not good for me blah blah blah" I said "fine" I can handle the pain when I'm not at work. But now that I've gone to work I will need them for a few weeks or as needed.

If he does not want to prescribe me a narcotic I'll ask for a non narcotic like Tramadol.

If he refuses, fuck him I'm getting a second or third opinion.

I'm not in the mood to fuck around with workman comp bullshit and some doctors opinion on how to handle pain. Let me be the judge of that.

You have a chronic pain doc? DPM is a crock of shit anyway, that shit is crooked as fuuuuuuck.


Persecution Complex
You have a chronic pain doc? DPM is a crock of shit anyway, that shit is crooked as fuuuuuuck.

No, my original Norco scripts are from when I first hurt my ankle in May. First M.D. I saw for my ankle after workman comp approved me gave me eighty 10/325 Norcos for two weeks. I didn't take them all. Then two week later I saw my podiatrist and he gave me sixty 10 mg/325 Norcs. Then two weeks (early June?) he gave me this talk about how he didn't want to get me hooked etc. and gave me twenty 5 mg/500 Vicodins.

I've been responsible with them and have a few left over. It helped that my employer is a family member so the whole process was expedited. I thought about going to a chronic pain doc, but why are they bad? PM me if you'd rather but weighing the cost and benefits it's cheaper for me to get it through old friends who have scripts etc.

I don't have insurance so I just pay cash anyway. But with my line of work in construction plus all the sports I've played my whole life the pain can get pretty bad and I'll be hitting 27 soon.


Your DPM gave you vicodins? I thought they stopped prescribing vicodins because of new FDA regulation on Tylenol and reducing the daily maximum to 3000mg a day. A DPM (podiatrist) is a doctor that wasn't good enough to make it through MD/DO school.

And you don't have insurance? Wtf is wrong with you people with no healthcare? I pay $10 a month for my HMO.


Persecution Complex
Your DPM gave you vicodins? I thought they stopped prescribing vicodins because of new FDA regulation on Tylenol and reducing the daily maximum to 3000mg a day. A DPM (podiatrist) is a doctor that wasn't good enough to make it through MD/DO school.

And you don't have insurance? Wtf is wrong with you people with no healthcare? I pay $10 a month for my HMO.

DPM meaning podiatrist? Yeah he wanted to wane me off the norcos (not that it needed that anyway, I was being responsible with my dosage) and did not want to prescribe me the Vics to begin with. And I'm well aware of the Tylenol dosage as was my podiatrist. That shit is deadly for your liver. He told me, but I already knew before hand.

And really at the end of the day aren't Vics and Norcs the same? Vics are 5 mg hydro codeine while Norcs are 10 MGs. The last thing he prescribed me were 5 mg hydro codeine/325 Tylenol.

I thought podiatrists were legit doctors, but the first day if saw him he was telling me "I'm going to treat you like a family member etc" but it seems he put me back a little to early.

Yeah I've thought about insurance just never got it due to paperwork and all that nonsense. Probably will have to one of these days, sooner rather than later.
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